covid fear

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But there are conspiracies. There are people and groups who conspire to gain control, power, influence. There are people and organizations who are working to overthrow freedom wherever they can, especially in the United States, to subject others to their authority, control, and power.

The COVID-19 is not a conspiracy. It is not some illness hyped by the media to instill fear into people and subject them to government control.

COVID-19 is a real virus. It is contagious. It does cause some people to get really ill. And it is a factor in a lot of deaths.

Note, I said factor. From what I've read COVID-19 is seldom the cause of death.

It is apparent that COVID-19 is especially bad for those with existing and underlying health conditions. Since a lot of the elderly have existing and underlying health conditions, COVID-19 is of particular concern to that population. Those who are in poor health, or living in unhealthy and unsanitary conditions may also be more susceptible to complications arising from contracting COVID-19.

Most of the media DOES hype up the virus. Media thrives on viewership and the pandemic is gold to them.

When I first saw CNN reporters talking about the virus back in early March they had an air of giddiness about them. Like they were trying to hide their excitement about reporting on something that would be instilling fear in the population, and increase their viewership.

If you have any doubt about the media hype, let me point out one thing that most media outlets report on: cumulative numbers.

The reported virus numbers are always cumulative total deaths, total infections.

There's a big problem with cumulative reporting. It always goes up. It always looks worse.

It is manipulative reporting intended to instill fear.


First because it sells. People tune in and the media outlet gets more revenue.

Second, it's easy to control people through fear. You get them to fear something and position yourself as the answer, the solution. Even if the solution is just an illusion, the idea is get people to believe you're doing something.

I'm not saying we shouldn't see cumulative numbers. But, what is more important is the daily numbers and how those compare. Are we trending up? Down?

And how many people are currently hospitalized? How many were released?

We hear about total deaths. What about total who have recovered? What about total numbers of asymptomatic people who have been tested?

Is the government paying hospitals emergency funds for COVID cases? The funds are probably intended of defray costs. But, if hospital administrators know they will get X-dollars for every COVID-19 patient, and XX-dollars for every patient treated who dies with COVID (it doesn't matter if the person had other conditions, just as long as they have COVID), and XXXX-dollars if a COVID patient is put on a ventilator...

It doesn't take a genius to figure out there will be plenty of administrators who will push increasing COVID diagnosis just so the hospital or healthcare organization can get more money.

I'm not saying people aren't dying who have COVID. I am simply stating that the truth is probably COVID is not the cause of death.

And what if ventilators are NOT the best option. What if they actually make things worse, especially for certain health conditions. If the hospital gets more money just because someone with COVID gets put on a ventilator then you can be assured the push will be to put the person on a ventilator.

And with visitations restrictions, family are less likely to question the treatment of their loved ones.

What about potential drug treatments? There seem to be two. One is less expensive and easily obtained but it's been panned by Fauci because it doesn't have double-blind studies on it. Yet Fauci is pushing another drug as promising in some early testing (but which are not double-blind studies). Does Fauci have a stake in pushing the other drug? And is the cost higher?

The COVID is real, but the hype and push around it all smell a bit fishy to me. It smells of fear, control, power, and money. It would be nice to get the actual and full truth. But we're unlikely to get it through the mainstream media. And it's getting harder to find the truth from other sources when social media outlets start censoring things not deemed as "factual" or "truth" just because it's different than the "official" statements from "official" sources like the CDC or WHO.

It's unnerving to learn how much control and influence public health organizations and agencies actually have, and how restrictive they are with allowing anyone to be in the medical field who don't follow their rules, regulations, and "guidelines."


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