"Upon my house"?
"Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord.
"And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord;"
(D&C 112: 24-25 https://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/112.24-25?lang=eng&clang=eng#p23)

(photos from https://www.ksl.com/?sid=45591453&nid=1284&title=lds-church-houston-temple-flooded-missionaries-in-the-area-are-safe)
Most seem to think the "upon my house shall it begin" refers more to the Church, and more specifically Church members in Utah (probably the Salt Lake area).
Until yesterday afternoon, the Houston temple had managed to avoid flooding due to it being constructed on an elevated foundation. Apparently during the planning stages a nearby creak flooded and it was decided to raise the temple eight feet higher (sorry, I don't have a reference for that).
Well, the flood waters have breached the temple. According to this KSL article, https://www.ksl.com/?sid=45591453&nid=1284&title=lds-church-houston-temple-flooded-missionaries-in-the-area-are-safe, at least 4-5 inches have flooded the temple. With rains expected to continue through Wednesday, there may be more water entering the temple.
The temple is the "House of the Lord" so what if the "house" referred to in D&C 112:25 literally means one of the Lord's temples?
The flooding and devastation from Hurricane Harvey did not begin at the temple, but one could take the entire area of destruction as an event, in which case the temple would be part of it. And, if this does mark the beginning of the time before the end--maybe the final 7 years of the nation as we know it--then it could match the scripture.
My opinion is there are multiple meanings to this scripture.
My thoughts are the first big earthquake in Utah will mark the beginning of the end times for the nation. From that time on, things will get worse. There may be brief periods of "improvement" but overall things will just deteriorate, decline, and worsen.
Then the mega-quake--the earthquake that many have seen in visions which devastates the Wasatch Front--would mark the beginning of the actual end of the country. After that will follow the attack on the country (including nukes on key cities and strategic sites, and EMPs to knock out the grib across the country) and invasion by foreign troops.
So, following the lines of a previous post, there are various periods of time. There is the time before the time of the end, the end times or time of the end, and then the end. It may be that the beginning of each time period begins with "upon my house shall it begin." I could be way-off in my thoughts.
To make matters even more confusing, I think these time periods also have a dual reference. They refer to both America's final years and the final years leading to the Second Coming. In other words, there is a "before the time of the end," a "time of the end" or end times, and "the end" periods of time for America and also for the world.
For America, after the end comes the time of building and preparation for the Second Coming. The nation is cleansed, cities begin to be rebuilt, and the New Jerusalem is built and Zion begins to extend across America, which is the land of Zion (and, according to my understanding encompasses both North and South America).
It is during this rebuilding time in America that the rest of the world will be experiencing its time before the end, then the end times, and, finally, the end, when the Savior comes in glory at his Second Coming.
"And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord;"
(D&C 112: 24-25 https://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/112.24-25?lang=eng&clang=eng#p23)

(photos from https://www.ksl.com/?sid=45591453&nid=1284&title=lds-church-houston-temple-flooded-missionaries-in-the-area-are-safe)
Most seem to think the "upon my house shall it begin" refers more to the Church, and more specifically Church members in Utah (probably the Salt Lake area).
Until yesterday afternoon, the Houston temple had managed to avoid flooding due to it being constructed on an elevated foundation. Apparently during the planning stages a nearby creak flooded and it was decided to raise the temple eight feet higher (sorry, I don't have a reference for that).
Well, the flood waters have breached the temple. According to this KSL article, https://www.ksl.com/?sid=45591453&nid=1284&title=lds-church-houston-temple-flooded-missionaries-in-the-area-are-safe, at least 4-5 inches have flooded the temple. With rains expected to continue through Wednesday, there may be more water entering the temple.
The temple is the "House of the Lord" so what if the "house" referred to in D&C 112:25 literally means one of the Lord's temples?
The flooding and devastation from Hurricane Harvey did not begin at the temple, but one could take the entire area of destruction as an event, in which case the temple would be part of it. And, if this does mark the beginning of the time before the end--maybe the final 7 years of the nation as we know it--then it could match the scripture.
My opinion is there are multiple meanings to this scripture.
My thoughts are the first big earthquake in Utah will mark the beginning of the end times for the nation. From that time on, things will get worse. There may be brief periods of "improvement" but overall things will just deteriorate, decline, and worsen.
Then the mega-quake--the earthquake that many have seen in visions which devastates the Wasatch Front--would mark the beginning of the actual end of the country. After that will follow the attack on the country (including nukes on key cities and strategic sites, and EMPs to knock out the grib across the country) and invasion by foreign troops.
So, following the lines of a previous post, there are various periods of time. There is the time before the time of the end, the end times or time of the end, and then the end. It may be that the beginning of each time period begins with "upon my house shall it begin." I could be way-off in my thoughts.
To make matters even more confusing, I think these time periods also have a dual reference. They refer to both America's final years and the final years leading to the Second Coming. In other words, there is a "before the time of the end," a "time of the end" or end times, and "the end" periods of time for America and also for the world.
For America, after the end comes the time of building and preparation for the Second Coming. The nation is cleansed, cities begin to be rebuilt, and the New Jerusalem is built and Zion begins to extend across America, which is the land of Zion (and, according to my understanding encompasses both North and South America).
It is during this rebuilding time in America that the rest of the world will be experiencing its time before the end, then the end times, and, finally, the end, when the Savior comes in glory at his Second Coming.
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