
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Hijacking of Democracy

Democracy. In its shortest definition, it is government by the majority rule of the people. While it sounds good, it is also a messy form of government because in a true democracy everyone votes on every law. There are no protections of those in minorities. It is the rule of the majority. We like the idea of the rule of the people, and so we push the idea of democracy. But, America's founding fathers also knew the dangers of a democracy. So they set up a representative form of government, based on democracy, with elected representatives and an elected president. So, the United States of America is not a true democracy, it is a republic. More current definitions may clarify that it is a representative democracy. The founding fathers knew the dangers of a strictly representative democracy and a true democracy. In a representative form of government it could become easy for representatives to not vote for the people, and the enacted laws could benefit a few. Certainly the