The designs of conspiring men?

 I don't buy into the big conspiracy theories about COVID and everyone in government trying to take power and control over the people.

I believe most people are sincerely trying to do what they believe and feel is best.

Unfortunately most people also listen to prevailing advice and opinions blasted into the public's ears.

I received this email today, and took out the identifying information. It seems honest enough, but it follows the narrative of medical "experts" most of whom don't even practice medicine in the "trenches" (so to speak) but are into the research and lab analysis.


You are receiving this email as during routine contact tracing we were notified you may have been in contact with an individual who has recently tested positive for COVID-19. Currently the [organization] does not require any information from you, we are letting you know for transparency/informational purposes only.

If you are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 then there is no need for you to quarantine, and you can disregard this email.

We would recommend quarantine if you are not vaccinated, or you begin feeling ill with COVID-like symptoms. COVID-like symptoms can include a fever of 100.4 F (38 C) or higher, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches and pains and/or a decreased sense of taste or smell. If this is the case, please contact your supervisor, and either go home or stay home, and complete online the [organization's] COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form for Illness or Exposure.  Someone from the Contract Tracing team will then contact you to determine next steps.

COVID testing is available on [location]. Employees can book appointments through the [organization's] COVID-19 Testing Website. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at EmployeeWellness@#######. 

Thank you,   

No mention about natural immunity from having had the illness before and whether that is a valid as vaccination.

The prevailing narrative is that being vaccinated against COVID is superior. Even when compared to natural immunity. 

Here's the truth, and I wish I had time to bring up articles from sources like CNN (which I don't consider a real trustworthy source, but it's not considered fake news in the liberal media) which quite plainly state that vaccinated individuals can and do spread COVID as much as the unvaccinated.

According to media reports, serious illness and hospitalizations are supposedly higher among the unvaccinated.

Here's the problem. The vaccinated are causing the spread of COVID as much (or more) as the unvaccinated.

The problem is someone gets vaccinated and they somehow think they have carte blanche, they can do anything they want and live "normal". Most vaccinated mistakenly believe they can't or won't get COVID, and can't spread COVID. The problem has always been that when someone is ill, even with just a cold, they too often don't do what they can to prevent the illness from spreading. They don't avoid contact with others, they don't wash their hands good.

It doesn't take much effort to find "breakthrough" cases in the vaccinated. Most media reports blame the unvaccinated.

Consider this. Who's the greater threat? Someone who is ill and keeps away from others, or someone who doesn't realize they are infectious and continues acting in normal ways around others?

From my limited observation, vaccinated individuals (not all but most) tend to become less cautious about feeling any symptoms or signs of illness. They tend to revert back to pre-COVID normal activities, not realizing they can spread COVID just as much as the unvaccinated, because they don't think or believe they can get or spread COVID.

And, from my limited observation, most (but not all) unvaccinated people continue to be cautious, and become more so if they start feeling symptoms of illness.

So, the email I received kind of raises my hackles because it continues to give the vaccinated excuses to not worry about spreading illness, which puts everyone at greater risk. And more than likely the vaccinated are becoming the greater risk of transmitting COVID. Sure, if media reports are to be believed being vaccinated reduces your chances of becoming serious ill or hospitalized. 

But the truth is (and this isn't emphasized enough because it will make more people hesitant to get vaccinated) getting vaccinated doesn't reduce your chances of spreading COVID. 

And, if a vaccinated person does infect an unvaccinated person with COVID, the media will just blame the unvaccinated person, and continue to point fingers at all the other unvaccinated people.

Is that part of the design and conspiracy?

While I'm not anti-vaccine, I am cautious about new vaccines that have no long-term studies and which are pushed and promoted, while billions of dollars fly from governments to the vaccine manufacturers. And it's no surprise to me that fourth boosters and annual boosters are being considered...after all, that's more money to the manufacturers.

Here's the short of it. Just because you get vaccinated does NOT mean you're safe.


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