Dec 31, 2019, the Church is Out of Scouting

This morning I saw in my email an announcement from the Church regarding a new worldwide initiative for children and youth Development

Church Announces Plan for Worldwide Initiative for Children and Youth

New Children and Youth Development Initiative Coming January 2020

As part the upcoming transition, the Church "jointly" with the Boy Scouts of America 
"determined that, effective on December 31, 2019, the Church will conclude its relationship as a chartered organization with all Scouting programs around the world. Until that date, to allow for an orderly transition, the intention of the Church is to remain a fully engaged partner in Scouting for boys and young men ages 8­–13 and encourages all youth, families, and leaders to continue their active participation and financial support"

It is interesting that there have been apparent discussions between the Church and BSA regarding the change. It would have been interesting to hear some of those discussions. I'm guessing there were a number of professionals and BSA board members who were relieved with the outcome. There may have been back-room discussions on how they could get the Church out because of the social stigma the Church brought to the BSA's efforts to be inclusive and welcoming of LGBTQ+ leaders and youth.

I knew the Church wouldn't withdraw from Scouting as long as President Monson was alive. I didn't expect the announcement this soon. And, I didn't think it would happen until there was a greater push from the LGBTQ+ community concerning Scouting and the Church.

But, there may have been some increasing pressures that we, the public, are unaware of. Maybe even some pressure from the BSA. Probably some legal challenges we don't know about.

And, with some hindsight, I was wrong to think the Church wouldn't withdraw until there were increasing pressures from LGBTQ+ groups. After all, the Church is actually led by the Lord, through his prophet. It actually makes more sense that the Church announces a withdrawal from Scouting first, and then, probably within the next year, there will be increasing pushes from the LGBTQ+ community...but, the Church has already made the announcement of concluding its relationship with the BSA. So, the LGBTQ+ and others won't be able to associate the withdrawal with the increasing pressures to "conform" with the rest of society.

Here's a link to some FAQs on the Church's site:

And, yes, the Church is withdrawing from all scouting, cub scouts included.

Unfortunately for the professional scouters in Utah, and even Idaho. this will be a devastating blow to many local councils. There will certainly be council restructuring when the majority of currently registered scouts are no longer registered on January 1, 2020. They will probably be able to recruit some of the LDS youth to non-LDS chartered units, but it will not be in the numbers currently seen. Many members will probably see Scouting as not worthy of their youth if the Church isn't supporting it. And they won't bother registering their boys.

Which it too bad. I still believe in the original scouting program. It is a great program for boys. And, as I've discussed in another post, there is certainly value to young women and girls as well. However, I think there is greater value in programs designed more specifically for boys or for girls. Programs can tend to get watered down, or less focused in some areas, when they become co-ed.

My best scouting years were in non-LDS units. As I said, I believe in the original scouting program. What I don't believe in is the increased bureaucracy, shift in values, and greater focus on money (on the professional side).


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