Possible Coming Events

I was surprised (pleasantly) that Trump won the election, and relieved that he made it through to actually become the president. He is far from a perfect president, but he was better than the alternative. I am not a die-hard Trump fan, and up until about two weeks before the election I was considering alternatives (with Clinton NOT being an option). Even though I'd basically decided to vote for Trump, it was still up in the air until I cast my ballot. One of the convincing reasons to vote for Trump was I saw him kind of like Omni, he might not keep all of the "statutes and commandments of the Lord" (Omni 1:2), but he would be more likely to fight to preserve the liberties of the people.

The globalists--those seeking for power and control over others, who want to eliminate constitutional liberties, who believe some people have more "rights" than others, who believe government (or an elect few) should control and dictate how the general citizenry lives and that the people should be dependent on the government, etc.--are ticked off. I'm not convinced they are accelerating their timetable though. It's my opinion they are testing the waters. I think they may be wary of too much backlash if they push too hard, and then they'll lose more ground. They suffered two big defeats last year with Brexit and Trump. They could try to force an acceleration of their plans, but without gaining sympathy and increased support for their vision they risk losing more ground. It would be better if they could convince people to vote their puppets into power.

I think the globalists will take some kind of action against Trump. For now, I think they are taking a wait and see approach; waiting to see if any of the various movements to impeach Trump pan out; waiting to see if their media puppets can sway enough people to turn on the new administration.

Personally I think it's more likely an economic crash will be orchestrated. The cards are mostly, if not all, in place. But it can't happen too soon or they won't be able to pin the fault all on Trump. It could happen later this year, but they want to regain power so their best option is to try to hold off the stock market crash until sometime in 2018. If it happens during 2018, just as mid-term elections are ramping up, then the globalists will not only be able to pin the fault on Trump, but also on the Republicans. And maybe, by having an economic crash in 2018, they will be able to put the Democrats in control of one or both houses of Congress.

There are several accounts of dreams or visions regarding the coming economic crash (I'm not referring to the full economic collapse). Those with "timing" associated with this event place it as happening in the fall, most likely in October. I'm not saying this October. There is no year given. It could happen this year, but if a big stock market crash happened in October 2018, right before the mid-term election, it would probably do a lot to sway votes towards the Democrats, or at least towards those who are anti-Trump.

I'm not saying the Republicans aren't involved with the globalists. Many are involved one way or another. For the most part, and at the present time, I see the Democrats and Republicans as two sides of the same coin.  The difference is with a "Republican" president, the Republicans might actually get some things done that may preserve constitutional liberties, or at least delay further erosion of our freedoms.

Basically, while Trump ran as a Republican, Trump is an independent, which makes things interesting when you consider statements attributed to Joseph Smith regarding an independent party.

Duane S. Crowther, in Prophesy Key to the Future, quotes Mosiah Lyman Hancock's book, Life Story of Mosiah Lyman Hancock, where Hancock records a statement the prophet Joseph Smith told him. On page 10 of Crowther's book he quotes:

"There will be two great political parties in this country. One will be called the Republican, and the other the Democrat party. These two parties will go to war and out of these two parties will spring another party which will be the Independent American Party."

The quote then goes on to talk about other nations wanting to divide up the United States, and liberty hanging "by a hair."

The quote is not a direct statement written by Joseph Smith, so it's hard to verify the exact words. The rise of the "Independent American Party" could indicate an actual party. Or, if the capitalization is omitted, it could indicate that there will be those from both the Republican and Democrat parties who will become disenfranchised with their parties and leave to become independent Americans. The past few elections have seen a greater increase in the number of "independent Americans," or those who are unaffiliated with either Democrat or Republican parties.

One should also note that the quote does not state that the independent party will win an election.

There also happens to be an actual, registered "Independent American Party." But the party is small and hasn't fielded many candidates in recent years.

Anyway, if the economy takes a big nose dive, and Trump can be blamed, then it will be easier to take him out of the presidency without risking the American people becoming empathetic to the Trump/Republican course for the country. If Trump is taken out too soon, then the globalists could risk a greater backlash. Similarly, if the economy tanks too soon, it would not necessarily work to the Globalists advantage in getting more of their people voted in. It would be better for them to allow failures to be blamed on Trump and the Republicans. And, if that failure happens closer to a mid-term election (or even presidential election) the odds are higher that Democrats will win more seats in Congress.

On a related note to the economic crash, John Koyle had a number of visions in the early 20th century, some of which applied to the coming economic crash that happens towards the end. There was no date, but he apparently said the crash would happen on a holiday weekend when the holiday falls on a Monday. Related to this, the crash would happen before a period of famine and drought.

