The Regulating of the Second Amendment

Maybe you might remember when I've mentioned how one of the tactics to restrict and regulate guns would involve money? Basically one of the methods of attacking the 2nd Amendment is to make it more difficult and more expensive to be a gun owner.

Well, here's a couple of articles:

Gun industry sees banks as new threat to 2nd Amendment

Gun industry noticing new trend affecting their business

Here's the sum of the articles. "Many big banks and payment processing firms are deciding not to handle, or restrict, transactions dealing with gun companies."

Said a gun store owner, "“If they find out it’s a gun sale, they usually just try to cancel your merchant account and start all over again. When they shut down your bank account, you can’t even take checks. You can’t take anything, so you’re out of business, basically.”

Even though these stores are federally licensed, and are overseen by the federal government, banks and credit card processing companies are deciding who they will do business with.

Sounds, kind of like those people who refuse to do something for a same-sex couple (like make a cake) based on religious belief, except these financial entities are not claiming any religious belief or any other Constitutionally protected right that would permit them from transacting a perfectly legal business transaction.

This is how the right granted by the 2nd Amendment will be whittled away. It won't be the result of a national push for gun control (yet). It won't happen through a Constitutional amendment. It will happen through the decisions made by organizations and by legislative action in individual states. The actions will be intentional to make purchasing and owning a firearm more difficult and more expensive.


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