
Showing posts from May, 2021

Why good laws are often cluttered with bad legislation

 When a solution is offered by a politician (or anyone in position of power, authority, influence, or control over others) why are good parts mingled with bad? For example, let's go with gun control because it's often easiest to see the good and bad. The ultimate desire for gun control advocates is to take away guns. Guns are pushed as the problem that needs to be controlled. But that's not true. Any reasonable person knows guns don't shoot people, it's the person holding the gun who pulls the trigger.  So the gun control lobby has to mix some truth in, like mental health problems or people buying guns illegally. By mixing some truth in with the lies more people buy into everything as being true, including guns being the problem. The solution is then presented that gun control is needed. Part of the solution includes help for those with mental health issues. Part of the solution addresses how to stop people from illegally purchasing guns. And, since most gun control

The real reason we're seeing more "mass shootings"

 This past Monday I walked by a TV at work where CNN was reporting on a bunch of mass shootings over the weekend. I only watched for a few minutes. In one incident two people were killed and several injured. CNN didn't state it outright, but the implication was the incident was gang related. Similarly another "mass" shooting where a 6 year old (my heart goes out...I've got little kids and these things hurt my heart) was killed also seems to be gang-related, but CNN did not report it as gang violence. How many other "mass shootings" are gang related? I'm not saying these are any better. They're just as bad. The problem is these shootings are now being covered as "mass shootings" And I realized the new strategy for gun control. Those wanting to take guns away, who want to regulate, restrict, and even prohibit the free exercise of the Second Amendment have now decided to focus on the guns as the cause of violence and they will use any shooting

Temple Ordinances are Eternal in Nature

On May 24 the First Presidency announced marriages for "time-only" will no longer be performed in the temple. There will be people who will complain about this or get upset because they see it as a change to something the Church has done for a very long time. I like the change. I believe it emphasizes the eternal blessings of the sealing ordinance. I think it elevates eternal marriage and further differentiates it from civil marriage. Unfortunately marriage has become diluted in its importance. It's been under attack for decades, but same-sex marriage, which God never authorized in any way, has diminished the sacred and sweet union that marriage between a husband and wife should be. I still think the time is coming when couples will be required to be married civilly, to meet the legal requirements of marriage, before they can be sealed in the temple. I've mentioned this in several past posts.  I expect this announcement to come about the same time the LGBTQ+ movement

The better alternative to the COVID vaccine

 Do you know how to reduce your chances of an adverse COVID illness? Here's a hint. It doesn't include getting the vaccine. I read some of these articles last year, but the media didn't cover them then. Since Biden was sworn in I've seen more of these articles in the "mainstream" media. So how do you reduce your chances of getting COVID, and reduce the likelihood of a serious illness if you get it? Health. More specifically making sure your body has the vitamins and minerals it should have. And get more physically fit. There are studies that show patients with healthier immune systems were less likely to be hospitalized, and if they were hospitalized they got over COVID faster. There are studies that show healthier COVID patients were less likely to die (even the elderly one). There are studies showing that increasing your fitness reduces your chances of a serious bout of COVID (not to mention it reduces your chances of serious illnesses). But there isn't

Yes, you get your Constitutional freedoms but first

 We are supposed to be free. We are supposed to be guaranteed our Constitutional liberties and rights. But that is changing. A big "IF" is coming... Besides the various infringements, regulations, and restrictions that whittle away our liberties and rights-- often in the name of safety, protection, or security--there is another threat. It's coming... It won't be long before you will only be allowed to exercise all (or what's left) of your Constitutional freedoms that revolve around your life, liberty, and pursuit of Happiness if you have proof you have the COVID vaccine. It doesn't matter if you actually had COVID. In the minds of those in charge, those who think and believe they know better than you, having the actual disease is inferior to having the vaccine. And, because of fear mongering (which is part of the plan to control you and the population as a whole) the majority of people are beginning to believe that having the vaccine is the key to return to &q