A Middle-Eastern Temple Uncovered in America in 1930

Just stumbled on this and thought it was interesting. In 1930, the Tennesse Authority found an "entire building" within a Hopewell mound while building a dam. After bringing in an Egyptologist, it was determined to be a middle eastern temple.

Of course, don't expect to see the building. The video doesn't explain what happened to it. Maybe it got flooded with the water.

As good as the Smithsonian and other scientific institutions may be, many of the scientists involved are equally good at covering up, discrediting, hiding, and destroying any potential evidence which may hurt, discredit, or disprove their theories.

I read a comment on a Twitter feed which I found interesting. I don't remember the exact quote, but it was something to the effect of, how many scientists actually make new discoveries?

I know there are scientists who make new discoveries, but when you think about it, there are a lot of discoveries which are made by either non-scientists or amateur scientists.


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