
No, I did not misspell "fulness."

This particular spelling is what is most often used in the scriptures, often in reference to a period of time, a dispensation, called "the fulness of times."

The fulness of times is also known as the last days, or the period of time preceding the Second Coming of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For those who may not be aware, this is also the period of time in which we are living.

It is a time when the Lord's church has been restored to the earth with the fulness of truth, including the ordinances and priesthood authority, necessary for the children of God to be able to return to God's presence.

It is also a period of time when many of the mysteries of the world and universe are to begin to be revealed, and a time when progress will continue to expand and evolve.

The more common approach is the last days view, with a focus on the doom and gloom, the destruction and calamities, and the whole world being in commotion with the hearts of men failing them.

But the disciples of the Lord know these are just signs preceding his coming. When that coming will be, nobody knows. Based on the scriptures, which I will most likely discuss in a later post, we--if we are living close to and being guided by the Holy Ghost (the Spirit)--might be able to know the likely season, or time of year, when the Second Coming, or other major event, might be likely to happen. But we don't know the year.

There are guesses, some educated, some purely speculative.

I certainly have my own thoughts, but it really doesn't matter when the Second Coming is. What is more important is that we are prepared for it. And prepared for the events which will be transpiring before that Great Day.

One reason we are not told a when is because we, generally speaking, have a tendency to postpone and procrastinate things, especially if we know a date when something is due. Not knowing an exact time can help encourage us not to procrastinate repenting and returning to God.

While I have read the scriptures throughout my life, as well as a number of other religious books, over the last year I have made a more concerted effort to study regularly and to collect information regarding the last days. I have hundreds of pages worth of material from visions and dreams to sermons and discourses. I have news articles that show some of the many signs of the last days, as well as other research that might give clues to future signs. There are pages of insights and thoughts I've had as I've studied and researched. And I have even included opinions and views from others.

I feel that I need to begin sharing some of what I've learned. I keep a study journal and a OneNote file as my primary recording areas, but I've had the thought for awhile that I need to have a more public venue. As I learn new things and feel inclined to share them, this will likely become my primary sounding point.

I do welcome comments that are non-confrontational. Contention is of the devil and those who want to contend do not bring a welcoming spirit. Those who contend seldom want to learn from others.

Along these lines, I struggle with the idea of allowing anonymous comments. While I know many people have accounts that do not show their actual name, at least a name has some accountability. I believe people should take responsibility for what they say. For this reason I do not allow anonymous comments.

Most of what I post will be of my own opinion. When I can, I will support conclusions and opinions with other sources. Other times I will post purely my opinion and thoughts and will not bother with citations.

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