When will the Big One strike Salt Lake City?

 Here's the background. 

Bluffdale, Utah, earthquake, magnitude 3.7

Time: 2019-02-15 05:09:51 (UTC-07:00) 

Location: 40.463°N 111.948°W 

Depth: 8.6 km

Magna, Utah, earthquake, magnitude 5.7

Time: 2020-03-18 07:09:31 (UTC-06:00) 

Location: 40.751°N 112.078°W 

Depth: 11.9 km 

Pursuing some thoughts I've had, I measured the approximate distance from Bluffdale quakes to the Magna quakes. It's about 33.8 km from the latitude/longitude locations of the 3.7 and 5.7 quakes. Incidentally, the line runs straight through the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple.

I drew out an equilateral triangle, and then started to measure to various locations around the area. Primarily I focused on distance from the Bluffdale quake as it was the first.

It's about 33.8 km from the first Bluffdale quake epicenter to the southwest corner of the University of Utah, which happens to be the corner of the parking lot for the Rice-Eccles Stadium. That happens to be 19 km from the Magna quakes.

Interestingly, the Bluffdale quakes were about 33 km (32.96km) from my house. 

The Bluffdale quakes were also about 34 km from Temple Square, about 33.8 km from the Salt Palace Convention Center, and about 34 km from the Vivent Smart Home Arena (where the Jazz play). It's also 33.8 km to the LaVell Edwards Stadium on Provo.

I used Google Maps for measuring distances, so it's not exact. I measured approximately 33.8 km from the Bluffdale and Magna epicenters to some place near Gobblers Knob. I'm not convinced that would be where the next epicenter will be, it was more of curiosity that I plotted it on the map. I do think the Big One will likely have it's epicenter near this area, most likely above the upper line.

But, isn't it interesting that the approximate epicenter of the Bluffdale earthquakes happens to be almost equidistant from the stadiums at Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Vivint Smart Home Arena where the Jazz play their home games,? 

An earthquake, barely big enough to call attention to itself at magnitude 3.7, is centered from the three biggest sports arenas in the state of Utah...how does that happen? There are, of course, other sports venues but these are the biggest and bring in the most money--where athletics are concerned--for the local economy.

An interesting note about the Blufdale quake location is it's also about the center of the Wasatch Front population zone, from Nephi at the south up to Ogden area in the north.

Directly west of Bluffdale, about 19.7 km is Butterfield Peaks. Slightly south and about 21.7 km away is Lowe Peak, and just a little north is Clipper Peak at 21.1 km. This is the approximate area where Hector Sosa and others have seen in vision a plume of smoke from a dormant cinder cone volcano. Sosa believes this will be the two-day sign. If there is a sign for the Wasatch Front to see, this is generally a good location, and possibly visible from most places along the Wasatch Front. (see my post https://fulnessoftimes.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-coming-big-quake-in-utah.html)

What is interesting is Rice-Eccles stadium is about 20 km east of the Magna quake and the approximate location where Sosa believes the plume will be is about 20 km west of the Bluffdale quake. Using the distance from Bluffdale to the stadium, I measure south-south-west from Magna to get an approximate point. I can't say there is anything even near that location that would indicate any kind of even potential volcanic/magmatic activity. 

If we correlate the location of the two-day sign as a reference to where the epicenter of the Big One will be, then the epicenter will be near the University of Utah.

Why did I focus on the stadiums? Because for too many people sports and/or entertainment have become the "god" they worship. 

But what if the Bluffdale quake was a two-day sign? Not our 24-hour day, but a prophetic "day". Often in Old Testament prophesies (and even in the New Testament) a "day" is a time period different than a 24-hour cycle of the sun. Usually the prophetic "day" is about a year. 

So, what if a two day warning is not only referencing two 24-hour periods but also refers to two years?

The magnitude 3.7 Bluffdale quake on February 15, 2019, was the beginning of the first day. Then, just to make sure we're paying attention, a little more than a year later, on March 18, 2020, there's another, bigger (magnitude 5.7) earthquake.

The second "day" would end around March 2021. I mentioned the possibly in the mentioned post back in March, but I didn't connect the day=year possibility until more recently.

If the Bluffdale quake was a two "day" sign, referencing two years before the Big One, then the Big One should be expected sometime from February to April 2021. If you go by the times of both quakes, the Bluffdale quake was at 5:09 AM and the Magna quake happened at 7:09 AM. Would the next quake be a little later, at 9:09 AM or would it split the difference and be at 6:09 AM, so it would be a real "wake up" earthquake? I'm leaning towards the 6 AM.

Passover 2021 begins the evening of Saturday March 21 and ends the evening of Sunday, April 4. Would that be a possible time frame, narrowed down to a week? 

Or, would we be more likely to expect the quake at the beginning of March, where it splits the difference between Feb 15 and March 18?

How big would a Big One be? I expect it to be at least a 7.0 to 7.2.

Someone mentioned this, and my wife commented on it to me, at the conclusion of the October 2020 conference President Oaks stated that "the conference will then be adjourned." I'm fairly certain I've heard that particularly phrasing before, but what was pointed out is that the person conducting usually states something to the effect of conference being adjourned for six months.

Whether the statement was intentional or not, and whether there's any meaning to that particular phrasing, I don't know. 

But, if there is a Big earthquake in March, or even right up to the week before Conference (which is Passover week) General Conference will likely be cancelled or, more likely, delayed for several weeks.

If there is a Big One in early spring 2021, it could also be a good time for revealing any shortcomings in the earthquake retrofitting plans for the Salt Lake Temple reconstruction.

And if, as I expect, the really big earthquake that happens at a later time occurs in the fall (some think it will be spring time), three and a half years after March/April 2021 is September/October 2024.

With winter fast approaching, flu and cold season beginning, and COVID-19 afflicting many and taking us away from "normal" there isn't much time. Although many retail stores have been stocking up, and are restricting quantities of certain items expected to be in high demand, what happens if increased lockdowns occur? Or more travel restrictions? What happens if something slows down the supply chain? Might be a good idea to get a little extra when you still have time to do so.

Hopefully I'm wrong, but the pattern I'm seeing is the Big One will very likely happen in less than 5 months.

Better get ready, just in case I'm right. And, if I'm wrong, well...it doesn't hurt to get better prepared.


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