The Course Towards Destruction

One of the natural consequences of going against traditional marriage and pushing for unnatural relations is the fact that STDs reached a record high last year.

Here's some excerpts from the CDC's website:

"Total combined cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis reported in 2015 reached the highest number ever, according to the annual Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."

The "CDC estimates STD cases cost the U.S. healthcare system nearly $16 billion each year."

"Young people and gay and bisexual men continue to face the greatest risk of becoming infected with an STD, and there continue to be troubling increases in syphilis among newborns."

"Men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for the majority of new gonorrhea and P&S syphilis cases (82 percent of male cases with known gender of sex partner). Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea may be higher among MSM."

"Women’s rate of syphilis diagnosis increased by more than 27 percent from 2014 to 2015"

Unfortunately, the government and most people ignore the best preventative services there are: keep God's commandments. This includes traditional marriage. Instead the "wisdom of man" seems to think natural consequences can be avoided.

The cost of a value-free society--the setting aside of God and his standards--is and will be high. It is a key factor that is leading our nation into destruction.

This is also part of the reason I don't see the major judgment-level destructions happening in the immediate future. There are those who are still fighting the good fight. But the faithful saints, and other righteous people, are diminishing in numbers, succumbing to the enticements of the adversary or in the very least tolerating and supporting evil. I don't see the nation as being fully ripe in iniquity, but it's close.

Two of the various precursor events that I think we may see happen, before the judgments begin, are:

The Church will likely withdraw it's affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America.

The Church will no longer perform civil marriages. Couples will be married civilly first, and then can go to the temple for the sealing.

Currently the BSA supports charting organizations, particularly religious organizations, to disallow gay leaders, and the BSA will legally support the organization's right. But, I think this will be changing. Too many people see this as discriminatory, and the cost of litigation and public opinion will likely cause the BSA to begin to encourage chartered organizations to allow for gay leaders.

Maybe the BSA will think the LDS Church and others will change their positions. But if the BSA changes course and won't support an organization's right to not permit gay leaders, and/or if the BSA requires all chartered organizations to accept qualified leaders, even if the leader is gay, then the Church will discontinue its association with the BSA.

In a number of other countries members of the Church must first be married civilly and can then be sealed in the temple. Most likely the government will require religious organizations to not discriminate in who they will marry. So, churches will either be required to marry anyone who can be legally married, or the church in violation of federal law will face consequences such as losing non-profit status. Some churches, like the LDS Church, will likely decide they will no longer perform civil marriages, but only "spiritual marriages" after a legal marriage has been performed civilly first. In the case the LDS Church, sealings will only be performed after a couple has been married civilly first.

However, just because I think we're a few years off from judgment-grade events doesn't mean we are exempt from major natural disasters. On the contrary, God uses natural disasters as a way to humble the people, and encourage them to repent and return to him. We will see increasing disasters, but most people will attribute them to "global warming" or "climate change."

Because the majority of the people are not likely to repent and return to God--the scriptures even tell us the gentiles won't repent--wickedness will become rampant. If the faithful leave a city or region or even a nation, either by force or by warning from the Spirit to flee, destruction will soon follow. 

When Alma and Amulek left Ammonihah, the righteous had already been either killed or tossed out of the land. Alma and Amulek, as far as we know, were the last to leave. It was less than 4 months later when a Lamanite army came and completely destroyed the city.


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