The BSA continues its decline

Last week I read this article, Boy Scouts mortgage vast New Mexico ranch as collateral,

Yes, the famed Philmont Scout Ranch has been put up as collateral to meet rising insurance costs related to sex-abuse litigation.

And earlier in November the Boy Scouts announced membership fee increases beginning next year, January 1. The youth fee is increased from $33 to $60 and the adult fee has a very modest increase from $33 to $36. The reason for the increased membership fees is insurance costs. Interesting that the fee increase comes when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially cuts ties with the BSA.

In this article, which talks about the fee increase,
it also states "The BSA says it's exploring 'all available options' to maintain its programs and has not ruled out the possibility of declaring bankruptcy." Departments are being consolidated and 35 positions at the National Service Center are being eliminated.

Where the Philmont Scout Ranch is concerned, some believe the move violates agreements made in 1935, when the land was donated to the Boy Scouts. The Philmont Oversight Committee was not consulted about using the land as collateral, and they only recently learned of the action, even though the document was signed in March.

Reading some of the comments on the article reflect much of what I've been saying in my posts where I've written about the BSA. The organization has left its moral compass behind, and set its sails into the fickle winds of the socially acceptable and politically correct.

Some of my past scouting-related posts

May 11, 2017, I predicted the church pulling out of scouting in 2019 or by 1 January 2020.

June 7, 2017, I posted that after the Church pulls out of Scouting there will be restructuring of councils. This hasn't happened yet, but it will. Financially the organization will need to expand its restructuring from then National to the regions and council levels.

October 2017, I commented on the BSA announcing the inclusion of girls in the program and I said mentioned that the Church would be pulling out of scouting with in the next year or two and was already working on a worldwide program for youth.

In I comment on some of my experiences as a youth and professional with scouting.


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