
Showing posts from March, 2017

Wickedness is Increasing

I remember reading a few years ago, I think it was in the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith but I'm not positive, that the Prophet had a vision about the future and saw things which caused him to want the vision to be closed. I had thought the vision was on the devastating destructions that would be coming, the wars, earthquakes, storms, famine, plagues, etc. which would be enough for most people to turn away from in horror. But, this morning I had the impression that he saw much more than these. If the vision had been only the wide scale disasters and calamities he probably would not have asked for the vision to be closed up. This morning I watched an interview of a woman who talked briefly about her experience, her life, as a trafficked child. It was short. There were no graphic images. Here's the link to Dr. Phil's interview: As I liste

More Public Ban on Religion

Yesterday there were several articles regarding a recent European court ruling that employers have the right to ban visible religious symbols. The case was focused on the Islamic headscarf, the hijab. If the case had focused solely on Islam it would have likely failed as it would have been seen as discriminatory, but, instead the final ruling is discriminatory to all those who wear religious items that can be seen by others. It's an excuse to try to make everyone the same, by not having religion. Because of the "neutral" approach, this issue will likely be taken up by every major company as a way to prevent "offending" customers and other employees. On the pretense that all employees should dress neutrally, this falls right into place with those who desire to restrict, regulate, and even eliminate religion, particularly any religion who might offend someone else. I think it's likely governments will begin to use this for their employees, since they

A List of Possible Events - 4 years

My previous post had the list of events spanning the next 7+ years (2017 through 2024). Since I've frequently suggested that either 2020 or 2023/4 are, what I think, the more likely years when the major destruction will occur, specifically in North America, I've slightly revised the previous list to a four year list. 2017 solar eclipse - Aug;  2017-18 heavy winter; wet spring; hot dry summer; 1st year of drought/famine in UT (last year to get food storage cheap); possible assassination attempt on president; increase in storms & floods; Chinese market economy improves; improving economy; UT sees increasing prosperity along Wasatch Front; new virus scare; 1st UT earthquake; stock market crash (?Oct?); introduction of personal ID protection (chip); 2018 UT legislature passes medical marijuana bill; increasing storms and flooding;  UT economy remains strong; 2nd year drought/famine in UT; Democrats regain control of one or both hous

A List of Possible Future Events

---NOTE: I will occasionally update this post-- Like many others, I try to piece together some kind of sequence of events, based on various dreams, visions, scripture, etc. I hesitate to post this list because I don't want to focus on what some may consider the bad, the doom and gloom. We are told there will be signs of the Lord's coming, but we should not be troubled nor afraid. These are signs to let us know the Second Coming is getting closer. It is vitally important that we are prepared spiritually and physically. Physical preparedness will help us survive, but it is our spiritual preparedness that will help us to thrive through whatever conditions. I need to preface this by saying I have no revelations, dreams, visions, etc. regarding any of the events. So, the list is just based on what I think is coming and possibly when. The list is a summary compilation of lots of research from various dreams and visions, to what's expected to be coming in technology, major u

Earthquake Warning: Foreshock

Occasionally foreshocks happen prior to an earthquake. The biggest problem is it's very difficult to identify a foreshock until after a bigger quake strikes. When I was a youth, my family was living in Santiago, Chile. We'd experience a good tremor every other month or so, sometimes more frequently. From February 21, 1985, to March 3, 1985, there were about 20 quakes of magnitude 4.5 to 5.7. Almost a swarm since many happen on the same days. Then in the afternoon of March 3, a 7.9 magnitude (USGS lists it as 8.0) earthquake struck off the coast, near Valparaiso. In Santiago, it shook everything hard. Probably felt like 7.0 there, although that's my guess. I'm preparing an presentation on earthquakes and one of the examples I have is the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquakes in April 2016. The first earthquake, a 6.2 magnitude, happened at 21:26 Japan Standard Time on April 14, 2016. The second quake shook the region at 1:25 in the morning on April 16. It's magni

Pessimism vs Optimism

Those who are pessimists, or who look at and focus on the bad, what went wrong, how life is unfair, etc. tend to primarily see those things. Generally speaking, their focus is backwards. That is, they based their expectations of the future on the bad, poor, unfair, etc. experiences of the past. They tend to want to blame anyone or anything else. By backwards looking, their focus on the bad of the past makes them expect the bad in the future. Often their view is along these lines, "Because of X, then Y happened, so it's the fault of X and X needs to fix it." Or, "Z did this and I can't do anything about it." It's an attitude that is essentially socialistic or communistic in nature. It demands entitlement. It places the fault on others, and expects others to change, fix, or take care of things. In a political environment it demands that the government fix things, or take care of the people, or solve all the problems. It can also be a very self-center