A Possible Sequencing of Events to the Second Coming

I wish Koyle, or someone close to him, had written all his prophesies instead of those prophesies being collected at a later time. I've read through them several times and tried to put together a sequence. I've even shared my thoughts with family, a few others, and on my own blog several times over the past couple years.

I've read a number of drought reports over the same time period, and watched how drought conditions have spread. Yes, there has been some recovery in some places (like California after the snowy 2016-17 winter) but drought conditions have almost all returned (places in CA never got out of drought, and, according to the US drought monitor, most of southern CA is heading into severe drought).

It is highly likely we are at the beginning of the drought/famine. Koyle talked about a 4-year drought/famine in Utah but it would be a 7-year process for the nation, with about 3.5 years going in to the worst, and another 3+ years coming out of it.

If that's the case, according to Koyle and if this (2018) is the first year, we have this year and get our homes in order (food storage, gardens) as the drought will get worse. By 2020 (the third year) it will get really bad, and worse in 2021. Conditions will start improving the following year (2022) and be good in 2023.

Combine this with a very real possibility of a bad recession or depression starting in late 2019. Economic conditions probably won't start improving until 2022.

These two factors will play heavily into the 2020 general election, and will probably get the Democrats/liberals/socialists into power. We'll start losing more Constitutional liberties even more quickly through regulations, restrictions, and other legislation. They will take the credit for improving economic and agricultural conditions, and probably keep power in the 2022 election.

If things follow this path, 2023 will be the last opportunity to refresh food storage and supplies after the recession/depression and drought/famine. Of course most people will think things are finally improving and won't bother with preparations.

I think 2024 is when things will really fall apart, but it won't appear likely for the first part of the year. It will look like a successful year for crops. A likely gathering call may happen in the spring, when everything appears to be going really well. By late summer and early fall, a series of plagues and widespread natural disasters will have affected much of the country. Storms will destroy crops, the mega-quake will strike the Wasatch Front, UN troops will be rendering "aid" in the disaster areas, and another plague will sweep through America. With millions dead, and resources either non-existent or at a minimum, the Chinese and Russians will be willing to attack and invade America later that year.

The president will be assassinated (probably after the election) and WWIII will begin (most likely) during the Congressional lame duck session as North Korea invades South Korea. Tactical nukes will likely be used against the North Korean army, and Russia and China will retaliate with EMPs and nuclear strikes on strategic targets in the US.

But, I don't believe this will be any part of the time of tribulation spoken of in the Book of Revelation. It's just getting America out of the world picture so it can be cleansed, and the New Jerusalem built before the Great Day of the Lord.

I think the time of tribulation begins sometime after America is no longer a concern, and probably not until after WWIII.

Many of the other nations will begin to unite together in a new world order, particularly after several mega-disasters (such as those spoken of in the opening of the seventh seal in Revelation 8), and additional plagues and wars (Revelation 9) devastate the populations of the nations.

If we assume only a 7-year tribulation period (which I don't fully buy into), and assuming WWIII ends in 2026, then the Second Coming could happen in 2033 (2,000 years after the Lord's atonement).

But, it's more likely that the great earthquake spoken of in Revelation 6:12 (during the sixth seal) will happen sometime between 2024 and 2030. Then we will still have the events of the seventh seal that will need to happen.

If a solar kill-shot (a massive coronal mass ejection) hits it would also set the world back technological for years.

Either or both events could delay the formation of the new world order as nations work to rebuild, or it may aid in the unification of the nations.

I've written in several other posts that I believe most people are wrong about when a Jubilee year is supposed to be. I think we are in a calendar period known as "the burning", and it is the final Jubilee period before the Second Coming.

The next Jubilee, the Millennial Jubilee, begins 30 September 2057, and would last until the next fall, in 2058. It is very probable that the Passover time in 2058 (during that Jubilee year) is when the Lord will come in his glory (the Second Coming) and usher in the Millennium.

Prior to that, probably beginning in 2050, is the 7-year clean-up period after the battle of Armageddon (Ezekiel 39:9).

Between the end of WWIII (2026?) and the beginning of the clean-up (2050?) is about 23-24 years.

I expect the great earthquake of the sixth seal to happen sometime between 2024 and 2030, and it may coincide with a magnetic reversal event. I think the half-hour of silence (Revelation 8:1) to follow.

What if the half-hour of silence (which could be 21 years of heaven's time) refers to a period of time when there is no, or very limited, missionary work throughout the world?

We don't know if the seven trumps in the seventh seal happen quickly or if there is time between each event (particularly the first four). My guess it they probably don't happen quickly, according to our earthly time reckoning.

The fifth trump is a 5-month period, and the sixth is a 13-month period. But, we don't know if there is time between these two periods.

The 3.5 year siege on Jerusalem happens before the seventh trump.

