Being Open Minded

We tend to believe that which most aligns with our own beliefs, values, ethics, and biases. And, we seek--often unconsciously--that which will justify those beliefs, values, ethics, and biases.

This leads me to define what I refer to as being open-minded, which likely has a different meaning for others. I think most people think open-minded is open-morals, or open to anything and everything.

To me, being open-minded involves becoming aware that we have biases and desires, but being willing to accept that there may be a better way, or a truth that transcends the "truths" we believe in. Open mindedness is part of accepting God's will for us and putting our faith and trust in God. 

Open-minded also allows for everyone to make use of their own freedom to choose and act, as long as those actions do not affect the freedoms of others. Killing, crime, even many moral issues can negatively affect the freedoms of others. God gave commandments to help us maintain our freedom 

Open mindedness is recognizing there that no single religion, belief or value set, science, or any discipline has all truth. Let me explain a little more.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I believe that the true Gospel of Jesus Christ has been fully restored to the earth and the fulness of the Gospel is found in the Church. However, any member who has studies the latter-day prophets knows that many of those prophets have essentially stated that we--the Church--do not have all the truth in the universe, nor do we have exclusive access to truth. What the Church has is the full truths needed--comprised in the various principles and ordinances of the Gospel--for God's children to gain eternal exaltation.

God will reveal additional truths to his children, either individually or through his prophets, as they faithfully seek and are ready to accept additional truths. Usually these additional insights are referred to as revelation. Often these revelations expand our understanding of previously known truths.

Open minds are teachable and willing.

Those who are close minded, who are unwilling to accept or even consider other beliefs, lock themselves out of progression. The close minded are those who believe God has revealed everything and has nothing more to say.

However, as was implied earlier, being open-minded does not mean one openly accepts anything and everything that is supposedly revealed or accepted as "truth." 

It doesn't take much effort to discover supposed scientific truths which were later debunked and thrown by the wayside when new knowledge and understanding was received. Yet, there are scientists who are so entrenched in their belief of what is "true" they cannot even allow themselves to consider other possibilities. This is being close-minded. Scientific theories are just that, theories. Not absolute truth. Theories involve constant testing. When proven exhaustively to be true in all cases, some theories become laws which are accepted as true but only within the sphere where it has been proven to be true.

We need to test what is claimed to be truth. We need to do our own research and study, and not accept what is claimed by others.

The Holy Ghost is vital in helping us know what is true. 

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (John 14:26)

"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." (Moroni 10:5

Normally we use these scriptures, and other scriptures, to help us know what is true in relation to God and his plan of happiness (the Gospel).

But it is clearly stated the Holy Ghost can help us to know the truth of "all things."

How to live by the Spirit is something I am still learning, and could be the subject of many posts. The point I want to make here is that we should not be so insistent that we know what is best and that we know what is true in all cases, because that locks up our ability to receive guidance from the Spirit.

One of the gifts of the Spirit is the gift of discernment. As society pushes harder to make good evil and evil good, and pushes for increased acceptance of immorality, and politicians seek to reduce freedoms in the name of security and protection, it would be helpful to seek for discernment so we can not only learn the truth, but be able to help our families as discover the truth.

Some so called "truths" being pushed by society can be easily dismissed, particularly if they are in direct violation of God's commandments and the covenants one makes with God through the various ordinances of the Gospel. One subject, which I will likely cover in the future, is the lie society (as a whole) is pushing that same-sex marriage is good. Nowhere is same-sex marriage, homosexuality,  or any similar relationship approved of, justified, or authorized in the scriptures. 

When the truth isn't clear, we need to put in some effort to discover the truth and not just take someone's word for it. Being open minded is being open to new truths, but it does not mean we should trust others to always present true facts. We need to study it in our minds. When we have arrived at what we think is true, then we can ask God and, if we're living worthy of the companionship of the Spirit, receive confirmation or essentially be told to try again.

The more difficult scenarios are those which seem to be non-gospel related. One such question is who would be the best person to vote for in the coming election. But that is another topic of discussion, although I will state that neither Hilary nor Trump would be good for our country.

Ultimately we need to realize and accept that everyone is different. Our experiences, history, interests, and everything which makes each of us unique also influence what we belief, how we perceive others, and what biases and prejudices we make. Even siblings with the same parents and same upbringing can develop different belief and value sets.

It is the close-minded who think their own belief/value set is the best. The close-minded don't think they need to change and that others need to conform. 

The open-minded will realize and accept there are differences. The open-minded, while maintaining their own belief/value system, are willing to look for the good in others. They look for common ground.

While the open-minded and close-minded appear to share the same conviction when they know of a truth, and both can be firm in their belief, there's a big difference when they try to share truths.

When sharing truths, the open-minded tend to do so with compassion and understanding, realizing new truths can be difficult to accept by others.  

When the close-minded attempt to share truth, they often try to do so through contention and argument, trying to force others to accept the truth.

Open-minded involves humility and meekness. Close-minded is stubborn and prideful.

Open-minded is also open to impressions that come not just to the mind, but to the heart as well.

Mosiah 2:9
"And these are the words which he spake and caused to be written, saying: My brethren, all ye that have assembled yourselves together, you that can hear my words which I shall speak unto you this day; for I have not commanded you to come up hither to trifle with the words which I shall speak, but that you should hearken unto me, and open your ears that ye may hear, and your hearts that ye may understand, and your minds that the mysteries of God may be unfolded to your view."


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