Who is Joel Skousen?

This is more for my personal reference for later, but thought I'd make a post of it.

I've listened to several online talk show hosts interview and have discussions with Joel Skousen.

Personally, I think Joel is one of the more level-headed analysts of world events. I'm not sure where he gets his sources, but he has worked in some high positions. He appears to have a fairly good understanding of politics around the world.

Before I'd heard of Joel, I had already thought World War III would most likely be started or involve the Korean peninsula, most likely being started by North Korea. The conflict would give China an excuse to invade and take over Taiwan. Russia would take back its former soviet states.

It's interesting that Joel also has the belief that North Korea will be the start of WWIII.

I found this interview which gives a good introduction of who Joel is, some of his background, and some of his views.

Insight Vox: Joel Skousen

Joel has been interviewed a number of times by Alex Jones, but it's interesting to watch and listen because Alex can get very passionate, very animated, very opinionated, and sometimes even extreme. Joel doesn't take the bait and keeps his side of the discussions/interviews more calm and collected.

Joel's website is http://joelskousen.com/


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