
Showing posts from April, 2020

Masked truth

The country is stepping another direction towards de-identification of individuals, although the current step wasn't one I anticipated in my post late last year. Masks. They're popping up more and more as people try to avoid getting sick from the COVID-19. But, if anyone pays attention to what the professionals are saying, even though more and more are advocating the wearing of masks, masks will not keep you from getting sick. Especially masks that are not N95 (or equivalent or higher protection) won't keep you from getting sick. When you wear a mask the only real protection that is happening is you are protecting others from you. When you sneeze or cough your droplets won't go everywhere. Masks will give you some protection, by they are not as effective as people think they are at keeping you safe. So, if you're feeling under the weather, wear a mask if you have to g

COVID-19 -- Why all the self-quarantines are the wrong approach

First off, COVID-19 is a serious virus and has caused death. I am not discounting this. And I am not opposed to social distancing on a reasonable scale. Some stores and places are taking it a little extreme. Being an introvert, social distancing isn't disagreeable. I think it's great we are getting massive, national attention to improving personal hygiene, namely thoroughly washing hands. I've told my wife and others that if this continues we will probably have a decline in flus and colds over the next couple years, until people start getting lax again. The problem in our country is we are not allowed to be sick, ill, or in any way feel under the weather. Work is all about work. Far too many people feel that they have to work or they may lose their job. Far too many people go to work when they aren't feeling well, because they feel like they have to work or they don't have much, if any, sick leave to take. And almost every company, business, organization, or

President Nelson on the Second Coming

The April 2020 Ensign has an article from President Nelson titled "The Future of the Church: Preparing the World for the Savior’s Second Coming" which can be found online at I've taken a few paragraphs from our prophet's message. "Remember that the fulness of Christ’s ministry lies in the future. The prophecies of His Second Coming have yet to be fulfilled. We are just building up to the climax of this last dispensation—when the Savior’s Second Coming becomes a reality." For those who think the Second Coming is about to come, the prophet's words are clear: that time is still in the future and there are pre-Second Coming prophecies that need to be fulfilled. The article mentions several of those prophecies. Note his words "We are just building up to the climax of this last dispensation" which means