
Showing posts from July, 2016

Strange Sounds in the Sky

Besides reading various news sites, from science, technology, world, politics, etc., I will occasionally watch videos that people have put out. I've seen several videos which have video clips with strange sounds that people have recorded around the world. Supposedly these sounds have been heard in various places since 2011. The sounds have been unexplained, at least as far as I've been able to get information. Here's a couple links: Santiago, Chile, September 2011 An unknown location There are plenty of other places. There also seems to be a couple types of sounds, although the ones linked above are the most common. Some have referred to them as the trumps of Revelation. There could be truth to that. After listening and watching several videos on this sounds a couple of weeks ago, my thoughts started wondering what a Shofar sounded like. A shofar is a Hebrew instrument made from an an

Prophets Don't Reveal Everything

I frequently see somebody use Amos 3:7 as part of their comment in various forums. The quote is often used in an attempt to justify that major events won't be happening unless we hear it from the prophet. Usually this is used against those who profess to have dreams or visions of events of these last days. "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." This statement is true. But, what people forget is it does not say, "and surely the prophets shall reveal his secrets to all the people." If fact, very little of what God reveals to his prophets are they permitted to reveal to us. There are several places in the scriptures where the prophet states something like, "I want to say/write more, but the Spirit forbids me to do so." Even when the Savior visits the people in the Americas they were unable to record everything that was said, forbidden to do so, or told to seal up the things which wer

Follow the Prophet -- Prepare

It's a statement many have heard since nursery, primary, and Sunday School, and it's frequently stated in Church meetings, "Follow the prophet." But many Latter-day Saints only pay lip-service to this statement. They follow the counsel only if it fits their personal ideals, wishes, or beliefs. The counsel is only heeded if it's convenient or easy. Doctrine and Covenants section 90 verse 5: "And all they who receive the oracles of God, let them beware how they hold them lest they are accounted as a light thing, and are brought under condemnation thereby, and stumble and fall when the storms descend, and the winds blow, and the rains descend, and beat upon their house." How often are the counsels given by God's oracles--the prophets and apostles--either ignored or treated lightly? Unfortunately, the answer is too often. Once would be bad enough, but the Saints, in general, have a tendency to do this regularly. Over twenty years ago

The Right Vote

In the United States of America we have the privilege, the right, to vote. The problem is too many abstain from exercising their right. And to further complicate matters, most of those who do vote do so uninformed, usually voting based on name recognition (either voting for or against a particular person) or by party affiliation. In the past I have voted primarily Republican. I used to have the mindset that by voting for a third-party candidate it would be a vote for the Democrat candidate, who usually espouses agendas, goals, and platforms which I do not support. Thus in my naivete I bought into the idea that to support the candidate who had the greatest chance at winning, who was not the one I really opposed. Another way to look at this fallacy is to vote for the lesser of two evils. But the problem is even if you are voting for the lesser of two evils you are still voting for evil. Included in my reading this morning was Doctrine and Covenants section 98. (

Being Open Minded

We tend to believe that which most aligns with our own beliefs, values, ethics, and biases. And, we seek--often unconsciously--that which will justify those beliefs, values, ethics, and biases. This leads me to define what I refer to as being open-minded, which likely has a different meaning for others. I think most people think open-minded is open-morals, or open to anything and everything. To me, being open-minded involves becoming aware that we have biases and desires, but being willing to accept that there may be a better way, or a truth that transcends the "truths" we believe in. Open mindedness is part of accepting God's will for us and putting our faith and trust in God.  Open-minded also allows for everyone to make use of their own freedom to choose and act, as long as those actions do not affect the freedoms of others. Killing, crime, even many moral issues can negatively affect the freedoms of others. God gave commandments to help us maintain our f

Zion Shall Escape If...

This morning I was reading in the Doctrine and Covenants section 97. I've read the D&C many times before. This time verses 22 through 26 caught my attention and I reread those verses several times. 22 For behold, and lo, vengeance cometh speedily upon the ungodly as the whirlwind; and who shall escape it?  23 The Lord’s scourge shall pass over by night and by day, and the report thereof shall vex all people; yea, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come;  24 For the indignation of the Lord is kindled against their abominations and all their wicked works.  25 Nevertheless, Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her.  26 But if she observe not to do whatsoever I have commanded her, I will visit her according to all her works, with sore affliction, with pestilence, with plague, with sword, with vengeance, with devouring fire. ( I've read theses verses many times before


No, I did not misspell "fulness." This particular spelling is what is most often used in the scriptures, often in reference to a period of time, a dispensation, called "the fulness of times." The fulness of times is also known as the last days, or the period of time preceding the Second Coming of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For those who may not be aware, this is also the period of time in which we are living. It is a time when the Lord's church has been restored to the earth with the fulness of truth, including the ordinances and priesthood authority, necessary for the children of God to be able to return to God's presence. It is also a period of time when many of the mysteries of the world and universe are to begin to be revealed, and a time when progress will continue to expand and evolve. The more common approach is the last days view, with a focus on the doom and gloom, the destruction and calamities, and the whole world being in commot