I realize this is pure conjecture, but if we combine the economic crash with those who see the crash happening in the fall, and specifically in October, then there are only a few holidays, such as Veterans Day (in November), and Columbus Day in October. Federal holidays tend to observe Columbus Day as the second Monday, but the actual Columbus Day is October 12. The next time October 12 falls on a Monday is in 2020. Veterans Day falls on a Monday in 2019 and again in 2024. Personally, as it should be clear from past posts, I'm not sold on specific dates. I just thought I'd put out the idea. I'm not sure how the economy could survive until 2020 without a severe correction, but I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been more market correction in the last year. So, I suppose things could continue on until 2019 or 2020, but it would likely make the coming correction even more severe.

Regarding the various earthquakes,  I've read several accounts regarding at least two big earthquakes striking the Wasatch Front, with the second (or last) quake being exceptionally strong. Besides Julie and Hector, the book Visions of Glory mentions a large earthquake happening previous to the really big one. It's easy to miss the reference since Visions has greater focus and detail on the massively destructive quake. There are some others who have related visions of multiple earthquakes.

Personally I think this spring or summer (2017) are more likely for the first Utah earthquake. I kept getting a little apprehensive last year when there was talk of an earthquake coming that year. It just didn't feel right for timing. That said, I could be off and the earthquake might not happen this year.

When the warning earthquake does happen, I'm not convinced the really big earthquake will happen the following year. I think enough people will, at least temporarily, repent and return to God that the bigger judgment quake won't happen for a few years (maybe as few as three but probably not more than seven). The rest of the country will likely continue further into wickedness, but the Wasatch Front will probably have a little delay before the majority of the people follow after the rest of the country.

The Lord frequently uses droughts and famines, and according to Koyle there will be a four year period of drought and famine in Utah which will get successively worse each year, and seven years of famine in the world. Realize "famine" does not equate to drought, although a drought could cause a famine. A famine is basically a scarcity of food, which could be the result of wars, storms, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, earthquakes, etc. While Utah has had periods of drought, I don't think any have occurred during a nationwide famine.

So, for a hypothetical sequence, how about a wake-up earthquake in 2017 (maybe 2018), followed by the beginning of a four year drought/famine in Utah starting in 2018 or 2019. Then there's a couple years where things seem to improve, but it's actually a final call to prepare. If the famine in Utah occurs, it may start a year or two after the food shortages (famine) begin in many places around the world.

Or a more extended outlook could be the wake-up earthquake in the next couple years, the economic/stock market crash in 2020 (which would be a really big crash if it waits that long), followed by the famine/drought beginning in 2021 and lasting through 2024.

It is my opinion that the first Utah earthquake will be most likely to happen when a majority of Church members support evil and those whose "values" oppose God's. We are almost at that point.

I think if a medical marijuana bill is passed by the Utah legislature, that it could be an indicator as the legislators are supposedly representative of the people. I'm not debating possible viable and legitimate uses for marijuana, but the passage of "medical marijuana" is a stepping stone towards legalization of the drug. Even the Utah Medical Association says the phrase "medical marijuana" is deceptive.

However, the Utah legislature isn't planning to address any medical marijuana bill in 2017. https://www.ksl.com/index.php?sid=43001073&nid=757&title=utah-lawmakers-wont-legalize-medical-marijuana-this-year But the groundwork most likely be laid for at least the introduction of another medical marijuana bill, if not actually passing one. This article does state, "Polls consistently show Utahns support medical cannabis, and the Legislature is proving itself unwilling to help thousands of suffering Utahns, said Connor Boyack, president of the Libertas Institute." Additionally, "Libertas and other groups intend to work toward a 2018 ballot initiative to legalize medicinal use of cannabis in Utah."

So, in my thinking, if a medical marijuana bill is passed it is indicative of an underlying current of support and tolerance for legalized drug use, temporarily disguised as "medical use," and for increasing iniquity.

Already there has been an accelerating trend to not keep the Sabbath Day holy through increased shopping, recreational, and athletic events on the Sabbath.

If a medical marijuana bill doesn't pass, then I don't think it's as likely an earthquake will happen. But that doesn't mean I won't be prepared for one.

I've mentioned in another post that I don't know what message Hector received where he interpreted it to mean that Obama would be the last President. I do know that dreams and visions have to be carefully interpreted, and they could have multiple meanings. If the person isn't instructed as to what the exact words should be when sharing the message with others, there is a risk in us choosing our own words to describe/define what is seen or being shared. And our choice of words could easily cause misunderstanding in others.

If I saw (which I didn't) a vision with Obama as the president followed by visions of destruction and chaos throughout the country, I would probably interpret that as Obama being the last president. But it could just as easily mean that following Obama's presidency would come a time of increasing chaos and destruction, but there could still be a president.

Again, I don't know what Hector saw.

It is my opinion that Obama will be the last full-term president.

Personally, I'm becoming more convinced that we are likely in for a series of Presidents who will not serve full terms. Trump will likely be removed from office within 2-3 years. Pence will likely become the new president, but he probably won't win the 2020 election (and it's possible he might not even be president long enough to get to the election). Whoever is elected in 2020 will not likely make it to the end of that term before the country falls to destructions, natural and man-made (including attacks).

