Some Precursor Events: More on the Coming Trials

Last summer (2015) I felt more anxious. While we had done some preparing and storing up of a few supplies and food, we were far from a year's worth.

After reading several books, I decided to begin a more earnest study of the scriptures, getting up early and spending a half-hour or so reading, studying, contemplating, and praying. I also began to take preparations more seriously and got a good start on our food storage, almost making up for many years of less-than-adequate efforts.

Within a short time I felt that the really big events, the ones most often focused on in dreams and visions and prophesies, would not be happening at that time. But I also felt it was very important that we get our food storage and increase our efforts towards preparedness.

I also discovered that as my preparations increased, and when I was able to regularly study to word of God, my anxiety was replaced by more feelings of peace. I since realized that the anxiety I felt was related to fear, and as I became more prepared the anxiety/fear decreased.

We still have far to go, but we mostly have a year's worth of food storage, at least 90-days' worth of more regular food (not including perishable/refrigerated items), a month's worth of potable water, and a bunch of camping and survival related gear. I still need to get things in order, which leads me to something I was taught by the Lord at the beginning of the summer, something I already had on my mind, but which was reinforced.

We need to get our homes in order.

Order doesn't necessarily mean everything is clean and organized. Cleanliness and organization are part of having order. But order involves knowing what you have, and being able to find what you need, when you need it. With a small house, three kids, and lots of stuff, it is a lengthy process, and we're still not there. Regarding the food storage and supplies I am trying to get an accurate inventory. I have also determined to establish areas, such as to build shelves, where supplies are stored. It's taking time.

Order also means we are striving to live the commandments and teaching our children correct principles.

Several other things are continually being reinforced. A key one is learning to have mighty prayer. Real, heartfelt, contemplative communication with our Heavenly Father. I'm trying to improve in that one. I can't do it much at night when I'm tired, but it's easier in the morning before my studies. And I try to be mindful of the Lord throughout the day as well.

Real study, not just reading, of the scriptures and words of the prophets is vital. Over the last year there have been some times when my morning studies have not happened. There is a difference when I don't spend that time with the Lord's word.

Related to scripture study and prayer is the need to learn to be guided by the Spirit in all areas of our life, and at all times. It's not that we will always receive spiritual promptings, but we need to be open for those promptings. We have our agency and can make our own choices. As long as we are obeying God's word, including following the counsels of the prophets, we can be guided. When we make bad choices, if we're striving to do what is right the Lord won't let us go down the wrong path too far before trying to turn us to the better course of action.

I have always paid a full tithing. Over the last several years I have had many experiences that the Lord blesses us and we have not been in need.

Combined with tithing is the need to keep the Sabbath Day holy. The blessings of paying tithing and keeping the Sabbath are virtually the same.

I do other research, reading articles throughout the day. Last year I decided to keep a digital notebook, and since that time I have copied hundreds--probably thousands--of pages worth of news articles, commentaries, opinions, scientific articles, and personal thoughts and analysis. Daily there are articles related to the last days.

Here are my thoughts regarding what is coming.

Weather events and natural disasters will continue to be more frequent and more extreme. Most people will blame climate change on human interference with nature as the being the cause. But, while human activity has polluted our mother earth, it has very little to do with causing extreme climate change.

A result of these weather events will be food shortages as crops are destroyed or reduced in their yield. Combined with a very unsettled political and economic environment, and the time is coming when it will become very difficult to increase food storage and get extra supplies. I think this will likely begin to happen within the next year or two. Those who have not already built up their food storage will find it hard to start or difficult to increase what they have. As time goes on it will increasingly be difficult to follow the counsel to have food storage.

As for an earthquake in Utah, it is coming. But unless you are near the epicenter, or in an unreinforced masonry structure, a 6 to 7 range quake will be bad but not unsurvivable. 6-range earthquakes (even high 5's) can be very destructive to unreinforced masonry buildings.  It will disrupt normal life for at least a few weeks (or for several months or longer the closer to the epicenter you are). Make sure you have food and water at the very least. Fuel and heat sources are also good to have on hand. Keep emergency get-home packs with you at work and in your vehicle, including good walking shoes/boots if you don't normally wear some.

I am mentioning this from experience. When I was 12 my family was living in Santiago, Chile, when a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast about 68 miles away. We had food and water storage, and while there was some disruption to life, things went back to normal fairly quickly for us. But closer to the epicenter people didn't do as well. The advantage the Chileans have is they are more accustomed to earthquakes than most people in Utah. There were several times during the years we were in Chile when having extra food and water came in handy.

According to the visions and dreams of those who have seen it, this first earthquake shouldn't be one to be too concerned about, unless you're near the epicenter. Like all the signs of the times, when it comes remember that it is a sign that we are in the last days and that the Lord will be returning.

As for going to Salt Lake, unless you get a spiritual confirmation to not go you shouldn't delay your plans or be too concerned about going. While we need to prepare for the worst, we need to live as if we will be where we are for the rest of our life. That means we plant our cherry trees. Unless the Spirit directs us otherwise, we should not delay education, work, or even planning for retirement just because something might happen.

Note that it is my belief that we need to make our preparations a high priority. I would rather have plenty of food on hand than a big retirement account in the event of a disaster. And "something" will always happen. Depending on our various situations that "something" may affect us in different ways than it does others. This is why we must seek out  guidance from the Spirit for our stewardships, and why those like Hector, Julie, and others do not usually tell us specific things the Spirit has instructed them to do with their families.

