
Showing posts from December, 2018

More Analysts Also Believe a Recession is Coming

For well over a year, since before this post in November 2017 I have told people that I believe a recession is coming late 2019 or early 2020. I expect the recession to begin in late 2019, and things will get worse through 2020 (and probably into 2021 and possibly into 2022 before improvements are touted by the party in control...even though their policies really won't be helpful in the long run). Over the last year I've read more and more analysts starting to project a similar start to the next recession--late 2019 or 2020. Today I read three articles that go right along these lines...and they are not from some fringe financial group looking to stir up fear among investors. What Wall Street strategists forecast for the S&P 500 in 2019   Next US recession will be 'much worse' than the last: Euro

The Promise of the Land of Promise

In a previous post I showed where Moroni identifies the Jaredites as having lived, and were destroyed, in "this north country." And, as he was very likely writing in the records cave at Hill Cumorah, or in the vicinity, "this north country" would refer to North America, and more particularly the United States. Moroni and his father Mormon gave several warning directed to us. Some are for everyone. Some are specifically for those of us living in the "land of promise, which is choice above all other lands" (Ether 2:7). Verses 8 -1 12 of Ether chapter 2 contain the promise of the land of promise. If we serve God, our country will be "free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven" (verse 12). But, if we do not serve God, we "will be swept off when the fulness of his wrath" comes upon us (verse 9), which will not come "until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are sw

Possible Changes in North America at the Time of the Lord's Death

(continued from Was the Nephite Civilization in North America?) Now, let's go into a bit of "what ifs." We assume that what we've been taught by various sciences is correct. In particular, we assume it takes hundreds of thousands of years (or millions of years) for geographic changes to occur. But we also know how devastating a large hurricane can be. Or the destruction that can occur with a big flood. Or the changes that can occur with a volcanic eruption. Or the damage earthquakes can cause. Any one of those events can change the landscape of the area, and they don't take millennia, years, or even months to cause the change. . Now go and read 3 Nephi chapter 8, and remember the Nephites had been in the land for over 600 years. Here's some bits from that chapter. There was "a great storm, such an one as never had been known in all the land" (verse 5). Remember, this is storm that nobody had experienced in the 600+ years the Nephi

Was the Nephite Civilization in North America?

As I grew up in the Church, it was commonly accepted (and generally still is) that Lehi's family probably arrived somewhere in Central America, or in the northern part of South America (and the Nephites migrated north to Central America). But, there were times when I wondered if that was correct. And, over the last several years I've come to believe that it isn't correct. That's not to say there aren't those of Lamanite descent in Central and South America, because there certainly are. Most people tend to think that the Nephites stayed in a region, but the truth is they traveled and had commerce all over. And, we have no idea how long it took them to travel. We assume that a day's travel for them was the same as it it for us. I believe Lehi's family most likely arrived somewhere in the southeastern United States. It may have been along the Gulf coast, but I think it's more likely to have been along the south eastern shores. It had to be an area

Boy Scouts of America- Possible Bankruptcy?

We won't ever know all the details about the sexual abuse that occurred through the years. The Boy Scouts of America is facing a lot of litigation concerning sexual abuse, and it may be that the BSA files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. It's saddening that a once great organization is facing so much difficulty. It seems that its problems have increasingly gotten worse over the last 30 or so years, with even more occurring in the last 10-15.. I don't know the reasons, but I suspect the following. The organization, particularly the leadership, lost it's focus on the program and its values for boys. I'm not saying the values and program wouldn't be good for girls. But boys really need it. People tend to say girls are more social. And, while girls may generally talk more, and share their feelings more, boys are just as social. If they weren't s

Mid-term election thoughts towards the coming recession

I know it's been almost a month and half since the elections. First, I am glad the Democrats didn't win control of the Senate and the House. But, I was right in predicting earlier this year that they would get at least control of the House. Not that that was a hard prediction. This could be good for the markets, at least in the short term. Very little will get done with the new Congress. The House Democrats will push their agenda, including aggressive attacks on gun rights, and will pass all kinds of legislation through their committees. But, very little will be passed into law by the Republican controlled Senate. The Democrats know this, but it's all political gamesmanship. They are shooting for the Presidency and full control of Congress in the 2020 election. As for the markets, since nothing is likely to happen, it will mostly be status quo and predicable, at least for the first half of the year. Investors like predictability and stability. And, they won'

The persistent (and worsening) drought

The year has been busy and I haven't kept as up-to-date with various events like I have in the past few years. However, there are still drought conditions. Most of California, despite a heavy snowfall a couple of years ago, is still in drought. Drought is spreading. Here's the December 11, 2018, drought monitor. While this changes weekly, monthly, and by season, what is most striking to me is how solid the southwest US is in drought conditions. Usually there are heavy areas of drought, with more non-drought areas. And I don't see as much in the midwest and east. When it comes to famine, drought is usually what comes to mind as a causal factor. But, drought is the obvious. Excess rain can cause crop failures as well. So can pests. There are even plant diseases that can devastate crops. Then there are many natural disasters. Of course wars and other geopolitical factors can also play a role. Regarding the drought, "The head of the federal agency con

It's the busy time of year

It's hard to believe how busy the last couple months have been. November went by in a seeming blur. After Thanksgiving my focus, for whatever extra time I could get, was getting all my assignments done for my two graduate classes. Now that the semester is done, it's time for the holidays and all the busyness that entails. I'm hoping to make a few additions to this blog over the next few weeks...before the next and final semester for the masters degree. I suspect my posts will probably taper off before April, and then pick back up again after graduation in May.