Signs before calamities

I've posted some information regarding what Hector Sosa and others believe will be a sign before the first Big One (earthquake).

In 2014 Sosa's book was published in which he said there will be a 2-day sign prior to the first Big One. At the time he didn't know what that sign would be. 

In about January 2018 he learned the sign would be an "extinct volcanic cone burping ash"

Here are Sosa's words from his "Thoughts" on this website

"As for the warning, I was shown an extinct volcanic cone burping ash. Nothing really big, just surprising. That's what I was told would be the warning. After that, we have 48 hours to prepare for the first big quake here in Utah."

" I didn't know what the actual sign was until recently, but long after the book was published. According to my journal, I learned what the two-day sign actually is around the last week of January 2018."

"I haven't posted this information publicly. I've talked with many people who have had dreams or visions about this 'sign'. Interestingly enough, there are quite a few people who have seen this sign beside myself.

"I didn't get a specific location myself, other than somewhere northwest of Springville. I put together about 14 different accounts about this plume. The general consensus is that it is somewhere around Tooele, either east or west of it. That makes sense since Tooele is south of Magna, where most of the most recent quakes have originated from."

A few months ago I made an approximate map, but today I found one that Sosa made.

Sosa doesn't believe we have more than a year before the first big quake. I mentioned in his forum "I wonder if these Magna quakes might be shaking the magma below and end up waking up a dormant cinder cone in the next year or two."

Another forum member, rdhill, posted "

"I think you are right that the Magna quakes will impact a dormant cinder cone, but in terms of the timing, I wouldn't put any money on having a couple of years left... "

To which Sosa responded, 

"I'm with rdhill. I don't believe we have a year or two. If it was just the earthquake itself, I would agree. However, it was the quake, Moroni's trumpet falling off, and COVID-19 (plague). I feel that those three combined send a very clear message. This is very apropos for our current situation:

"25 And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord;
Doctrine and Covenants 112:25"

I haven't had the visions Sosa has, so I don't know what he does. But I do know he doesn't know the exact timing or timeline of events.

It is my personal belief that the first Big One will likely be the actual fulfillment of the verse Sosa quoted from the Doctrine and Covenants.  The Salt Lake Temple was the first one started (although not finished) after the saints moved west, and it is the most iconic of the latter-day temples. It seems to be the most likely from which the worst begins.

The trumpet falling off isn't much of a sign that "upon my house shall it begin" but it does seem appropriate as a pre-warning. Trumpets can be sounded as a "voice" of warning and the fact that the trumpet was lost before any warning could be given is suggestive what we should be prepared because no warning will be given.

Yes, I know I've posted about this 2-day warning. But here's what you should know.

When that 2-day sign comes, there will be a lot of people who will probably panic and go to the stores to get prepared. It won't happen immediately, but with a day it will be difficult to find some supplies because social media will noise this 2-day sign/warning quickly.

We need to be prepared BEFORE that sign happens. We need our houses in order, food storage and emergency supplies in place, and everyone ready BEFORE the 2-day sign.

The 2-day sign's main purpose is to let those who are prepared to "batten down the hatches."

When you're out to sea and a storm is approaching, you prepare the ship the best you can. You secure things, like the hatches going into the lower areas of the ship so waves don't flood the interior. Most likely you are not near port to anchor in safety. It is not the time to go buy things so you can be prepared. It's time to act on your preparedness.

Those who are not prepared will try to become instantly prepared. Many will panic when they can't get the supplies they need or want. Instead of making sure everything in the home is ready for an earthquake, they will be wasting their time trying to get prepared because they wasted their time before the sign not getting prepared.

Those who are prepared will see the sign and double or triple check things. Maybe they'll do laundry earlier than planned. Maybe they'll fill a few extra bottles of water. They might get their emergency power system prepped so it can be instantly available. They will check the fuel in their vehicles. They will make sure things are secured in the home so they don't cause injury. They will review emergency plans with their children. They will make sure fresh batteries are available.

