
Showing posts from October, 2019

Could the government find guns through doctors?

In a routine screening/checkup there are some doctors, from the article its pediatricians during well-child checkups, who may ask questions about guns in the home. Some questions I have. Do doctors really need to ask these questions? Is it there place to educate patients on gun safety? What happens with the answers? Does the doctor record the answer in the patient's record? My concern comes with a doctor recording any gun-related answer in the patient's health record. Most of these health records are in a digital format, often fully accessible across the doctor's healthcare network if the doctor is associated with a medical care facility or group. What parts of the health record are shared with insurance companies who process healthcare claims? Health records are supposed to become portable, that is easily transferable among healthcare pr

Election crossroad

"Behold, it came to pass that the son of Nephihah was appointed to fill the judgment-seat, in the stead of his father; yea, he was appointed chief judge and governor over the people, with an oath and sacred ordinance to judge righteously, and to keep the peace and the freedom of the people, and to grant unto them their sacred privileges to worship the Lord their God, yea, to support and maintain the cause of God all his days, and to bring the wicked to justice according to their crime." (Alma 50: 39 ) Wouldn't it be awesome if our governors and judges, who are appointed (voted in) by the people, would take office "with an oath and sacred ordinance to judge righteously, and to keep the peace and the freedom of the people, and to grant unto them their sacred privileges to worship the Lord their God, yea, to support and maintain the cause of God all [of their] days [in office], and to bring the wicked to j

The Gnome in the Home

On a lighter note... I told my wife a few weeks ago that I think I know where the myths of gnomes came from. Some parent decided to tell a story about little people. When a child asked what the little people were called, the parent looked at the two-year old, who doesn't want to do anything and says "No" a lot, and replied, they're called "No-omes" When asked how to spell it, the parent decided that a "gn" spelling would be better. So, when our two-year old is responding with "No!" when we ask him things, even if it's something he usually likes, I've been referring to him as our little gnome.

America at a Crossroad

Yesterday on KSL I read an article titled "Latter-day Saint leader says US is at a 'crossroad,' pleads for prayers for the country" The article links to the Church News site Here's a bit for the Church's page, from President Ballard “As an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have a solemn duty to face the Lord and deliver His message. His words often include words of encouragement and expressions of love. They also include words of warning.” The article continues with "America and the nations of the earth, as in times past, 'are at another crossroad,'" with the last being quoted from President Ballard. In some past posts I've mentioned how there were times in the Nephite c

Eagle Feathers and WWIII

There is a very interesting dream/prophesy in 2 Esdras chapters 11 and 12 (links are at the end). I first came across it several years ago while reading an online book called The Lost 10 Tribes by Michael Rush. The chapter in Rush's book referencing the chapters in 2 Esdras is found at: Since that time I've re-read the chapters in Esdras several times, and often thought about the feathers mentioned in the dream. The interesting thing about dreams, visions, and prophesies is, unless there is a specific, clear interpretation and explanation given, they are subject to a variety of interpretations and understandings. And it's usually not until the actual event, or afterwards, that they are more fully understood. Even those who have the dreams and visions have to be careful about giving their own interpretation. Esdras' dream is about an eagle with 3 heads and 20 feathers (which are also seemingly interchanged with and

April 2020 Conference - Something new coming next year

In the Sunday afternoon session of General Conference, President Nelson announced that next year, 2020, will be designated as a bicentennial year and general conference will be different. There will be (and are) speculations as to what "different" will be. We won't know until something is announced, but here are a couple of fun speculations. What if Joseph Smith, Jr. were in attendance? What if the priesthood session is held earlier at Adam-ondi-Ahman? Neither one of those will likely happen for next conference, but that would certainly add a lot of excitement if they did. There will also be more speculation that the time of the "Calling Out" or "Great Gathering" may start about that time. Possible, but not likely. We're absolutely heading towards the beginning of the end times, the start of the end game. Will 2020 mark the beginning? In this post from 2017 I made a few "predictions"