When will the Big One Strike SLC?

--updated 7 October 2019-- Almost a month ago [from the original post date of May 24, 2019] , the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that the Salt Lake Temple will be closing December 29, 2019 for major structural and seismic renovation. The renovations will be completed sometime in 2024 when there will be a public open house, and then the temple will be rededicated. https://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/plans-unveiled-salt-lake-temple-renovation 2024... If you've read my blog, you've seen that year come up before. I'm going to guess the Church will want to have the temple rededicated before the April General Conference, which would should be on April 6 and 7 of that year. Part of the renovations will be adding a seismic base isolation system, and strengthening the walls and towers. The maximum-strength earthquake expected in the Salt Lake City area is a 7.3. With the isolation system, that temple will only be feeling the equivalent of a 5....