The August 21 Eclipse and What May be Next
There has been some misinformation that the coming solar eclipse next week is the first one to cross the nation since 1776. For example, this CBSnews page,, makes the 1776 claim, and cites a page.
"The August event will go down as the first total solar eclipse whose path of totality stays completely in the United States since 1776, experts say, according the Total Solar Eclipse 2017 guide."
But I could not find any reference to a 1776 total solar eclipse on the linked page (
The critical item mentioned, but missed by many, is the path of totality is apparently "completely in the United States."
A simple search shows a 1776 total eclipse across America did not happen, and the total eclipse that happened in November of that year did not even come into what would become the United States. Most likely some of the colonies (recently created states) probably saw a partial eclipse.
NASA's site (which people use for the coming eclipse) shows the 30 November 1776 total eclipse path as completely missing the United States.
Other solar eclipses have entered the US, although most have only crossed portions of the US. Not that Wikipedia is a research-worthy source, but I'll use if for images.
Next week's eclipse crosses from Oregon to South Carolina.,_2017
On June 8, 1918, a solar eclipse crossed the US from about Washington to Florida,_1918#/media/File:SE1918Jun08T.png
Supposedly, the path of totality for the coming eclipse is entirely over the US, which, supposedly, hasn't happened since before the birth of the nation. I'm not sure how the path of totality is exactly defined since the 1918 eclipse's path of totality doesn't appear to go over any other countries, besides the US (maybe it clipped British Columbia or maybe it crossed over an island belonging to another country--it did start close to Japan). Nearby countries see partial eclipses. Maybe it's referring to the point of greatest eclipse (green GE marker on the maps), since that is over the US, whereas the 1918 point of greatest eclipse was over the north Pacific.
The US has had solar eclipses, and even total solar eclipses pass over the country since 1776. If you look at the two Wikipedia articles you can see the image at the top right of the articles where it shows the path, and asterisk for the point of greatest eclipse.
The 1918 total solar eclipse had its greatest eclipse point in the north Pacific.
The April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse, which will pass over parts of the US, will have its greatest eclipse in Mexico.,_2024
The August 12, 2045, total solar eclipse will have its greatest eclipse just off the coast of Florida, which will technically be over the US.,_2045

Some other interesting articles.
We need to be cautious about misinformation that so easily spreads across the internet.
Now for some personal thoughts relating to the eclipse, and what may be coming.
I do think next week's eclipse may be a sort of "harbinger for the end of this nation," although I don't think the end is coming this year. The next total solar eclipse in the US will occur April 8, 2024, or just under 7 years from now.
What if next week's eclipse marks the final 7 year period of the United States? Many believe in a coming gathering or call-out. The scriptures have many examples of the Lord gathering the faithful out before judgment-level destruction happens. What if a gathering call happens about the time of the next eclipse? Following that would most likely be a short period of devastating plagues, mega-natural disasters, a full-collapse of the economy, and invasion of the US by foreign forces, which invasion would be preceded by EMPs and nukes in key locations.
I know there are plenty who think all of this will happen sooner, especially with North Korea becoming a more trigger-happy. And, I think it would be great to get things done with sooner.
But, what if we are about to first enter a period of increasing drought and famine, combined with a big economic downturn (not a full collapse but more like a depression)? God frequently uses famine to try to get his children to repent and return to him. Could we be on the doorstep of the years of famine that John Koyle saw? After that, as things are improving (or appear to be improving), is when the call-out, plagues, and destruction would most likely happen.
Something for all to consider, could you survive a famine that persists for 2, 3, or more years? Now combine that with an economic depression. How good does your odds look? In such a scenario, too many will be crawling to the government for help but will discover too little, or none available.
Personally, I don't think the famine will be a time when there is no food available. More likely it will be a period of time when food becomes difficult to get (food shortages), possibly increasing prices on food, and nearly impossible to buy extra for storage. It may be that because food will cost more, it will require more of our income to eat like we are used to.There will probably be some food rationing. Maybe there will be some laws enforced against food hoarding (which could affect those with food storage). Money may even be available, but food won't be.
If the timing happens just right, prior to a presidential election, the populace will rise up against the president and congress, and there will be a dramatic shift in power as people blame the administration and vote in replacements. Of course, the replacements will take credit as things begin to improve (even though they have no control over the climate and famine conditions), and they will put in legislation to further control and "prevent" similar things from happening in the future. It will be a great excuse to socialize more of the system, and most of the people will be sold on it. And, since things will be improving (on the surface) most the the people will believe the increased government control was the solution.
I have dozens of articles regarding food shortages, crop failures, drought, and famine. From what I can tell, these are increasing in frequency and duration. Hopefully I can get some of them put into a future post.
Another coming event is the first big Utah earthquake. The earliest I think it might happen will be this fall. But, it might not happen for a few more years. If it does happen this fall, it will be more convincing to me that we are in the last years of the country as we know it, with the eclipse marking the beginning of the last seven years and the first Utah earthquake being the beginning of the destructions of that time period.
