How the NWO might happen in the wake of earthquakes

The globalists want a New World Order, and that NWO is most likely being planned to coincide with an attack on and invasion of the United States of America, which is part of the beginning of World War III. Because of the various policies, and weakening of military forces due to the many wars being fought, a nuclear attack on the US (with the current absorb the first strike before returning fire policy), with simultaneous EMP strikes, would bring America to its knees. The leaders will claim the need for the country to join with others against their common enemy, because America is unable to defend itself without the help of others.

But what if the earthquakes happen first?

If the sequence of events described in Visions of Glory, and other visions and dreams, happens, America will not be able to provide for its own people.

Page 129 of Visions of Glory provides a clue as to how the globalists would quickly change tactics to use the devastation and natural disasters as excuses to join with the world.

"A considerable amount of printed propaganda began corning from what appeared to be the remnants of our Federal Government. They proclaimed with great fanfare that this was the beginning of a 'new world order.' They claimed that everything had changed in the world. For the first time in memory, the United States was no longer able to meet its own basic needs, and the rest of the world was welcoming us into this new world. The logic they used was, 'Why else would they be here with food and medicine, instead of with guns and bombs.' Our own government seemed to be urging all US citizens to just submit and accept the changes in civil authority." 
After a big earthquake in Utah, followed by a devastating series of earthquakes along the west coast of the Americas (probably one quake triggering others in cascade of mega-quakes) during the next spring, those wanting a NWO will probably see this as an opportunity to bring in foreign troops. The Mississippi quake a couple months later will probably seal the deal, and create what they may see as the perfect opportunity for a foreign invasion and an excuse to join with other nations to form a NWO against the enemy. The globalists will say that they trusted the foreign troops had come to give aid, but did not realized the Chinese and Russians would try to invade America. Because of the weakened state, the globalists will convince Americans that the nation needs to join with other nations in a new world order.

The public view of the plan is join with the rest of the world. But this would not provide an enemy to justify a military buildup. An invasion would be needed, and that would necessitate an enemy to rally against. This would justify joining with other nations militarily, and creating a NWO. Because so many Americans have been brainwashed to accept the government as doing what is best for the people, and to provide (the illusion of) protection and safety, most Americans will be more than willing to go along with the plan to join with others. However, it probably won't get that far.

I expect they will get more than they bargained for, and things will not go as they planned. While the economy will be expected to crash in the wake of so much destruction, it will get much worse than expected. The plagues will get out of hand. More natural disasters will happen. Shipping, manufacturing, commerce will practically cease. Martial law will be attempted, but more earthquakes and natural disasters will further deplete resources, destroy infrastructure, and devastate a large part of the population. The foreign troops (particularly the Chinese and Russian forces) will have plans of their own, plans to take advantage of the unexpected weakening of America, and they will not care what the American/Euporean globalists want.

It will only be because of the large number of natural disasters around the world--during the year after the Utah mega-quake--and the plagues devastating populations in other countries, that the foreign forces will not completely take full control of America. And those who plotted the downfall of America and its freedom, and conspired for a NWO to take its place, will find themselves (those who have not died) without the power and control they need, and will discover themselves at the mercy of the gangs and marauders who have taken over the former places of civilization.


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