Corrupted Law

As a people becomes more wicked, including being tolerant and supportive of wickedness--which means laws are put into place that protects wickedness and abomination--then the laws of the land become more corrupt.

"They had altered and trampled under their feet the laws...that their laws had become corrupted, and...they had become a wicked people" (Helaman 4:22).

And the wicked don't have to outnumber the righteous to corrupt the law. They just have to make enough noise, and complaints, and get friends in the right places (judges, lawyers, politicians) that they can begin to get the laws changed. They will twist things and make the wicked look like victims. They will twist good and make generalizations to gain the sympathy of others, using key talking points to make it look like the proposed changes are for the good of society.

Then as the law is changed--corrupted from what it was--wickedness and abominations become more socially acceptable and those who had been more righteous begin to indulge in some wickedness, often with the justification that it isn't against the law. Maybe even claiming the laws of God are restrictive, behind the times, old fashioned, or unreasonable.

In a democratically-based society (the US is not a democracy, it is a representative Republic founded on principles of democracy, in a true democracy everyone would vote on everything and the majority would always rule, meaning the rights of the minorities would be non-existent) the voice of the people establishes the law either through the majority of the people (a true democracy) or through representatives, who establish laws as representatives of the people.

In either case, when "they who chose evil were more numerous than they who chose good...they were ripening for destruction, for the laws had become corrupted" (Helaman 5:2).

More of America's laws are becoming corrupted and changed to accommodate wickedness, abomination, and evil.

I do not believe President Trump is the best president, but he is far better than Hillary Clinton would have been. I believe we would have seen much more of our Constitutional liberties eroded away under Clinton. With Trump, I think we have been given a brief delay before things get bad and our Constitution becomes further corrupted.


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