A New Prophet

President Russell M. Nelson is the next prophet.

This is not just the order. It is not just how things worked out.

President Nelson is who the Lord wants as the prophet and president of his Church at this time. I felt that confirmation as he began speaking.

A few things from his words:

  • Keep on the covenant path
  • Endowed with power. Sealed as families.

It is an exciting time. President Nelson does not look as old as his age.

I was surprised to see Elder Oaks called as first counselor, but it has been the more traditional order for the next most senior apostle to be called as the first counselor, although it has not always been the case. I did receive the comforting peace of the Spirit confirming President Oaks call.

I expect Elder Utchdorf will be kept just as busy (if not more so) as a member of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. There will be some who will be disappointed, maybe even disenchanted, with him no longer being a member of the First Presidency. Some will even see it as a "proof" that President Nelson is not as open to those who different (further "evidence" against him based on how often he has spoken against same-sex marriage). But, President Nelson is more traditional and very precise in what he does.

I expect that President Nelson will continue urging and encouraging members to, as he stated, keep on the covenant path, with all that it entails: study the Book of Mormon, attend the temple, being kind, following God's commandments, increasing our faith, increasing the power we have through the priesthood and temple covenants.

I think President Nelson will likely be the prophet who will see the coming challenges as judgments begin to fall on America.

His strong stance on traditional families has, and will, earned him many opponents. But his example of following the prophets, his precision in applying the principles of the gospel, will be needed as the world falls increasingly into wickedness, and many of the Saints follow after the lure of Babylon and cut their ties to the Lord.

Increasing our testimonies, following the prophets, doing all the "basics" of the gospel is our spiritual preparation. This preparation is increasingly becoming more and more vital. We need the "traditional" gospel, not a modernized, worldly view of a socially acceptable, politically correct gospel.

We, as saints of the last days, need to be precise in following the words of the prophets. We need the precision of a surgeon in listening and immediately following the promptings of the Spirit. These promptings will not only help us serve others, but they may save the lives of those we love.

We do not need to be told the signs of the last days. It would be nice to get more information, but that is not what most members of the Church need. What we most need is to know how to navigate through whatever comes.

From past addresses, I know President Nelson does receive dreams. I am guessing he has probably seen what is coming. He may not know when. But, I do not think "when" is important to him. What he wants is for the Saints to be ready, and the best way to become ready is to do as the prophets have continually counseled. The signs are not to depress or discourage us, nor should we focus all of our attention and energy on those events. The coming events are just signs that the Second Coming is coming nearer. Our relationship with the Savior is what is important. Our ability to follow the Spirit is what is important. Our families, and their testimonies, are more important than what is coming.

When events transpire, we should see them as opportunities to serve others and bring them to Christ. But, if we are not prepared for those events (both physically and spiritually) we will not be a position where we can easily serve others.

The most important preparation is our spiritual preparation. If our testimonies are strong, if we can follow the Spirit, if we have faith in the Lord, then we can be guided more easily in the physical preparations which we need, or will need.


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