Is World War III About to Begin?

Unless you've been hiding under a bush, you've probably heard of increasing tensions in the middle east (with the US bombing Syria in response to a gas attack), and North Korea pushing it's nuclear missile program (and the US sending a carrier fleet to the area).

Some think World War III will begin soon.

Personally, I think we still have some time before that devastating global war. Not that I think the world will be completely devastated, but it will likely make other wars look tame.

My thought is when WWIII happens it will end up mostly cutting America off from the rest of the world. Because of the loss of the federal government and division of the country (due to natural disasters, plagues, anarchy, destruction, and foreign invasion), the country will essentially be at a reset and rebuild point.

Other countries (particularly those outside of the Americas) will likely not be too concerned with the remnants of America. There will be no central/federal government left, the country (what's left of it) will be very divided, and the remaining populace will be of no consequence to the world. The other nations of the world will be more concerned with their own countries, and joining in alliances to rebuild their own. The new world order, that will be emerging among many of the other nations, will not see America as any kind of threat. They will believe they could easily invade and conquer what's left of America once they have established full control of their own countries.

However, because there will be no federal control or government, or even state governments, and the population will be significantly decreased (due to plagues, natural disasters, and war) it will become an ideal time for the Saints to rebuild, to establish Zion societies, and to return and build the New Jerusalem.

It will likely be during this time of building that the righteous are gathered from among the nations, and those who do not want "to take his sword against his neighbor" flee to the land of Zion.

Section 45 of the Doctrine and Covenants states in verses 68 through 71:

68 And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety.

69 And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another.

70 And it shall be said among the wicked: Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible; wherefore we cannot stand.

71 And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy.

Most likely by the time the NWO or other nations are built up enough to consider invading America, Zion will be built up, and the nations of the world will be afraid to attack. Consider verse 70 of the above mentioned verses:

"And it shall be said among the wicked: Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible; wherefore we cannot stand"

I'm not implying it will be easy for the Saints to rebuild their cities and to build the New Jerusalem. There will still be gangs, rogue military units, or para-military groups that will be trying to terrorize and control cities and regions of the country. And there will still be remnants of plagues, natural disasters, and the regular elements to deal with. On top of all that, those who remain will need to be planting and trying to learn how to produce and preserve sufficient crops to survive.

It is also my opinion that WWIII, or within a short time after, is when the time of tribulations will actually begin.

So, while I don't think WWIII is immediately around the corner of time, I do think we may be heading into some increasingly tense regional conflicts.

I'm not convinced things will boil over in North Korea, yet. Yes, Kim Jong-un is extremely unpredictable, and very capable of igniting a war. But, I don't think China is ready for him to do that, so things will probably simmer down a bit. I do think it is highly likely that the main events of WWIII are more likely to be triggered in the Korean peninsula. That is, future history books may point to North Korea as starting WWIII, just a history tends to point to Germany's invasion of Poland as the beginning of WWII. But the reality is the seeds of war began many years earlier.

It seems to me that Russia and China are posturing in the geo-economic-political stage in preparation for a future war. Kind of like Nazi Germany in the early to mid-1930's.

I need to re-read Hector Sosa's book (my parents have my copy), as I recall a brief mention of a conflict that, if I remember it right, reduces the military forces of Russia and the US. I'm not sure if it happens before or after the first Utah earthquake. I think it was after, and definitely before the really big earthquake and subsequent foreign invasion of the US. It was only a brief mention, but it stuck out to me as possibly an important piece. It seemed to imply the conflict was between Russia and the US, but maybe it heavily involves US and Russian forces.

Which will happen first:  first big Utah earthquake, big economic/stock market crash, or another major military conflict? And, while one or more could happen this year, it might be 2018, or later, before things begin to play out on these stages.


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