The Coming Utah Earthquakes - updated 28 Nov 2017

There have a been a number of sources citing two earthquakes happening in Utah, with the first being a "big one" (probably in the 6.9 to 7.3 range), and a later much larger quake (I often refer to it as a mega-quake, and it would probably be in the high 9 magnitude, maybe higher). 

Some say the first big quake will be in the fall, and the second in the spring. Others claim the first quake will happen in the spring, with bigger quake in the fall. 

However, I'm not sure now many of those who have had dreams or visions of these quakes were actually told a specific season when earthquake would actually happen, or if they came to their own conclusion (interpretation) based on what they saw in the dream/vision regarding the season. There are a lot of fall days that could be spring-like, and spring days which are similar to autumn, particularly when it comes to temperature and precipitation.

What if the person who had the dream was told the first quake would happen in a previous season (such as a previous fall), and the person just assumed the meaning was that the spring/fall immediately preceding  the mega-quake was the one being referred to for when the big one would happen, when it could be a season several years before when the first quake happened. 

When I read Visions of Glory, it seemed to be that Spencer understood a big earthquake happened in "the fall of the year" (Visions of Glory, pg 117). The next spring had a series of earthquakes on the west coast of  North and South America. and "about two months later" (pg 118) an earthquake strikes the Mississippi river area. I haven't found any definite description of what season the mega-quake happens, but the implication is that it likely happens early summer. I had thought he had described the season as being in the fall, but I haven't found that reference. However, he does say "several months since the flood [which happened as a result of the mega-quake], and close to the first of October" (Visions of Glory, pg 138) was when a general conference and general funeral service would be held, so that could mean the quake happened early or mid-summer--after the quakes on the west coast and prior to the plagues that come over the summer. Spencer describes the devastating plague as coming through a few weeks after the Utah mega-quake (page 128), and another person had a dream of a book of plagues, and the plagues come through in the summer.

But, on page 135 of Visions of Glory, there seems to be a "mild winter" that happens after the quake, foreign aid troops, and plague but before the October General Conference just mentioned. Using that, maybe the mega-quake happens in the late summer or fall. And, instead of "several months since the flood" it may have been over a year.

This is why it is difficult to give a definite time line. 

The most likely sequence seems to be the first Utah earthquake in the fall. The next spring sees earthquakes along the west coast of the Americas. A big earthquake along the Mississippi happens a few months later (probably late spring or early summer). Most likely the plagues begin about this time in the coastal states, but they probably don't move inland until later in the year. Late summer (maybe early fall) brings the mega-Utah earthquake, and the plagues follow. Because foreign troops were already in the states helping with the other earthquakes, they quickly come to Utah. Sometime that fall there are also nuclear strikes on key cities and military installations. The mild winter comes, goes, and the next spring, summer, and fall come. That October (roughly two years after the big one, and about a year after the mega-quake) is probably the general conference Spencer mentions. My guess is there is a general conference in the April before the west coast earthquakes, but no conference that October or the next April.

On another tangent, while Spencer does not describe any "call out" or great gathering, that does not mean it didn't happen or that he didn't see it in his visions (he clearly states he isn't sharing everything he has seen). He does mention a large encampment later at Cardston. Most likely Spencer chose not to talk about it because his calling was not to join with the camps, but to remain behind. Using the sequence described in the previous paragraph, the most likely time for the great gathering to begin would be in the spring prior to the west coast quakes, probably after General Conference, and before the plagues begin.  It is interesting that in the General Conference session that Spencer attends there is mention of the council at Adam-ondi-Ahman having happened earlier that fall, which would have been about a year after the mega-quake, and roughly about a year and half after a gathering call probably happens.

While there may be a six-month period between the big quake and the mega-quake, what if there is more time? It may be that a year or more will separate them. Big events, like an earthquake, can motivate people to become a little more repentant and prayerful. It's very likely that a big earthquake may cause sufficient people to return to God, at least for the short term, that a bigger judgment-level earthquake would not happen for a few years. But, it could equally be likely that the people have turned far enough from God that the first Big One would have little influence in changing the hearts of the people. Perhaps it only serves to strengthen the faithful who will choose to eventually gather, and those who are called to remain behind.
If the mega-quake doesn't happen within six months of the Big One, it would become a trial of faith for those who may be expecting a bigger earthquake to happen within that time period. If the bigger quake doesn't happen in that time frame, or even within a year, what happens to their faith? Have they been placing their faith in what people interpreted dreams/visions to mean, or is their faith in the Savior? 
This is not to say I would be against the shorter time period, because it would be nice for things to get moving sooner.
If you've read other posts of mine, you may recall I think 2020 or 2024 are likely years for the great gathering, and subsequent destruction in America, with 2024 being the more likely. I'm not sure how we can last until 2024, or even until 2020, but that is the time frame my studies are pointing towards.

