Strange Sounds in the Sky

Besides reading various news sites, from science, technology, world, politics, etc., I will occasionally watch videos that people have put out.

I've seen several videos which have video clips with strange sounds that people have recorded around the world. Supposedly these sounds have been heard in various places since 2011.

The sounds have been unexplained, at least as far as I've been able to get information.

Here's a couple links:

Santiago, Chile, September 2011

An unknown location

There are plenty of other places. There also seems to be a couple types of sounds, although the ones linked above are the most common.

Some have referred to them as the trumps of Revelation.

There could be truth to that.

After listening and watching several videos on this sounds a couple of weeks ago, my thoughts started wondering what a Shofar sounded like.

A shofar is a Hebrew instrument made from an animal's horn, often a ram's horn. It's used more for ceremonial occasions and celebrations, but was also used in war. Supposedly these were the horns the priests used when attacking the ancient city of Jericho.

Here's some more information about the shofar.

Now, here's a couple links to what a shofar sounds like: (I liked this one better)

Imagine the shofar being sounded in the distance and echoing through the sky, reverberating through the buildings, and having some of its sound getting muffled by structures and the environment.

It's a little eerie how close it is to the strange sounds people are hearing.

When you combine the various purposes for which the shofar was used--sound alarm, for praise, warfare, gathering, coronate kings, convene assemblies, announce new moons and Jubilees, herald messages--along with the signs of the last days, it becomes very reasonable to say many of these strange sounds are indeed trumps of warning and calls to repentance.

Update 31 Aug 2016
While the sounds could be those of angels blowing trumps, there are other opinions.

There are some who believe these sounds come from satellites in orbit, targeting locations on the earth to project the sounds. The opinions seem to be that purpose in this would be for people to start blaming aliens, with an ultimate goal, supposedly, to unite people together. One of the possible methods for trying to establish a world government, by creating fear among the people and justifying the uniting of forces.

Personally, while it cannot be ruled out completely, there are some questions that need answering.

How does sound get projected through space? Radio waves can easily go through space. But I'm not aware of sound waves being able to be transmitted through space. Maybe these "satellites" aren't as high up, like a very low orbit device or high altitude aircraft, where there is still sufficient molecules to actually transmit sound waves. Maybe the radio transmission creates some oscillations to produce the sound heard on the surface.

For those wondering, I probably won't post any links to any of these opinions because I haven't found any I think are very credible.

Update 13 Sep 2016
On this daily news for Suspicious Observers there is a very plausible explanation for the strange sounds coming from the sky. It starts at about time 2 minutes and 18 seconds. Basically some of the sounds could be the result of the earth's magnetic field resonance could be a cause.

While trumps of warning could be a cause, it has been my opinion from my interpretation of the scriptures that the trumps of revelation are not localized. It's possible they may sound similar to these sounds. As mentioned earlier, the sound is similar to shofar.

These localized sounds are more reasonably explained by the earth's magnetic field. Similar to the auroras which are seen on a regional scale, rather than a whole earth or entire hemisphere.

If these trumps were to be heard worldwide, at the same time, and if it were the result of a solar winds pounding the magnetosphere, then it would be a massive solar storm. Maybe not to the level of a solar flare, but it would likely cause a lot of electrical problems.


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