While I'm not opposed to things happening earlier, I still think we have until 2020, or as late as 2024, before the real destruction (including the monster Utah quake) in America happens. I'm leaning more towards 2023-24. Joel Skousen (I've listened to several of his analysis) seems to believe that sometime in the next decade is when Russia and China will be ready to attack America, most likely early to mid-2020's. If Clinton had made it to the White House I'd only give the country up to 2020, but with Trump the country might make it to 2023-24.

That said, we don't have that long to prepare. Things will continue to get worse. Record breaking weather events will continue. 100-year or 1,000-year storm events will increase. There may be a period of drought/famine, along with issues (geo-political, economic, etc.), which could last several years. It may not be so bad in some areas that food becomes completely unavailable, but I suspect getting extra to build up food storage will be very difficult.

As I've read through reports on various natural disasters over the past year, it was surprising how often the storms, flood, rains, or whatever it was ended up destroying a large number of crops in the area. We haven't experienced much in the way of food shortages, yet, but if the natural disasters continue, and increase (as I expect them to) we will start to see shortages and increased prices.

An interesting side note is the sun is going into a solar minimum, a period with decreasing sunspots, which occurs about every 11 or so years (the solar cycle). The current solar cycle is expected to end in 2019 or 2020, although it could last to 2022. What's interesting about this solar cycle is there appears to be a possibility that the sun could be entering into a grand minimum cycle soon, either in the next cycle or the one after it. And there appears to be a correlation between solar activity and earth's weather and earthquakes.

With regards to the sun, a single large flare would end up causing more damage than several EMP's.

And then there's earth's magnetic poles which appear to be accelerating towards a pole shift. Most scientists think this would likely take a long time (hundreds or thousands of years), but there is evidence it could happen within the span of one person's lifetime. While nobody knows how long it would take, or what would happen when it does, It's interesting that some of the hypothesized effects of a pole shift also seem to match some of the signs of the sixth and seventh seals of Revelation.

I digress.

As for future events, I believe key events will happen. However, I also believe that when these events happen is dependent on a number of other factors. The events could happen in succession, one right after the other. Or, events may happen simultaneously, or nearly at the same time. Or, they could be a period of time in between the major events.

Likewise, when it comes to how the various events will transpire it is hard to give an exact sequence of factors that will lead to the event, or what the event will actually be like.

Yoda was right about seeing the future when he said, "Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future."

That said, I do believe those who are faithful and watching can be warned of what will happen, and can be directed to become prepared, in whatever way is needful. Most will likely not know exactly what is about to occur, nor when, but they will do as the Spirit guides. Some will be warned years in advance. Some will be warned immediately before.

I believe when an event is happening more people will likely become aware that it is fulfilling a prophesy. But most people will not realize a prophesied event, or revelation, has been fulfilled until after the event is done, and usually not until sometime later.

As an additional note, regarding Julie Rowe, here's a link to a transcript from an interview with Mills Crenshaw on July 16, 2014.

In the interview she states that she and her husband replace their car every five years. The car they bought in December 2013 was the same one she had previously seen in in one of her visions in 2004 in which she and her family were driving to the place of refuge.

If things proceed as normal, the Rowes will be looking to replace their current vehicle at the end of 2018, if they keep to exactly five years. This is one reason I believe that Julie believes things will be happening "soon."

However, conditions might be that they won't be looking to replace their vehicle until 2019. Or, if economic conditions aren't very good, they may end up keeping their vehicle longer, such as in the case of a job loss. Or, what if the replacement vehicle ends up looking very similar to their current one. I'm not sure if the vision provided an exact make, model, and year of the vehicle, and a lot of vehicles can have similar looks, especially those which are the same make and model but different years. And, if a similar vehicle is purchased in 2018 or early 2019, five more years would be 2023-24.

For those who have read Visions of Glory, supposedly "Spencer" currently has the vehicle he saw in his visions when the really big earthquake strikes Salt Lake City. But, I could make similar statements regarding this vehicle as I did with Julie's. I have nothing but third party references to Spencer having the car, so I don't know how valid they are.

If you can't tell, I try to get information from a lot of different sources, and I try to not confine myself to a specific timeline or even event sequence, although I do like to try to figure out possible event sequences and timelines.

Knowing an exact date, or even just a year, for a major catastrophic event would be convenient so we could plan for it. But the truth is most people would just procrastinate their planning and preparations, knowing the event was at a future date. Then they would discover that other conditions have developed which make it difficult or impossible to adequately prepare for the event. When it comes to judgment, if we know the date of an event, I believe we will be held to a higher standard of expectation and judgment that those who did not know the date, but who followed the general counsel of preparedness. Who would be looked on more favorably, the one who knew but didn't prepare very well or the one who did not know but who prepared the best they could?


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