Another possibility to swing the 2018 election

In several earlier posts I've postulated the possibility of a stock market crash, a market correction if you will, happening in 2018 as a possible influence to sway voters into electing more Democrats/liberals into office, and possibly gain the majority of one or more houses of Congress.

My guess is the globalists know that economic conditions are ripe for an economic downturn. Some may not believe it could be a depression, at least not at first. But, there is the real likelihood, and I think the globalists are probably very cautious about disrupting the market when they aren't ready for the unpredictable outcome.

Here are some of the things my research has indicated about the globalists (deep state, Gadiantons, those involved with the conspiracies to overthrow the country):

  • They want to have control of when the financial market crashes, so they can reap the greatest financial rewards.
  • They know they can't control all factors, and so they will probably be very cautious about anything that might spook the regular investors and cause a run on the market, resulting in a crash.
  • Financial downturns are very good persuaders in most voting segments. A market crash in an election year often turns the tide on those previously in power. Consider the great recession, followed by Obama becoming president. But, it's very difficult to control how long or how serious the crash will actually become.
  • The globalists want full control over the monetary system. They have most of the control, but cash is hard to track and control in all areas. A cashless society would be much easier to control and track. But to move to a completely cashless society would likely require a collapse of the current system. The best time for a complete crash is during a war, when the crash can be blamed on the enemies, the war, and the multitude of complicated issues resulting from the war.
So, while a financial downturn could be a valuable player towards the election of those more favorable of the globalists agenda, it does have risk. Are they ready for that risk, especially when it's unlikely they will be able to blame another country, or a war, or any other factor outside of the US monetary system and those making the policies?

I'm not sure they are ready for that. So, I think they will continue to try to prop up the economy as best as they can. This is not to say there won't be a crash, or an depression. I just think they will pursue other options.

One of those possibilities came to me yesterday, in the aftermath of the Las Vegas mass shooting.

Gun control.

I had never considered this as a factor to really swing an election. The various party bases are fairly set. Most liberals are for increased gun control. Most conservatives want to preserve Constitutional liberties, including the right to keep and bear arms, with minimal unnecessary government regulations and restrictions.

So, how would gun control come to be a factor of change?

The answer came when I saw the headlines citing the Las Vegas tragedy as the "deadliest," "most deadly," and "worst" mass shooting in US history (at least in modern history). While it was certainly bad, it's debatable if it was the worst, and headlines are too often sensationalize events.

Anyway, the predictable happened: increased calls for gun control. It always happens. And, somehow mass casualty events often bring gun control back into the discussion, even if guns weren't used. And in Sunday's shooting, automatic weapons (which are already heavily regulated and, in most cases, illegal to possess) were apparently used. But gun control advocates quickly dismiss and overlook that point.

Will the Trump administration do anything about increasing gun control? Not likely. 

Will the Republican majority in the two houses of Congress pass increased gun control measures? Not likely. But if they did, it would be a victory for those pushing to limit Constitutional freedoms and wanting to take away guns from law abiding citizens.

What happens if in a few months there is another mass shooting, only that one becomes the new "worst" and "deadliest" shooting?

What happens if a few months after that there is another worst mass shooting?

The calls for gun control from the left-leaning politicians, celebrities, and public will become deafening. They will ignore the pleas for rationalization, that guns do not cause violence, that outlawing guns only results in outlaws having guns, etc. They will be blinded by the irrational and illogical "fact" that more guns in the country is the reason there is so many mass shootings. They will be blinded into thinking that increasing gun control will result in fewer crimes, murders, and mass casualty events. They are blinded to the fact that if guns are not available, criminals will either still find a way to get a gun or they will use something else (car, bomb, etc.).

But this won't matter, because if enough of the Democrats vote, and if enough of the independents, moderates, and conservatives can be convinced that more gun control will mean more protection and safety, then this issue will force Republicans to pass more gun control legislation and/or help propel the Democrats/Liberals into more election victories, and possibly gain the majority of one or both houses of Congress. The lack of action in gun control action on the part of the Trump administration and Republican led Congress will make many Americans decide a change is needed.

It's a much less risky proposition to swing the election. And, gun control isn't likely to bring down the economy. In fact, for many of the globalists who own stock in gun manufacturing companies, it is a win because it's very likely stock prices will soar under the threat of increased gun control.

It's a win for the globalists because they will get those who will push for gun control. If they can manage to win the majority in both houses of Congress, we can expect to see new gun control legislative and regulatory measures being passed and implemented in 2019. Even if Trump vetoes them, Congress will likely overturn the veto. A well-timed mass shooting might help convince the Congress to make sure to overturn the veto.

And, a Democrat majority in Congress will likely also begin an impeachment process almost as soon as the new Congress is in session.

A few more mass shootings will make the new Congress push even harder for more gun control measures. And, they could even help sway the 2020 presidential election. However, for the presidential election the condition of the economy will probably have a greater influence in who gets elected.

I still think we are very likely to see a stock market crash in the very near future (maybe as early as this fall, but more likely in mid-to-late 2018), and a depression within a year or two after that.

As for a full economic collapse, that isn't likely to happen until some very serious events occur. While the globalists won't want it to happen until after the start of WWIII, it will probably happen right before that war, after the country has experienced several mega-disasters and their aftermath within a short time period.


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