Faith is Wrought

 Most of my scripture study over the past few months has been centered around faith. I've re-read certain chapters dozens of times, gleaning new insights and understanding as I've written my thoughts down in a thought-journal. I don't write in the journal as frequently as I should, but I still have over 20 full-size pages.

Here's one day's entry.

"For it is by faith that miracles are wrought" -- Moroni 7:37

The word "wrought" has jumped out at me in various passages. Having done a little bit of blacksmithing I associate that word more to creating something out of metal. The word itself means worked; formed by work or labor; effected; performed; produced; used in labor; actuated; formed; fitted; guided.

In all cases, it involved doing something, or you could simply state that it involves action or work.

When fashioning something out of metal various tools are used to shape and create the desired outcome.

Faith is the primary tool with which miracles are forged.

Faith involves patience, long-suffering, diligence, and conviction in the work being done. Faith involved hoping for and believing in the desired outcome and having the vision in mind and heart what the final product (result) will be. To act in faith involves being teachable, humble, and willing to change and be flexible.

When the work is performed with the desired--the hoped and believed--end vision in mind and heart, coupled with the desire to use that end as a means to lift and bless others, then it also involves charity, which is (as defined in the scriptures) the pure love of Christ.

Submitting ourselves to God's will, to the will of the Father and the Savior, does not mean we forsake who we are. Rather, it means we give up who we think we are, which is based on who we think other people think we are, and we submit ourselves to who God knows we are.

The Father wants the best for us, what will bring us the greatest joy and happiness in this life and the next. If what we desire is good and right, if it improves us and better enables us to help others improve themselves, then it s part of what the Lord wants for us. And we should submit ourselves to that vision, to that desire, doing all we can, while remembering to run only as fast as we have strength to persist, towards that vision.

There should be no "fall back" option because our goal should be to fall forward if we fall at all, or even to the side, to a path that was previously unknown to us, which can only be revealed as we are moving towards our righteous desires.

All the energy of our heart, mind, and strength should drive us to action, to move us towards our desired goal. This is faith--it is the first and most important principle of action that gives us power whereby miracles are wrought.


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