If we remember a year ago, many people weren't sure we could last another year, or were positive North Korea would have started World War III by now. But, here we are, about to enter into December 2017, with 2018 just around the corner. Somehow the world survived. Of course, things are becoming even more precarious, but there are events which can happen to delay or slow down what appears to be coming.

As for the future Utah quakes, if we put the Wasatch Front mega-quake as happening in late September or October of 2024, then I think the first big quake is most likely to happen within the next four years. That is, I expect it to happen by 2021 if not before. If there are only 6-12 months between quakes, then the first Big One will be in fall 2023.

If the mega-quake happens in 2020, I expect the first big-one to strike within the next two years. Or, if there is a 6-12 month separation, the first Big One will be in fall 2019.

Fall 2019 is less than two years away. That's not a lot of time. Even 2023 isn't that far off; it's only six years away.
We need to remember that after the first Big One, such as a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Salt Lake City, there would be hundreds of aftershocks for months, and possibly up to a year or more after the Big One. Some of these aftershocks, especially during the first few weeks, could easily reach into the 6-range, with some being almost as large as the main shock. I think the mega-quake is more likely to happen some time after the aftershocks have stopped, and after most of the people have once again turned away from God. 
While, according to Hector, we are expecting a 2-day warning sign before the first big earthquake, I don't think there will be any such warning before the mega-quake. The great gathering invitation will have likely happened earlier in the year, and the summer will have had plagues/pandemics and multiple major natural disasters around and across the country. By that time, very few, if any, would actually pay attention to any additional warning.
Will the first Big One along the Wasatch Front be the first big earthquake in the US during this final period? It's possible. If we follow the "upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth" (D&C 112:25) logic and apply it to coming big earthquakes, then we could say there would be a Big One along the Wasatch first, and then other big earthquakes would strike over the next few months/years.

In Visions of Glory the first big quake in Utah seems to be the beginning of the big earthquakes, which seem to follow over the next year.
But if we apply that verse to the coming final days of America, the judgment of the nation, then the mega-quake might be considered the beginning, and everything previous would be warnings and calls to repentance and to return to God. If this is the case, then it's likely other big earthquakes could happen in the US before the first Big One in Utah. 
I personally don't have a definite opinion one way or the other, although I probably lean more towards a Big One happening in Utah first as the signal of the coming cleansing.
However, there is nothing in the scriptures (that I have found) that states that an earthquake is when things begin. And while most assume the starting place most likely refers to Utah (more specifically the Wasatch Front), it could be applied elsewhere, such as I mention in this post

So, what should be done?

The best course of action is to get prepared physically--emergency preparations, water, food storage, extra supplies, fuel, shelter, clothing, etc.--and become better prepared spiritually. And if a depression and/or period of famine is coming, then it becomes more critical that preparations begin sooner and not put off.

We need to become prepared, and be aware of the signs which are happening, but we should not become stressed out. It can be easy to become overly obsessed with the signs of the times, to a point that we forget what we should be doing.

There are those who worry too much about when and where the earthquake will hit, and this worry affects their daily decisions, making them question whether they should go somewhere for fear of an earthquake striking. Some of these people may be physically prepared, but their spiritual preparation are likely lacking as they still fear and do not put their trust in the Lord.

On the other side, there are those who do nothing to prepare. They may acknowledge the possibility of a Big One, but they don't really believe it will happen. Some of them may even mock those who do prepare. While they may live their day to day lives with little fear of a coming earthquake, when it does happen their lack of preparations will generate a great amount of fear, especially if they have children they are responsible for.

Proper preparation, in the physical and spiritual areas, will help alleviate fear of the unknown. It helps create a healthier and happier outlook of the future. Preparedness helps us to trust God, which also helps us to lose our fear because we act in faith. Despite the tragedies, we can look forward with happiness, and we can have joy and light amid the darkness.


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