If we are living the Gospel, and trying to be close to the Spirit, we can receive warnings and instruction. Including being told not to go somewhere.

Among my research I've read articles about a war with Russia being "imminent," volcanic eruptions being "imminent," and even earthquakes in other parts of the world as being "imminent." The tectonic situation in Utah is such that a big earthquake can happen at any time, without any advance warning, and thus it is also "imminent." Hopefully we can have a foreshock warning so we can essentially brace ourselves.

I think there is a chance of the warning/wake-up earthquake happening this fall or, more likely, next spring. But that's my opinion. I really don't know, and it's not an area of much anxiety anymore as our home is most earthquake ready, and we have done a lot of preparations. I would not be surprised if there ends up being 3 years of more between this first quake and subsequent larger ones.

While it may be nice to have things happen sooner, it is my opinion that the really big events won't start happening until about 2020 or 2023-4. While talking with my Dad a few weeks ago, I agree with him that I don't know how things could last more than a few years, but it is still possible.

By "big events" I'm referring to the invitation to gather and the coming judgments (hugely destructive events).

From my reading and understanding of the scriptures, a gathering seems most likely to take place prior to a devastating plague, which plague(s) seems to take place before the really big natural disasters. Before that gathering there will be many lesser disasters, diseases, storms, famine, and other calamities to try the faith of the saints, to humble people, and help bring those who will listen to Christ.

In addition, I believe we will see more of our liberties eroded away in the near future.

Guns may not be taken away from law abiding citizens who aren't on some watch list, but sales will likely become highly restricted, and heavy taxes and fees will likely be imposed, along with other regulations, to discourage people from buying guns and ammo.

There will be increased restrictions towards freedom of speech, most likely online "speech" and "speech" that is deemed hateful or intolerant towards minority groups.

The rights of churches to perform marriages will come into play on the legal front. We may see the time when the Church will only perform sealings, and not the actual civilly-recognized marriage, in the temples. In many places around the world this has already been the norm, but it will likely happen in the U.S. as well.

I would not be surprised to see the Church withdraw from Scouting, although it probably won't happen until after President Monson passes away. He is doing quite well for being 89 (I think), but he could finish his earthly ministry at any time. The issue with Scouting and gay leaders would probably be forced as the national BSA deals with increased lawsuits and associated costs with defending chartered units as LGBT groups push for more organizations to accept gay leaders. Or the issue may come up if a push to include girls into the regular Scouting movement gains traction, after all there are a number of gender/genderless issues being pushed through legislatures and courts.

Economics are an issue as well. There is a push to go completely digital for currency, which would allow for greater monitoring and control. One issue is security, which the so-called chip will help address. If you look strictly at the personal identity security potential, there is a great advantage to having a combined identity management system using both an implanted device and biometrics. There may be other societal advantages as well, but the cost will be personal privacy, and even, ironically, security.

Many people don't see the legalization of marijuana as much of an issue, especially for medicinal use. But that is just the cover for generalized acceptance and use of the drug. It didn't pass in Utah this year, but what happens if it passes next legislative session and then in the spring we get the warning earthquake? Just some of my musings.

I also find it telling that SLC elected an openly gay mayor last year, and the SLC council unanimously decided to rename a 20-block stretch of 900 South after the gay rights activist, Harvey Milk.

Too many of the Latter-day Saints are tolerating, supporting, and even embracing wickedness.

A war with Russia and China is coming, but when it happens depends of various factors. Russia will likely start pushing to regain control of much of its former Soviet countries before that time. I think one of two main scenarios will play out regarding the coming invasion.

First, if America manages to last until the mid-2020's without major, crippling disasters then there will likely be a major incursion in the Korean peninsula, which will end up in nuclear war and the invasion of America by Russian and Chinese forces. The main reason for this scenario is it may take that long for Russia and China to have sufficient military strength. It also depends on how long China can control its North Korean puppet. While China and Russia haven't really done much in the way of sanctions towards North Korea, they don't seem too pleased with Kim Jong Un's theatrics.

The other scenario is much like what has been seen in visions and dreams. The invasion will initially start under guise of UN humanitarian and peace keeping teams after successive major natural disasters in America (hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, flooding). The Russian and Chinese military may not have the strength they wanted, but they will take advantage of America being knocked to its knees and strike a knock-down blow.

Hopefully my rambling hasn't made anyone more concerned, anxious, or fearful. That is not my intent. Rather we need to wake up and realize there is a lot going on, and many changes are happening and will happen. Normalcy is a fallacy and believing things will stay or return to "normal" will put you at a severe disadvantage. The only constant is the Savior and we need to build a relationship with him (and our Heavenly Father), and to be guided by the Spirit. And that is my real intent, to encourage us all to come unto Christ. Our spiritual preparations are probably more important than the physical. Physical preparations may help us survive, but spiritual preparedness will help us thrive no matter what happens.

I had a great image come to mind several months ago. It's like we are on a roller coaster heading to the top and about to go over. That initial plunge that is coming, while it can be fear-inducing, it doesn't cause as much stress or forces on us as going around the loop, or whipping around a corner. We need to get prepared and hang on, because we're not at the end yet.


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