The Final Jubilee Period?

In relation to the dreams and visions which seem to be more prevalent since about 2008...

Maybe it coincides with what might be the final Jubilee cycle before the Second Coming. John Pratt's research indicates that Sep 2008 - Sep 2009 was likely the 70th Jubilee since the Israelites went into the promised land. According to Pratt, there is Jubilee calendar and there is a little period of time called the "burning" before the seventh period. He believes we could be in that time, right before the seventh millennial Jubilee.

"The grouping of jubilees into larger units is not totally understood at this time. It currently appears that there is a unit which could be called a Grand Jubilee, which would be composed of 7 jubilees, or 7x7x7 = 343 years. If so, then 2009 marks 10 Grand Jubilees from 1422 BC, so that makes it more rare than just any jubilee. Moreover, the next larger grouping appears to be what could be called the Millennial Jubilee comprising 3 Grand Jubilees, or 1,029 years. The earth’s temporal history could also be divided into seven Millennial Jubilees (see my “Jubilee Calendar”, Sections 1.4-1.5). How would that correlate to our calendar? Christ was born in a jubilee year, and the Fifth Millennial Jubilee would most likely have begun on Sun 3 Oct 2 BC, a few days prior to the birth of John the Baptist (see “Jubilee Calendar” section 3.3). If so, then the Seventh Millennial Jubilee will begin on Sun 30 Sep 2057. In the Jubilee calendar pattern, there is a little season before the seventh period, called “The Burning” (See Figure 1). When applying the jubilee pattern to the seven Millennial Jubilees, the “Burning” refers to the jubilee prior to the seventh Millennial Jubilee. That would be the upcoming jubilee discussed in this article, beginning Sun 28 Sep 2008. Thus, the coming “Burning Jubilee” of 49 years might well include the “Burning of the Fields”, being the destruction of the wicked in preparation for the coming of the Savior."  (see footnote 39 in this article 

If Pratt's calculations are close, the seventh millennial Jubilee would begin on Sunday, 30 September 2057. He doesn't come out and say that is when the Second Coming would be. That date is just the beginning of that Jubilee year, which continues until September 2058. So, it might be reasonable to guess that the Great Day of the Lord would happen during that Jubilee year.

That doesn't mean we have until 2057 before things get really bad.

It probably means things are going to really start heating up soon.

I'm not an expert gardener or agriculturist, but I have noticed that when farmers burn the weeds and undesirable plants, they don't just immediately plant afterwards. There may be some clean up time, and there is certainly some time before the area that was burned is used for planting and growing.

So, what if we are in a final Jubilee period?

If we are in the final 49 years (if it really is that long, I hope the Second Coming is sooner than 2057, like maybe in early 2033 or 2034), the first 7 years (2009-15) have already passed, and we are into the second 7. That leaves 6 more days' worth of years (including the one we are in). If we leave the final seven years as a clean up period (the scriptures say it will take seven years to clean up after the battle of Armageddon) and final gathering, just prior to the second coming, then the remaining 35 years is where the majority of the action takes place. 

Personally, I think the current seven-year period (roughly 2016-22) is the pivotal one, leading up to the fall of America as we know it and into the opening of the seventh seal, both of which probably happen during the next seven-year period (2023-29).

During the sixth seal, there is a "great earthquake" (Revelation 6:12), and "every mountain and island were moved out of their places" (Revelation 6:14). This doesn't say the mountains and islands disappear only that they are "moved out of their places," which implies they aren't where people expect them to be. A magnetic pole shift would do this. Anyone trying to find a location using a compass would get lost because north would not be where it is expected to be, thus everything would be "out of their places."

Note that this "great earthquake" is different than the "great earthquake" mentioned in Revelation chapter 11, and both are different from the "great earthquake" in chapter 16 verse 18-20, which states in part, "there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great....And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found."

I think this great earthquake of the sixth seal is probably related to the magnetic pole shift, and will probably happen after America has been invaded and World War III is under way. It may even be what essentially stops World War III as multiple mega-quakes would cause so much destruction at home countries, and possibly result in civil wars, that governments would probably be forced to bring their troops home.

Revelation 8:1 states, "And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour."

A prophetic "day" is a year, but this verse references "heaven," meaning we might use heavenly time, If one "day" in heaven is 1,000 of our years, and if we use a 24-hour day, then a half-hour of heaven's time is 20.83 of our years, or "about the space of half an hour."

I'll discuss in a later post what "silence in heaven" might mean.

Continuing on this path of a final 49-year period, 2023-29 will probably see the fall of America and the world (as a general whole) going into darkness (which could be one meaning of "silence"). 

Maybe during or after (I think it's more likely after) the invasion of America there will be a kill-shot CME (coronal mass ejection, a solar storm, effectively a massive worldwide EMP) strike from the sun, wiping out our modern way of life, which would put us back into the dark ages (as some have described it). 

