A Gathering

If an invitation to gather is given to the Saints, who will heed the call? 

My thoughts are those who heed the call immediately will have the easiest time gathering. However, I don't think destruction will be immediate on those who remain behind. I think it will be like the city of Ammonihah where there may be 4 months or so before destruction comes (by way of a monstrous earthquake) to the Salt Lake and Utah valleys. 

Between the initial call to gather and the huge earthquake, it will become increasingly difficult for people to gather to the places of refuge. Limitations on travel will likely be in place, probably due to quarantines and limited martial law as a result of fast spreading viruses/plagues. Inflation and other economic conditions may also add to the difficulty to travel. 

Overall conditions will not look bad at the time of the invitation to gather. In fact, conditions will probably be improving and be expected to continue to improve, which will cause many to question the wisdom in gathering.

It will be soon after the call when things will begin to deteriorate. Not so quickly to cause people to panic and flee, but the little things will add up quickly. There will likely be several major natural disasters that will add to the mix, resulting in shortages, inflated pricing of some items (like fuel), and martial law in the areas of disaster to control that chaos. 

As other disasters take place local, state, regional, and then national resources will come under stress and international assistance will be requested.

Martial law will be expanded. Travel restrictions will be increased. Diseases, viruses, plagues will be running rampant. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters will be taking place with increasing frequency.

But, the question many ask is when will an invitation to gather be given?

Some thought it would happen earlier in 2016 (this year). Many think it will be soon, as in the next year or two.

My thoughts, is it could happen in the next year or two. And we should be prepared physically and spiritually for a gathering to happen. But, it may not happen until 2020 or later, maybe 2024.

If the people, generally speaking, continue on the course they are in, I think the nation will be ripe in iniquity, and ready for destruction, in 4 years. However, if there are some events--think, natural disasters--that cause enough people to repent and return to God then the destruction may get pushed back a few years. I think most of those who will repent will soon after fall back into their former wicked ways.

My thoughts are the invitation to gather will occur in the spring, probably after a General Conference. Many will probably wonder why no mention of the gathering was made during General Conference, which will make many question the wisdom and veracity of the invitation to gather, thinking that if the leaders really knew about it, then they would have given warning about it during Conference.

The invitation will probably be within a month of Conference, possibly as early as the following week.

The spring and summer months will see earthquakes and storms across the nation, along with fast spreading plagues.

I think in late-August or September the nation will probably see a devastating storm that will destroy crops across the land. This would be especially difficult as it will probably look like it would be a great harvest, and it may be the first promising year after a few years of dismal crops. 

Soon after, probably by late September, the really big earthquake will destroy much of Salt Lake.

I don't think World War III will start until after the gathering, most likely not until after the big Utah earthquake. The seeds of that war have been and are being sown, and events are taking place which will lead up to that war. There were over 20 years worth of events that led up to World War II, and some can argue that pre-World War I events and WWI were leading to WWII. 

Apparently the Russian constitution has term limits of two consecutive presidential terms. Putin was president for two terms from 2000 to 2008. Then, after serving as prime minister, Putin was elected to a third term as president. The difference is presidential terms were changed from 4 years to 6 years, so he is president until 2018.

Incidentally, 2018 is when the Satan II nuclear missile is expected to be put into service, with it fully replacing the old missiles by 2020. http://gizmodo.com/russia-reveals-satan-2-nuclear-missile-capable-of-destr-1788187587

And if Putin is reelected--I'm assuming he could serve another term as it would be two consecutive terms, which would be his fourth actual term--he would be in office until 2024.

Most likely the international peacekeeping forces brought into the US to assist with post-earthquake efforts will have many Russian and Chinese troops sent in as forward units. Many people have seen this in dreams and visions, but it makes sense militarily if you're planning an invasion. These troops will add to the difficulty for people to gather.

The real point is, the Lord has always gathered his people, those who listen to and follow him. Small and larger gatherings happen throughout the scriptures. 

It is a real possibility that an invitation to gather will be given in the future. It could be soon, but if the people repent it could be postponed to a later time when the people are wicked again. The prayers of the righteous could also affect when a gathering might occur. When it happens doesn't really matter, as long as we are ready, willing, and able to heed the call. 

Until that time, we need to live our lives. We need to plant our trees. We need to prepare and plan for the future. All this while being watchful and ready. Be aware of the signs that are happening around the world, but don't get hung up on a timeline as things will likely be very different. And don't get too focused on certain events where you miss others.

Likewise, while there are expected specific events that will occur, the events may not happen in a specific sequence. In the Book of Revelation there are certain events that will happen in an order (although it isn't clear how much time will pass between these events), but there are some events that may happen before, during, or after others. And just because there a certain periods of time mentioned for certain events does not mean some events cannot happen concurrently with another. There could also be a period of time between the events.

I, like many others, try to make some sense out of prophesied events. While I don't try to do much in the way of a timeline, I do try to determine a most-likely sequence of events. However, I acknowledge that I'm still really only making a best guess.


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