
Showing posts from April, 2021

In the name of

 Another mass shooting...doesn't really even matter where. There will be more calls for gun control...more grandstanding...more politicizing...more political gamesmanship...more false expressions from the politicians. Yes, false expressions.  I am becoming more convinced that most, if not all, politicians who call for more gun control know what they are pushing will not solve the problem and will not do much to even prevent gun violence.  They know that pushing gun control will get them votes and votes keep them in power and control. And many politicians know that controlling guns increases their power, so why wouldn't they want more gun control. And there are some who really do want to take away the Constitutional freedoms and liberties of this country. They truly are conspiring to take as much power, control, and authority that they can and to keep that power, control, and authority. Both sides of the political aisle are guilty, but right now the liberals are in power and the