Those who are already prepared will use the sign as an indicator to be ready. And since they are already prepared it won't be a fearful time. It's expected and planned for. The sign will be seen as a merciful "heads up" before disaster strikes.

Those who aren't prepared, who wasted their time for becoming prepared and procrastinated preparedness efforts will fall into two categories. Either they will see the 2-day sign as something unrelated to the possibility of an earthquake and not prepare. Or, they will hear of rumors through social media and other sources that a Big One is coming and they need to get prepared. So, the next day or two (if they find out early enough) will be spent in a panic, stressing about getting food, water, and other supplies to be prepared. Fear will start to settle in as they realize they aren't very well prepared. When the Big One strikes it will be a much more fearful situation for both categories of people.

And don't expect the prophet or any leader of the Church to give any warning either about the sign or the earthquake. At the best we might get a general reminder about becoming better physically and spiritually prepared.

After the Big One strikes there will be many members of the Church who will blame the prophet and other leaders for not giving warning. These members, and even non-members, will use the lack of warning as "proof" the leaders of the Church are not inspired and don't receive revelation because if they were, they would've given warning of the impending disaster.

The only times I'm aware of prophets in the scriptures giving such a warning that so many people think a prophet should give is when complete destruction threatens if the people don't repent.

Well, we haven't been warned of complete destruction, but we've been receiving increasing warnings to become more spiritually prepared, to get ourselves aligned with the Holy Ghost so we can receive our own personal revelations and guidance for our lives and our families. We've been getting more warnings to Come Unto Christ and to Hear Him. Our prophet and other leaders are pleading with us to repent daily, to change our ways to follow after the Lord.

I don't expect any specific warnings pertaining to any definite calamities. I expect general warnings, admonition, and counsel. It is up to each of us to make the efforts to receive personal revelation, guidance, direction, warning, and counsel that is specific to our needs and those under our stewardship, our families.

Should worse calamities come, like the massive earthquakes that will cause widespread destruction and devastation across the Wasatch, I wouldn't be surprised if we still don't receive specific warnings. 

And if we do happen to get specific warnings, there will be many who will point to the lack of warning given before the Big One and will mock and put down the warning as uninspired and fear mongering. They will point to scientific "evidence" that a second Big One is highly unlikely to happen so soon after one Big One. They will cite evidence that another Big One probably won't happen for decades or much longer.

And if those warnings come, they won't come with any specific timetable. Some people will think the calamity will happen within days. More likely, and if there are no specific timetable given, should specific warnings come the calamity is probably at least a few weeks or even months away. And if enough people repent the destruction could even be postponed to a future year. The test is in becoming ready and trusting and waiting on the Lord. When nothing significant happens within days, weeks, or even months, there will be many who will return to their worldly desires and even fall away from the Church. And when the calamity strikes they won't be ready, and many will again blame the prophet and Church leaders for not giving specific warnings.

Here's what it comes down to. Each of us are responsible and accountable for our own lives, including what we think, say, and do. We are free to act or react. Those of us with children are accountable and responsible for teaching our children, and providing them with the basic necessities of this life, including whatever safety and protection we, as parents or guardians, can provide. 

Too many want to pursue the ways of Babylon and then be told when they have to "repent" to avoid the pain of calamities. They want to "enjoy" the "pleasures" of unrighteous living but still be able to receive blessings in this life and the next. If they receive any consequence that they think is unfair, they will find someone to blame rather than to accept personal accountability and responsibility for their choices. 

While a 2-day sign will be nice, realize there are rarely specific signs or warnings for impending calamities. The best "signs" we receive are the counsels given to us by the Lord's prophets. These warnings are to repent, to get our homes in order, to learn to receive personal revelation and to be guided by the Holy Ghost.

When the fear of COVID-19 subsides, other fears will emerge and will try to work their way into your life.

We need to work on spiritual preparedness every day.

At the present time, limitations in the market and economy make extensive physical preparedness challenging. For most people the best they can do is to identify what they need, what they are lacking, and what they'd like to have. So, when things begin to calm down, that is the time to really start building up physical preparedness. 


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