Boy Scouts of America- Possible Bankruptcy?

We won't ever know all the details about the sexual abuse that occurred through the years.

The Boy Scouts of America is facing a lot of litigation concerning sexual abuse, and it may be that the BSA files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.

It's saddening that a once great organization is facing so much difficulty. It seems that its problems have increasingly gotten worse over the last 30 or so years, with even more occurring in the last 10-15..

I don't know the reasons, but I suspect the following.

The organization, particularly the leadership, lost it's focus on the program and its values for boys. I'm not saying the values and program wouldn't be good for girls. But boys really need it. People tend to say girls are more social. And, while girls may generally talk more, and share their feelings more, boys are just as social. If they weren't sports teams, clubs, and other organizations (like the BSA) would never be as big. Boys (generally speaking) tend to be more pack oriented, and they want to belong to a group. They tend to like hierarchical structure more than girls.

Anyway, the BSA's focus became more on the money than the program, and how it could expand and add programs (so it can increase its revenues). The leadership lost (or abandoned) its duty to God and being morally straight. The see the value in serving the country, helping others, and being physically strong, and mentally awake. But, except in religious units, God is not a part of the program. And morals have shifted to more what is socially acceptable, than the traditional, Christian-based morality.

While abuse (unfortunately) has occurred within many (one is too many) BSA units and organizations for decades, it has become more forefront at about the same time societal acceptance and support of the LGBTQ+ agenda has also increased. Is there a correlation? Probably. It may be that many with same-sex perversion issues saw the growing BSA as a place to hide, and exploit their victims. But, with increasing scrutiny of volunteer leaders and new policies, they have not only worked to change BSA's acceptance of gay leaders but to also make LGBTQ+ more acceptable to society. This is only saying that LGBTQ+ infiltration into the BSA was only one of the ways they have perpetuated and increased society's acceptance, support, and (sometimes) encouragement of immoral sexual activity.

Personally, I believe because the BSA (as a whole) has been abandoning its Duty to God (except as lip service) and is no longer morally straight, God is leaving the organization to fend for itself.


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