In the name of

 Another mass shooting...doesn't really even matter where.

There will be more calls for gun control...more grandstanding...more politicizing...more political gamesmanship...more false expressions from the politicians.

Yes, false expressions. 

I am becoming more convinced that most, if not all, politicians who call for more gun control know what they are pushing will not solve the problem and will not do much to even prevent gun violence. 

They know that pushing gun control will get them votes and votes keep them in power and control.

And many politicians know that controlling guns increases their power, so why wouldn't they want more gun control.

And there are some who really do want to take away the Constitutional freedoms and liberties of this country. They truly are conspiring to take as much power, control, and authority that they can and to keep that power, control, and authority.

Both sides of the political aisle are guilty, but right now the liberals are in power and they are doing all they can to keep and manipulate the scales of power to stay their way, to maintain and increase their power and influence.

There are many, mostly on the left but also even among Republicans, who are doing all they can to restrict, regulate, infringe, and eventually remove Constitutional rights, and liberties.

But most people, particularly Democrats and the liberal left, don't believe that is what's happening. They want to believe the talk of those they voted in. Many refuse to believe that their political representatives would ever consider taking away freedoms and rights, especially those protected by the Constitution.

Here's how the politicians are doing it, and I've mentioned it many times before.

They do it in the name of providing safety and protection. They do it in the name of saving just one life. They do it in the name of "for the good of" society, children, the majority, security.

And their followers believe the talk. They believe the feel good narrative, the good points that any reasonable person should want for their children, family, community, and country. Which is why they will point fingers, harass, attack, etc. anyone who disagrees with them.

The problem is the followers don't look at the details. They don't consider the consequences. They're willing to give up or allow their rights and liberties to be trampled on, restricted, regulated, or even taken away in exchange for a promise--there is no guarantee, the promise gives people and delusionary illusion--of safety, protection, peace, normalcy. So the people give in, and there might be a brief respite of a sense of normalcy, at least that's what the people are fed through highly controlled media outlets.

But more stuff happens. 

So, more promises. More "solutions" are pushed through increasing regulations, restrictions, and more government.

But the solutions rarely (if ever) actually address the real cause. They only touch on the symptoms.

Why would a pharmaceutical company really have it in their best interest to cure you? Isn't it more profitable to address the symptoms so you feel better, but so you keep using their product?

Why would politicians actually want to solve a problem by addressing the source of the problem? They don't. Then they'd have to find something else to get people worked up about so the they can retain their influence, power, and control.

Guns are not the problem so increased gun control is not, and will never be the solution to solving mass shootings or gun violence. 

The problem is societal. The problem is too many homes are broken. The problem is too many families are broken, too many children without a mother AND a father in the home. The problem is families and the essential roles of fathers and mothers are all under attack, and have been for decades and are increasingly attacked. The problem is the nation, as a whole, is turning its back on God.

To add to the problem, politicians are increasingly willing to divide the country further. Not just a political divide, but any divide they can push. These divides come in the form of labels. They want people to associate with one group or another. Labels divide people, just like they do in high school labeling is dividing the nation.

To make labeling worse, politicians are increasingly willing to pass regulations and laws that increase protections and rights for certain labels but not others. The laws further increase penalties against other labels. This is contrary to equal rights and protections for all. These laws are unConstitutional.

The problem is not the law, it's not the the Constitution. The problem is the application of law and justice is not equal. The problem is there are laws in many places that are unConstitutional and these should be gotten rid of.

As long as labeling and unfair treatment (protections and/or penalties) are sanctioned by laws that increase inequality, divisions will increase, unrest will increase, and anger, hate, and violence will increase.

But that is what most politicians want because that keeps them in power and control. And their biggest threat to completely changing or eliminating the Constitution is the second amendment. If they can make guns the evil that needs controlling and regulating, if they can make law abiding gun owners look like those who are against peace, security, protection, and safety (especially if its against children), then they will have jumped through the biggest hurdle.

Other freedoms and rights are increasingly under attack and being infringed on. Freedom of religion. Free speech. The right to peaceably assemble (is it even possible to have a peaceful protest without the fear of a riot or violence breaking out?). Being innocent until PROVEN guilty.

I predict that once increased gun control measures, regulations, restrictions, etc. are in place, once owning a gun and buying ammo is regulated and controlled by the government, where only those approved by  the government (in other words you're guilty until proven innocent) can own guns and buy ammunition, there will be an exponential increase of restrictions, regulations, etc. on all other Constitutional rights and liberties. The only exception may be certain labeled groups whose "rights" will be protected.

And all of these Constitutional infringements will happen in the name of something. Safety, protection, security, racism, fairness, equality, hate.

If gun control doesn't pass this Congress, we will see increased shootings to the mid-term elections. Republicans will want to use the gun control bill as political ammo against the Democrats. Democrats will use the increased shootings and gun violence as "proof" that gun control is needed and should have been passed, and they'll promise to solve the gun violence problem as quickly as possible after the election (in 2022).

If Republicans gain the majority they will at least be able to hold the social controlling/infringing agenda in check.

If Democrats gain a real majority, especially if it's a super majority, there will be major infringements and the Constitution will be shredded as liberties and rights become restricted and regulated. You will also see increasingly overreach of power and control by the federal government into the states. 

And, I think Biden will be replaced by then. Maybe for health he'll resign.


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