It was just a couple weeks ago I was wondering about Sweden and COVID

 I'm going to take a bunch of quotes from this article on September 17, 2021.

Why Does No One Ever Talk About Sweden Anymore?

Last year when I heard that Sweden was defying the "wisdom" of the "experts" and the country wasn't going to lock down and wasn't going to have a mask mandate I hoped they'd prove the experts wrong.

I got a little concerned when the media reported infection and death rates rising in that country. In October 2020 the country ranked "12th highest" in deaths per 100,000 in adjusted population.

Now the country ranks 40th. 

Compare that to Los Angeles, whose death rate is in the top 10 of the world. And where lockdowns and mask mandates have been the norm since the beginning of the pandemic.

"The media’s depiction of Sweden’s results is an excellent illustration of their desire not to inform, but to coerce. They’re not functioning as simply messengers of information but activists, thoroughly consumed by a desire to force others to conform to their opinions.

"They refuse to present information that counters the endless dictatorial mandates, instead promoting unquestioning compliance. Listen to us, do what you’re told and wear a mask, or it’s your fault if you get COVID and die. Listen to us and do what you’re told, or you’ll be labeled an “anti” and shunned from the acceptable society that “journalism” polices."

Looking at Israel:

"Standing in stark contrast to Sweden, Israel has been a media darling for doing exactly what they’re told by the groupthink mafia. They’ve vaccinated as aggressively and repeatedly as anywhere on earth, and they’ve had a seemingly endless series of mask mandates and fines for non-compliance.

"As a result, The Wall Street Journal credited Israel’s commitment to mask wearing last fall with bringing cases down to low levels…only to see cases skyrocket higher immediately afterwards"

Daily new COVID cases: Israel vs Sweden

"Sweden’s currently averaging about 90 cases per million. Israel’s averaging 1,218. That’s a lot worse! In fact, it’s 1,253% worse than Sweden."

"Between July 10th and September 7th, Sweden has reported 56 total deaths. Israel reported 56 just on September 8th, with a significantly smaller population! Success!

"Now to be fair, Israel has a lower cumulative mortality rate, although unfortunately they are rapidly catching up. Although while their recent death rate is significantly higher, Time will never criticize Israel as a “disaster,” because they did what they were told. And that’s all that matters."

The article further compares Sweden to its neighbors Norway and Finland.

The comparisons aren't just in COVID-19 cases but also in deaths.

"So to answer the question, why does no one talk about Sweden anymore? It’s because it’s no longer useful for the media to promote their agenda.

"When Sweden’s numbers looked disproportionately bad, it was a valuable tool in the media playbook of masks, lockdowns and endless, condescending fear-mongering. “Look at what happens if you don’t do what we tell you, peasants.”

"Now that Sweden has dropped to 40th in COVID mortality rate, and continued to report extremely low recent rates of both cases and deaths, they’re suddenly uninterested."

This is exactly why it is ethically and morally wrong to mandate/require vaccinations. Without a large control group to accurately measure against it is impossible to state with any real certainty that the vaccines are better and that they won't cause harm. (And my observation is that the vaccinated seem to be more of superspreaders than the unvaccinated, and they seem less likely to get tested because they believe they're immune to COVID and aren't spreading it)

Unfortunately, with the way things are going, it looks like Sweden may end up being the de-facto control group.

And it's looking just like I thought it would. Yes, I expected surges of illness. Even increased deaths for a short time. But, as natural immunity (which is superior to the vaccine) increases among the population the severe cases would drop. And with that drop death rates would also decrease. It's getting through the initial pain that is hardest, but after that it would actually become easier and more manageable.

But those who love power, authority, influence, and control over others saw this as an opportunity to exert their power and authority and coerce others through fear, intimidation, and shame.

Many of the population still have the mistaken belief that COVID can be "beaten". It can't. But like the flu and colds and other pathogens that regularly attack the human race, our miraculous bodies can adapt and become stronger in their immunological defenses.

Instead "experts" ignore real science that would strengthen the body--get outside, get sunlight (natural vitamin D), get exercise, get fresh air, eat better more wholesome food, drink more water, lose the extra weight--and instead tell people to do basically the opposite: stay inside, lock down everything. 

It's a purely subjective observation but I'd guess at least half of the people at work have had noticeable weight gain, and some considerable, over the past year and a half. Definitely not a good combination for an illness that is particularly difficult for those who aren't in good health.

The most prophetic statement President Nelson has made that relates to COVID (but it was before COVID) was actually made in October 2018 General Conference. He said "Eat your vitamin pills. Get your rest."


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