"The August event will go down as the first total solar eclipse whose path of totality stays completely in the United States since 1776, experts say, according the Total Solar Eclipse 2017 guide."
But I could not find any reference to a 1776 total solar eclipse on the linked page (
The critical item mentioned, but missed by many, is the path of totality is apparently "completely in the United States."
A simple search shows a 1776 total eclipse across America did not happen, and the total eclipse that happened in November of that year did not even come into what would become the United States. Most likely some of the colonies (recently created states) probably saw a partial eclipse.
NASA's site (which people use for the coming eclipse) shows the 30 November 1776 total eclipse path as completely missing the United States.
Other solar eclipses have entered the US, although most have only crossed portions of the US. Not that Wikipedia is a research-worthy source, but I'll use if for images.
Next week's eclipse crosses from Oregon to South Carolina.,_2017
On June 8, 1918, a solar eclipse crossed the US from about Washington to Florida,_1918#/media/File:SE1918Jun08T.png
Supposedly, the path of totality for the coming eclipse is entirely over the US, which, supposedly, hasn't happened since before the birth of the nation. I'm not sure how the path of totality is exactly defined since the 1918 eclipse's path of totality doesn't appear to go over any other countries, besides the US (maybe it clipped British Columbia or maybe it crossed over an island belonging to another country--it did start close to Japan). Nearby countries see partial eclipses. Maybe it's referring to the point of greatest eclipse (green GE marker on the maps), since that is over the US, whereas the 1918 point of greatest eclipse was over the north Pacific.
The US has had solar eclipses, and even total solar eclipses pass over the country since 1776. If you look at the two Wikipedia articles you can see the image at the top right of the articles where it shows the path, and asterisk for the point of greatest eclipse.
The 1918 total solar eclipse had its greatest eclipse point in the north Pacific.
The April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse, which will pass over parts of the US, will have its greatest eclipse in Mexico.,_2024
The August 12, 2045, total solar eclipse will have its greatest eclipse just off the coast of Florida, which will technically be over the US.,_2045

Some other interesting articles.
We need to be cautious about misinformation that so easily spreads across the internet.
Now for some personal thoughts relating to the eclipse, and what may be coming.
I do think next week's eclipse may be a sort of "harbinger for the end of this nation," although I don't think the end is coming this year. The next total solar eclipse in the US will occur April 8, 2024, or just under 7 years from now.
What if next week's eclipse marks the final 7 year period of the United States? Many believe in a coming gathering or call-out. The scriptures have many examples of the Lord gathering the faithful out before judgment-level destruction happens. What if a gathering call happens about the time of the next eclipse? Following that would most likely be a short period of devastating plagues, mega-natural disasters, a full-collapse of the economy, and invasion of the US by foreign forces, which invasion would be preceded by EMPs and nukes in key locations.
I know there are plenty who think all of this will happen sooner, especially with North Korea becoming a more trigger-happy. And, I think it would be great to get things done with sooner.
But, what if we are about to first enter a period of increasing drought and famine, combined with a big economic downturn (not a full collapse but more like a depression)? God frequently uses famine to try to get his children to repent and return to him. Could we be on the doorstep of the years of famine that John Koyle saw? After that, as things are improving (or appear to be improving), is when the call-out, plagues, and destruction would most likely happen.
Something for all to consider, could you survive a famine that persists for 2, 3, or more years? Now combine that with an economic depression. How good does your odds look? In such a scenario, too many will be crawling to the government for help but will discover too little, or none available.
Personally, I don't think the famine will be a time when there is no food available. More likely it will be a period of time when food becomes difficult to get (food shortages), possibly increasing prices on food, and nearly impossible to buy extra for storage. It may be that because food will cost more, it will require more of our income to eat like we are used to.There will probably be some food rationing. Maybe there will be some laws enforced against food hoarding (which could affect those with food storage). Money may even be available, but food won't be.
If the timing happens just right, prior to a presidential election, the populace will rise up against the president and congress, and there will be a dramatic shift in power as people blame the administration and vote in replacements. Of course, the replacements will take credit as things begin to improve (even though they have no control over the climate and famine conditions), and they will put in legislation to further control and "prevent" similar things from happening in the future. It will be a great excuse to socialize more of the system, and most of the people will be sold on it. And, since things will be improving (on the surface) most the the people will believe the increased government control was the solution.
I have dozens of articles regarding food shortages, crop failures, drought, and famine. From what I can tell, these are increasing in frequency and duration. Hopefully I can get some of them put into a future post.
Another coming event is the first big Utah earthquake. The earliest I think it might happen will be this fall. But, it might not happen for a few more years. If it does happen this fall, it will be more convincing to me that we are in the last years of the country as we know it, with the eclipse marking the beginning of the last seven years and the first Utah earthquake being the beginning of the destructions of that time period.
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