Famine, Depression, and the Return of the Liberal to Power

Regarding coming events, I have mentioned this in other posts, I still think we are heading into a period of increasing famine.

There are several examples in the Book of Mormon about famines happening after the people become increasingly wicked, to the point of destruction. After repenting, prosperity returns. But it's usually only a few short years before the people are ripening in iniquity again.

The United States hasn't really experienced an actual famine, yet. But famine is definitely one of God's methods of trying to get his children to turn away from sin and return to him. It would be reasonable to believe that there could be a nationwide (probably in conjunction with a world-wide) famine, or shortage of food, along with areas of severe drought.

In conjunction with an increasing famine, there will probably be a severe recession/depression.

This year (2018) will probably see the best prices for a lot of food for a few years. Prices will likely increase substantially (more than regular inflation) over the next couple years. We don't experience what actual prices should be on a lot of foods due to government subsidies. If there is a famine scarcity will increase prices. The government will try to subsidize some things, but it won't help if there isn't much food to start with.

Add a depression, where more people are unable to afford sufficient food for them and their families, and we have an socioeconomic disaster.

The combined effects of a famine and depression (along with some additional natural disasters) will likely bring a brief reprieve from severe judgments as the majority of the people will (very briefly) look back to God. But as soon as things start improving, wickedness will return. I think within 2 years it will be much worse. The nation, as a whole, will be ripe in iniquity.

Most of the formerly righteous--including members of the Church--will have turned their backs on God and his prophets. "Stoning" the prophets and casting them out--which implies not wanting to listen to them, and not heeding their words of counsel, but believing they are "out of touch," not with the times, old fashioned, against socially accepted morality, etc.--has its modern day equivalent through members criticizing the prophets, choosing to follow after the ways of Babylon, not following prophetic counsels, and, while making a "good" show of being righteous, supporting and upholding wickedness.

Here's what I think might happen, if we enter into a famine and depression.

The famine will likely start at a mild level in 2018, get worse in 2019, become really bad in 2020, and be at its worst in 2021. Conditions will improve in 2022, and get better in 2023. Long term forecasts for 2024 will be very promising for a great harvest year.

The depression probably won't start until late 2019. Most likely there will be some market dips between now and then, with some big dips. I think most of  2018 will probably be a market "up" year, but there may be another big correction before the end of the year. 2019 will be unstable, and there will be attempts to stabilize and continue to prop up the economy. There's a chance the depression may "start" a year later (in 2020), but if it waits that long, there will be a big market correction before that time. I think the most likely depression years will be from late 2019 through 2021. Economic conditions will begin to look more positive in 2022, and 2023 will likely be an "up" year. There will not be any obvious negative signs for 2024.

The combined effects of the famine and depression will likely sweep the Democrats into power in the 2020 election, as most of the population will be convinced the Republicans caused the economic mess, and Trump's anti-global warming/climate change stance made things worse.

If the Democrats gain control of Congress and the presidency in November 2020, they will immediately begin enacting laws and regulations that conform to their liberal agenda when they take office in 2021. There won't be the same disconnect like we have seen between Trump and the Republicans in Congress.

By 2021, the famine and depression will likely be at their worst. Of course, the Democrats/Liberals will blame the Republicans and the previous administration. They will claim their laws and regulations will improve the economy and increase our security.

In 2022, the famine will be at its end and economic conditions will probably show signs of improvement. Democrats will take the credit and further push more legislation that restricts and limits Constitutional liberties.

Of course, the reason things will be better is because more people turned to God in 2021 and into 2022.

But by late 2022 iniquity and the support of wickedness will have returned in greater strength. We will also see an increasingly strong anti-God, anti-religion, anti-morality movement by this time. More of our Constitutional freedoms will be limited, highly regulated, or eliminated mostly under the guise of national security and protection of our children and communities.

2023 will likely show the depression ending, and crops will be better. The future will be looking more positive. However, the anti-God/religion movement will have gained a majority influence. It is hard to imagine, but morality will by much worse.

In the name of "free speech" nudity, sex, homosexuality, and anything which promotes immorality, will be everywhere. On the other hand, in the name of security and protection of our children, there will be a greater censorship of terrorist and hate speech. Alternative news sources will be shut down, as being "fake news," a threat to the peace, and inciting hate, racism, and bigotry. Technology companies will be forced to create backdoors so law enforcement can monitor and get information from accounts of suspected criminals and their associates.

Religious freedom will be permitted if the religion treats everyone fairly. This include marrying any couple who wants to be married. Those churches who don't provide fair treatment of everyone wanting to exercise their religious freedom will face various penalties, such as loss of tax exempt status or civil actions or fines. Many churches will choose to no longer perform legal marriages, only spiritual ones.

There will be increased gun control. I don't think it will come to the government taking away guns from everyone, but it will become increasingly difficult and expensive to buy and use guns. Increases in gun and ammunition taxes will be one area. Most likely there will be fees imposed by home owners and medical insurance companies, probably mandated by the federal government. Background checks will require more information and may take longer, which will end up decreasing sales because it will be more difficult to go out and buy a gun on the same day.

Socialist programs will become implemented, such national health insurance (which is how the gun questions and related fees will be implemented in order to obtain the mandated health insurance). Taxes will increase.

There will be a big "green" movement, pushing the global warming/climate change issue. When the famine conditions decrease and harvest begin to improve, the Democrats will claim the credit for creating environmentally friendly regulations.

Despite the increased intrusion of government into the lives of its citizens, and the decrease in Constitutional liberties, the Democrats will point to the improving conditions and claim it as the result their policies, regulations, and legislation.

On the surface, things will be looking good. But the undercurrents will show increasing instability, unrest, and insecurity. Around the world, there will be still plenty of signs of trouble coming.

And then we head into 2024.

I hope I'm wrong and that we have a much longer time before this great country falls. It would be great if the people could return to God for a longer period of time.

The bright side is after the fall we will be that much closer to the Second Coming. By that time, America will probably be cleansed of the most wicked (there will still be some around), and conditions will be more conducive to build the New Jerusalem. There will still be plenty of challenges and difficulties. The gospel will still need to be preached around the world, and the righteous gathered.


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