
Showing posts from April, 2018

Infinite Atonement, Infinite Love

Saturday morning, before conference, my wife was talking to our kids about the Lord's atonement being not just for all sins but for all our pains. I reflected on some of the visions I've read of people who have been across the veil and in the Lord's presence. They describe an overwhelming love washing over and through them (not necessarily their words, but that is the gist of most). There are those who suffer grievous pains and indescribably horrible experiences at the hands of others in this mortal life. It is particularly sorrowful when these events happen to the most innocent of us mortals, our children. How is it that these pains can be forgotten amidst the love of the Lord? A simple analogy came to mind. Imagine a bucket of water. It is pure, clean, and clear. A drop of black dye is dropped in, and the water begins to cloud. More dye is dropped in and the water eventually becomes too black to see through. The atonement is an infinite atonement, and the Lord h

A Truly Historic Conference

Conferences are often said to be "historic," but this past weekend truly was. I love our prophet! I have not read comments or commentaries regarding the conference, and wanted to get my thoughts out before I read others. It was awesome to have the solemn assembly that first session, and to sustain our new prophet, the first presidency, and the apostles without the loud dissenters shouting out "No," like has happened in the last several conferences. I'm sure those dissenters didn't know the sustaining would happen in the first session, and not the second, when the traditional sustaining of the Church officers takes place. It made for a more spiritual experience. The change in priesthood organization announced Saturday night, with no more high priest groups in wards, but to have all high priests and elders meet in an elders quorum actually makes sense. It not only brings all the Melchizedek priesthood holders together (as all the Relief Society sisters