April 2020 Conference - Something new coming next year

In the Sunday afternoon session of General Conference, President Nelson announced that next year, 2020, will be designated as a bicentennial year and general conference will be different.

There will be (and are) speculations as to what "different" will be. We won't know until something is announced, but here are a couple of fun speculations.

  • What if Joseph Smith, Jr. were in attendance?
  • What if the priesthood session is held earlier at Adam-ondi-Ahman?

Neither one of those will likely happen for next conference, but that would certainly add a lot of excitement if they did.

There will also be more speculation that the time of the "Calling Out" or "Great Gathering" may start about that time.

Possible, but not likely.

We're absolutely heading towards the beginning of the end times, the start of the end game. Will 2020 mark the beginning?

In this post from 2017 I made a few "predictions"

I was off in famine/drought for the U.S., although there are increasing number of crop failures, destruction, and incidents of famine around the world. Even in the U.S. there are parts of the country experiencing agricultural difficulties.

I was also off for a first Utah earthquake and a number of other possible events.

But I did get a few things right. Like the Church pulling out of Scouting. And 2020 hasn't happened yet so who knows what might happen.

But that post was based on what I thought would happen for the gathering to happen by 2020 (from 2017). And I did mention that I thought 2023/24 would be a more likely time frame.

This next post was made the day before

Looking over that post, I would definitely revise a few "predictions" or order of certain events. But, that's something for another day.

While I thought it was possible for the first big Utah earthquake to happen in 2017 (for a 7-year time from 2017 to 2024), I also suggest a possible 3.5 year time between quakes with the first happening in 2021.

In the post https://fulnessoftimes.blogspot.com/2019/05/when-will-big-one-strike-slc.html I make a couple of suggestions for earthquake timings based on the renovation and earthquake retrofitting of the Salt Lake Temple.

As I mention in that post, while it's possible for a big earthquake to happen sooner, I don't expect the really big quake to hit until after the temple has been completely renovated. Brigham Young wanted the temple to stand through the millennium, so it needs to be secured as best as we can make it against earthquakes.

As for April Conference, we will see what happens.

However, next year is shaping up to be very interesting in other areas.

I think it's likely for the Democrats to impeach Trump. It's possible the Senate could impeach him as well if the Republicans think Pence has a better chance of improving the economy and getting elected. I don't think Trump will allow himself to be impeached. If it looks inevitable, he will probably resign (maybe with some backroom deal to avoid any possible prosecution).

The recession is coming. I think the most likely scenario is for the economy to really get sluggish by summer, and for a stock market crash to hit by October...right before elections.

It's likely agriculture will have a worse summer next year. That will start having an effect on the food industry by the end of the year.

Most likely the Democrats will gain the presidency in November 2020, keep the house, and possibly gain a majority in the Senate.

In some past posts I've looked at the year 2020 as being a point where, from the future, we'll look back and see how pivotal that year was and realize "hindsight is 20/20, we should've seen things coming."


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