A Truly Historic Conference

Conferences are often said to be "historic," but this past weekend truly was.

I love our prophet!

I have not read comments or commentaries regarding the conference, and wanted to get my thoughts out before I read others.

It was awesome to have the solemn assembly that first session, and to sustain our new prophet, the first presidency, and the apostles without the loud dissenters shouting out "No," like has happened in the last several conferences. I'm sure those dissenters didn't know the sustaining would happen in the first session, and not the second, when the traditional sustaining of the Church officers takes place. It made for a more spiritual experience.

The change in priesthood organization announced Saturday night, with no more high priest groups in wards, but to have all high priests and elders meet in an elders quorum actually makes sense. It not only brings all the Melchizedek priesthood holders together (as all the Relief Society sisters are together) but it brings them all under a ward president who has been set apart and given priesthood keys. Before, the high priests were all part of the stake high priest quorum, and the stake president presides over that quorum and holds the keys. But, there was no one at the ward level. Now, all the priesthood holders are part of local (ward) quorums under a priesthood leader who holds the keys. It also makes more sense to streamline and make the priesthood more efficient and effect, especially in light of the change announced Sunday afternoon.

Home teaching and visiting teaching are going away...to be replaced by a more one-on-one ministering approach. It will be a difficult change for many, particularly those focused on numbers and reporting those numbers. But, for those willing to put forth the effort it will be a greater blessing to everyone. I like the change, although it will not be any easier for an introvert like me to open up to others, to get to know them, to reach out to those who may need me.

And both changes make the change made to priesthood and relief society meetings at the beginning of the year more relevant. That change was a move away from lessons and towards meeting together as councils to not just discuss the Gospel, but to discuss how they can better minister to the needs of those in the ward.

I thought it was interesting that Elder Holland was asked to speak on the change. His talk was like a second part to his talk from October 2016, Emissaries to the Church, https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2016/10/emissaries-to-the-church?lang=eng. I had thought it was from last October, but discovered was from a year earlier.

It was also awesome to hear of seven new temples announced, including one to be built in Russia (the location was not announced).

With the events that have been happening in Russia over the last couple years, including the change of missionaries to being called volunteers and the restrictions on proselyting, it would seem that a temple is needed in the country before it closes its doors to foreigners, and possibly restricts travel of its own people. I expect that to happen as early as 2020, but more likely around 2022-23...sometime after a new U.S. president is elected, who will most likely be a Democrat.

The Lord is hastening his work.

I also thought it was interesting the messages about being guided by the Holy Ghost, and receiving revelation. And, once again, President Nelson (in his priesthood session talk) talked about our need to have priesthood power in our homes.


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