Cancel Culture and Reprogramming

 I am greatly concerned with so many liberals, and while it comes from the extreme left there are many in the moderate left who also belief this, and even some on the extreme right, who claim to be open-minded, who claim to want freedom of speech, or claim to want rights for all, but they lie.

Too many on the left--liberal, democrat, extreme, or moderate--tell you they are freedom loving, and want to secure free speech. BUT what they don't tell you is they only support free speech IF your free speech is the same as theirs. 

In other words, if you disagree with them, even on one point, you are labelled a bigot, hateful, racist, inciter, etc. YOU are labelled and attacked.

This is why I absolutely cannot support the full Black Lives Matter. At this point those who have been deceived by the left are turning against me. Their minds have suddenly locked up to the point they won't even bother to try to understand what I'm about to write. They have been brainwashed into thinking that if someone isn't 100% fully in line with them that they are the enemy, that they must be attacked. 

Generally speaking, I believe the Black Lives Matter movement is good. It has brought awareness to the inequality and mistreatment and disrespect that still exists in America, specifically where it applies to one's race.

But there are some problems, and most moderate democrats probably aren't aware of it. Do you really want communism, which is based on Marxist ideology, to be the rule of the country? 

Do you really believe people who want and desire power and money, who lie, cheat, and do whatever they can to get power and money have the best interests of the common people in their mind?

On it's surface communism, which is what socialism becomes when this ideology is run by the government, seems like a good idea. But the biggest problem is when socialism is run by people who desire power, money, control, and influence over others. Even in a democratically elected government the vast majority of those who seek after political positions are doing so because they want the power and influence and control that comes with the position. What about the money? They don't get paid much.

How is it so many in Congress, or political leaders in other countries, are so wealthy if they only earn their public salaries?

Some may claim their wealth came from before their public service. For most that is not the case. How is it they increase their wealth so much while in so-called service of their country for so many years?

It's because they know how to work the system. And lobbyists and others know who and how to influence the politicians, greasing their political wheels with the green-stuff that they also desire.

BLM also advocates for the change of laws. There are certainly laws that need changing and some new ones that need to get on the books. But this isn't the real problem.

The real problem is the unequal application of laws. And because of the unequal application of laws, unequal laws have been created. All laws that identify specific protections on certain classes of people are actually unequal. These laws set up those classes of people in such a way as others, who don't belong to the class(es), begin to become afraid of acting in a manner that might be construed as being against the protected people.

The real problem, in most cases, wasn't that the original law had a problem. It was that people weren't following the law. So new laws were put into place to force people to follow the law by applying penalties if the law wasn't followed for certain (protected) cases.

The basic law of the land is the Constitution. Read it. I'm not aware of any part of it that states whites are better than other races. It does say "men" but we have to understand that in the language of that time "men" was frequently used when referring to all people, men and women.

If the Constitution were truly followed as a basis for other laws, then laws would be more equal and fair to all. There wouldn't be protected classes and labelling and discrimination because the law would apply equally to all.

But the liberals are all about reprogramming, which must be the PC word for brainwashing. They want you to think and believe there is a problem with our country that can be corrected by implementing government programs, socialistic programs, and adding new laws to the country. They want you to believe that the Constitution needs to be updated to reflect the modern culture. 

They want to reprogram history to reflect what they want you to believe.

And, if you don't agree with them, they want you reprogrammed. 

They don't respect the thoughts, beliefs, values, or opinions of others if those disagree with their own in any way.

Liberals like to point out how brash and attacking Trump was. How he would lash out at anyone who disagreed with him or did what he didn't like.

How is that any different than how most politicians, especially on the liberal side, act and respond to anyone who criticizes them or has an opinion, value, belief, or thought that is different?

The difference is Trump was the president and the mainstream media made sure it was broadcast as far and wide as possible. But you see very little of this broadcasting when it comes to the more liberal side. 

If you look, you can find examples of liberal, and even republican, politicians attacking those who disagree with them. But you have to look. The mainstream media won't help you find these examples.

So, I've gone way off where I originally thought to focus. 

This morning I was reading in the scriptures in Alma chapter 14. Alma and Amulek were falsely charged and imprisoned because they plainly told the truth, and the lawyers and judges (those in political power in the city) were angry with them. They got witnesses who would testify against Alma and Amulek. Anyone who believed in the words of Alma and Amulek were cast out of the city, stoned, or killed. Many of the wives and children of those who believed were "cast into the fire" along with "the holy scriptures."

Sounds like a cancel culture, doesn't it.

If you don't agree with what the political power wants, you get ostracized, cast out, verbally attacked, publicly (metaphorically) stoned and killed. 

And just to make sure anyone who might be undecided will get in line, your family is also attacked.

But if you disagree with them they won't stop with you or your family. They will attack what you value and belief in, especially if it is in any way contrary to what they want.

Beware of cancel culture and reprogramming. It is brainwashing you. It's conditioning you to believe the narrative of those in power and who want to keep power. They don't want what is best for you, but what is best for them, what will keep them in power and in control.

What comes next? We've already been seeing it. Attacks on religious beliefs that are in any way contrary to what those in power and control want.

When we see true Christianity--those who are believers and followers of the Lord from all religions--being cast out, the next phase is evident from the scriptures.

The cancel culture will see a very brief time where they may believe they are prospering, then comes their downfall and destruction.

In the case of the city of Ammonihah. After the righteous were cast out or killed, and Alma and Amulek left, the city lasted less than four months before a Lamanite army completely destroyed it.


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