A lot of people want to lump the siege with the Battle of Armageddon. There are some similarities, including the interpretation the each is a 3.5 year period.

But, what if they are two separate events?

It would seem very possible that there is a period of time between the 3.5 year siege and the Battle of Armageddon. It is during that time that the beast takes full control, and most of the world is united in a new world order. It is also during that time (after the seventh trump) when the seven last plagues strike (Revelation 15-16).

There is no mention of these plagues during the sounding of the first six trumps, and it seems clear that these final seven plagues happen during the seventh trump, not the sixth when the siege occurs.

It is during the sixth plague (during the seventh trump time period) that the people are gathered "into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon" (Revelation 16:16). So it would appear that the siege happens in the period of the sixth trump, while the final battle of Armageddon happens in the period of the seventh trump.

The seventh plague follows, which includes "a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." (Revelation 16:18) and "there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great" (Revelation 16:21).

One time period I forgot to mention. There is a general consensus that the beast (who appears to come out more prominently sometime after the siege on Jerusalem) makes a treaty with Israel, and all is well for 3.5 years. Then the next 3.5 years is when the final battle takes place.

Combining the identified time periods:

  • 5 months of torment by the "locusts"
  • 13 months of a war
  • 3.5 years for the siege of Jerusalem
  • 3.5 years of "peace"
  • 3.5 years of battle of Armageddon

If each event happens one right after the other, there appears to be 12 years worth of those events.

And, that is assuming all the other trumps and plagues don't take any time, or are concurrent with the other events.

My guess is each trump-period and plague will take some time. And, there is likely time between these major events.

It would appear that it may take 5 or more years for the beast to take full power over the majority of the world.

While there are other equally likely "general timelines", here is one to consider.

This "timeline" assumes all the events of the trumps and plagues happen during the 21-year period of "silence." Assuming the Second Coming during the next Jubilee (2057-58) and a seven year clean-up prior to that (which would include a highly accelerated missionary work around the world), this would put the beginning time frame around 2029. This would also mean the opening of the seventh seal happens about this time.

Assuming the great earthquake of the sixth seal has not already happened, it would have to happen before or by 2029. The calling of the 144,000 also happens during the sixth seal (Revelation 7). Of course, my guess is most of the general membership of the Church won't know when the 144,000 are called.

Going with the sequence of events mentioned earlier, where America is invaded by the end of 2024 and WWIII begins, WWIII will probably last until 2026 (or as late as 2029). WWI was over four years, and WWII lasted about six years. It's probable that the great earthquake could help bring the war to an end. That great earthquake may also be responsible for splitting America along the path of the Mississippi river basin, opening a wide new gulf.

My guess is, except for deserters or rogue troops, foreign nations will have mostly withdrawn from their invasion of America sometime in 2026. Their biggest reasons for the withdrawal will be to bring troops back to their home nations to put down civil uprisings, fight enemies on their home and other fronts. The real reasons will be that they will no longer see the value in pursing the conquest of America at that time due to well-organized resistance forces, and divine intervention, primarily through severe weather and natural disaster events that will devastate foreign forces.

Sometime between 2026 and 2029 is when many Saints will probably be called to go to what was formerly Jackson County, Missouri, and start building the New Jerusalem. Most likely this will involve remnants of the Lamanites and the lost 10 tribes joining together with the Saints on the journey to the center place of Zion. The remaining saints will be busy rebuilding other cities.

I suspect the 144,000 will begin being called sometime around then as well.

If it hasn't happened sooner, I think the great council at Adam-ondi-Ahmen will happen soon after the building of the New Jerusalem begins.

So, I've presented a couple of differing timelines. One has the Second Coming happening as soon as 2033. In the other, the Second Coming doesn't happen until spring 2058. I have other sequences where the Second Coming could come at other times between those years. But, I think that Great Day is most likely to happen during that time frame, with the greatest likelihood being in 2058.

It would be nice if it happened sooner. I'll be in my mid-80s by then. However, I think one of the trials is we want it to happen sooner.

Many Christians only expect a "seven year tribulation" and when things don't improve, and get worse, and more than seven years have passed, then 10 , then 20, there will be many hearts that fail and people will lose hope, and faith. Too many trust in the words of their preachers, religious leaders, or someone they follow online. They don't seek out revelation of their own and are left to be "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive" (Ephesians 4:14).

I would love for the Second Coming to be sooner, and I hope I'm ready for it whenever it happens.

The children of Israel, under Moses, had to wait 40 years to enter their promised land. What are you going to do to prepare yourself, your children, and family to still be faithful, even if it takes 40 years, or longer, before the promise of the Second Coming is fulfilled?

And, it's not like those 40 years will be easy. I've outlined only some of the coming trials, challenges, disasters, and events that are likely to happen.

My question to you is, are you ready to endure 40 years, or longer?


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