The Coming Crash

Earlier this year I was fairly certain we would be seeing a stock market crash in 2018. Most of my reasoning is this would be used to motivate voters to oust the Republican majority in the midterm elections.
However, the economy is on such shaky foundations that I think the globalists really don't want to do anything to agitate the system--until they are ready--as it may cause a bigger collapse than they want right now. With the recent election bringing more Democrats into power I think the globalists may try to see if the 2018 election can be swayed without resorting to the economy card. And with the anti-Trump sentiment, failure of the Republicans to work together, continuing and increasing allegations of sexual misconduct towards more and more public figures, and the likely failure (or passage) of the tax reform, there may be enough momentum for the Democrats to regain control of one or both houses of Congress next year, without bringing in economic issues.
As a side note, I think there are just as many Republicans as Democrats in league with the globalists (whether they know it or not). There a few truly honest and just men and women in politics. Most politicians are motivated by gaining (or retaining) power, influence, and money. What is good for the people is given lip service, but rarely actually practiced.
This doesn't mean there won't be a crash or market downturn in 2018. Despite their best efforts, the globalists don't control all aspects of the economy. There are just too many facets and factors that affect both micro and macroeconomics. I just don't think national or global conditions will be what the globalists would prefer, and I think they will try to delay a crash until it can influence the presidential election. If there is a downturn, they will try to stabilize things and prop up the economy more.
Here's something interesting: There may be a 90-year great depression cycle. 2019 will be 90 years since the 1929 Great Depression began, and the previous big depression occurred around 1839. When I was researching the Great Depression, and looking for economic cycles, I came across this article:
Also, for those who have read some of the prophesies attributed to John Koyle, he apparently made reference to an economic crash that "would occur on a holiday weekend where the holiday falls on a Monday." From other comments, attributed to Koyle, it seems the crash is most likely to occur in the fall, and there are only two holidays (holidays being days which a business or organization gives time off to their employees) which can occur on a Monday in the fall: Columbus Day and Veterans Day. 
Columbus Day is officially October 12, although the holiday is observed on the second Monday of October. The next time October 12 is on a Monday is in 2020.
Veterans Day is always on November 11th. If November 11 falls on the weekend, the holiday is observed on Friday or Monday. The next time November 11 falls on a Monday is in 2019.
Maybe we will see a "minor" stock market crash/correction in 2018 and a bigger crash (depression) in 2019. If we do see another depression begin in 2019, it will certainly affect voter turnout and opinion in the 2020 presidential election. It may be that the next depression will be preceded by a recession.

Prior to the 1929 start of the Great Depression, there were some pre-events. A recession happened during the summer of 1929, and the stock market crash happened in October, beginning October 24. There were other signs, and market indicators which happened earlier that year, and even in the years prior to 1929.

Interestingly a few articles identify the economic environment prior to the Great Depression, a period known as the "roaring twenties," when there was "reckless speculation" (, a "speculative boom," and a "crescendo of stock-exchange speculation" creating an economic bubble  ( While there has been significant speculation in various areas of the economy over the past few decades, it seems speculation is increasing, particularly when you look at the over-inflated stock market.

If we look in the scriptures, God often uses famine to try to get his children to return to him, and famine has a direct economic impact. It's interesting that there was an oversupply of wheat from the previous season, causing a price drop, but drought conditions in the Dakotas (there are currently drought conditions in the Dakotas and Montana), and unfavorable conditions elsewhere in the world ended up boosting prices, and increasing the stock market value. But this lasted only until the crops of other countries improved, which dropped market prices.

Based on some of my research, we may see increasing effects of famine (which is food shortage) possibly beginning in 2018 or 2019. The US might not start to really feel the affects for a year or two later (due to government subsidies--Congress gave a $100 million relief package for the farmers in 1929--and excess harvest from prior years), and the famine could get worse and last a few years. Over the past year, there are more and more areas of the world being affected by drought, extreme weather, pests, and even geopolitical events which are affecting crop production. The coming result, if conditions do not improve, is increasing famine.

John Koyle also had prophesies about a coming famine/drought, which would happen before the time of the end. I have another post regarding some of those prophesies:
Regarding a total economic collapse (including a dollar collapse), the most likely time for this to happen would be when American gets involved in the next world war. The globalists don't want to risk the blame for the collapse to come back to them. They want an easy scapegoat, which is what a world war would be. It would also open the path for a new currency, all digital, and completely trackable.


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