And if the faithful members of the Church have gathered to places of refuge prior to this time, then the missionary efforts will have stopped, and the temples will probably be closed (if both are stopped or performed in very limited ways, then this could also be part of the silence). However, I don't think missionary work will stop for more than a few years, and temple work will probably continue on a very limited scale during that time. 

It would probably take a number of years for civilization as we know it to rebuild, maybe even the 21 years until things are such that the next major events are able to take place. During this times countries will rebuild, new country boundaries may form, and new alliances would be created.

Most likely it will also be during this time that the lost 10 tribes come from the "north countries," and the remnants of the tribe of Joseph (Lamanites) also come and join with the Saints to build the New Jerusalem, and extend Zion across the land of America. By the time the rest of the world has recovered from the solar kill shot, the forces of the world will not want to attack the New Jerusalem.

It may take a few years before it happens, but it will also be during this time that there will be another big missionary push to "seek out the righteous, where'er they may be" (

Chapter 7 of the book of Revelation mentions the sealing of the 144,000, and that this occurs during the sixth seal. It would appear that the 144,000 high priests will be sealed and ordained "to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn" (D&C 7:11) before the opening of the seventh seal. So, it's very likely that during this 21-year period they, along with others, will be out in the world performing missionary work, gathering "the wheat from the midst of the tares, and bring them from bondage, from sorrows, and snares." (

So, that period of time would be from about 2023 through 2043, with the Lord probably coming to visit his saints in the New Jerusalem sometime during that time, probably towards the end of the time period. Considering the size of the city, and all the other cities which will be rebuilt, 21 years is not very long.

Towards the end of that 21-year period we might see the rise of the anti-Christ as nations are forged together and a new era, a new world order, begins.

Then there is a 7-year period, from 2044-50, before the final 7-year clean-up. This is probably when most of the big events (13-month war, mark of the beast, siege on Jerusalem, other great earthquakes, plagues, etc.) of the book of Revelation take place, ending with the battle of Armageddon.

Finally, there's the seven years of clean-up from 2051 to 2057 after the battle (Ezekiel 39:9).

As a side note, regarding the verse in Revelation, "silence in heaven about the space of half an hour," if it is equivalent to 21 years, it could be interpreted in two ways. 

First, the 21 years of "silence" happens first and then is followed by the events that follow in later verses in chapters. This fits better into the final Jubilee period of 49 years, if there are 21 years before seven years of tribulation, followed by seven years of clean-up. This is how I've attempted to create the rough timeline.

Or, it could mean that during the subsequent events of the seventh seal that John describes, there is about 21 years of "silence in heaven."

I'm not sure if I'm convinced the Second Coming won't take place before 2057. But, it is possible, and it can certainly fit into a timeline of sorts.

Personally, I think the major events of the book of Revelation are more likely to take place during the 21 years of "silence in heaven." This could put the Second Coming happening by 2043, or earlier. 

However, the reason I included the CME kill-shot is because that would probably be the most effective "pause" button in keeping the world from progressing more quickly towards destruction. Civil wars, discontent, lack of food and services, along with general chaos, would force governments to look more towards their own, reestablishing some kind of order, and building things back up.

Another consideration is that be that the 21-year period does not fall neatly into the seven-year periods, meaning it may not actually start in 2023, but maybe a few years later or as late as 2030. Then the events of the seventh seal, spoken of in the Book of Revelation, would occur during part of that 21-year period and, possibly, extend beyond that time, but still end before the final seven years. 

For example, maybe America falls in 2024-25 and the great earthquake occurs, but the solar kill-shot doesn't happen until 2030 and that begins the 21-year period of "silence," which would last through 2050. If there was to be a 7-year clean-up from 2051-57, then the events of the seventh seal would have to happen during the 21-year period. Something like this is probably more likely than the 21-year period starting in 2023.

Or I could be wrong in that the seven-year clean-up doesn't occur before the Second Coming.

In any case, while I like to analyze things and consider "what ifs," it would be nice if the Second Coming happens sooner rather than later. But, at the same time it would also be good to give people as much opportunity to repent and return to God as possible.

From all my reading, research, pondering, and analyzing I really believe that the Second Coming is most likely to happen sometime between 2030 and 2060. I realize that is a big spread of time, but there are things that support the idea that the Second Coming might occur in the 2030's (maybe in 2033), or around 2057-8 (as described in this post), or even at some points in between.

But, whenever the Second Coming happens, we cannot afford to wait, to put off our physical and spiritual preparations (which includes repentance). There is a lot which needs to happen, and it will likely be happening in quick succession, with less and less time between to recover--very much like a woman in the final stages of labor.


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