Coming Total Solar Eclipses in 2017 and 2024 for North America

The next two total solar eclipses that will pass over North America will occur August 21, 2017, and April 8, 2024. It's interesting to see the paths these eclipses will take. Aug 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse Map April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse Map I realize the two eclipses are about 6 years and 8 months (nearly 7 years) apart, but my curiosity had to see where they would cross. Overlaid on top of each other, the crossing point is a lake between Pomona and Makanda, Illinois (it's a bit blurry). While probably insignificant, when looking at the maps I noticed how close the Mississippi river is to this point. So, I had to do some research about the New Madrid fault, and was a little surprised about an apparent correlation between the quake damage map and the crossing point of the next two solar eclipses. We know that the sun has an effect on the production of large earthquakes. I'm just guessing, but the moon might have a minor effec...