Keeping Same-Sex Couples from Forcing the Church to Perform their Marriages

I saw this article on today and wanted to get a post.

I've had a few posts where I've mentioned how in other countries around the world couples needed to be married civilly first, before being sealed in the temple. At first couples would have to wait a year, but then the policy was changed where they could be sealed in the temple immediately following a civil marriage. In countries where it was not legally required to be civilly married first, the policy has been (as far as I know) to still wait for a year after being married.

This announcement sets the policy for the Church around the world, that couples can be sealed in the temple immediately after a civil marriage.

If you've read those other posts, you will know I think the time is coming that if church clergy are going to perform a civil marriage, they will be required to perform marriages for all couples who desire it. Churches who refuse to marry a same-sex couple, will likely face legal repercussions, such as loss of tax-exempt status.

This change in Church policy sets the Church up to easily change to not performing any civil marriages when the time comes when the law requires "equal access to the right of marriage" to be performed by those who are legally authorized to perform a civil marriage. Those churches that do not provide equal marriage opportunity to all legal couples will risk severe legal action, including loss of tax exemption, being labeled a bigoted, and even risk labels of being hateful or intolerant.

Instead of risking lawsuits because same-sex marriages aren't performed in the temple, the Church will no longer perform civil marriage. Couples will be required to be civilly married first, and then to have a temple sealing.

This change is unlikely to happen before the next presidential election. However, if the liberals gain control of the presidency and Congress in the 2020 election, we will very likely see this change happen before the 2022 mid-term elections. Once the change happens, it is highly unlikely it will be reversed.

Because of the policy change in the Church at this time, it allows for members in America, and other places where the idea of civil marriage first and then a temple sealing is new, to become aware of this unfamiliar way to receive a temple sealing.

Personally I think the change where Church ecclesiastical leaders will no longer perform civil marriages is likely to happen late 2021 or early 2022. The liberals will want it after they have power and control, but before any negativity about the change might affect elections.


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