
Showing posts from January, 2022

To Mandate or Not to Mandate? Choice is the Question.

 The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly added to the divisiveness in the US as well as in other parts of the world. Not just the virus but the vaccines have added fuel to the fire. As mentioned in other posts, I am not anti-vax.  Isn't it interesting how much money vaccine manufacturers are making where as only a few years ago vaccine manufacturing (supposedly) did not make a company much of a profit, if any. Now a coronavirus has transformed the vaccine manufacturing into a billion-dollar industry. But that money isn't (directly) from consumers. The money is tax money (from citizens) given to vaccine manufacturers directly from the government. Doesn't that raise red flags? And without any long term, double-blind, control group based studies I am hesitant to believe the hype of the COVID-19 vaccines. Especially when their effectiveness seems to drop much quicker than natural immunity (obtained by someone actually getting ill with the virus), and especially when vaccine manufac

The designs of conspiring men?

 I don't buy into the big conspiracy theories about COVID and everyone in government trying to take power and control over the people. I believe most people are sincerely trying to do what they believe and feel is best. Unfortunately most people also listen to prevailing advice and opinions blasted into the public's ears. I received this email today, and took out the identifying information. It seems honest enough, but it follows the narrative of medical "experts" most of whom don't even practice medicine in the "trenches" (so to speak) but are into the research and lab analysis. Hello,  You are receiving this email as during routine contact tracing we were notified you may have been in contact with an individual who has recently tested positive for COVID-19. Currently the [organization] does not require any information from you, we are letting you know for transparency/informational purposes only. If you are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 then there is n