Designs of Conspiring Men?

 It's not my intent to focus so much on COVID-19. The illness is real. I've had it. Thankfully for me it was like a weird least for the one I had in August, which was likely the delta variant although there was no test to confirm what variant it was.

I'm still positive I got the first COVID back in November 2019, months before anyone knew anything (at least publicly) about COVID-19. Most doctors and medical "experts" will tell me I'm wrong because the first known cases weren't detected until later. Without going into detail, it was like a flu but not and when the cough started...let's just say I can't remember ever having a cough that bad for so long.

Anyway here are some interesting articles. I've tried to keep similar ones together.

Is COVID-19 an engineered virus?

From The Telegraph, "Wuhan scientists planned to release coronavirus particles into cave bats, leaked papers reveal". It's not quite as conspiratorial as it sounds. The documents show that 18 months before the first COVID-19 cases appeared there was a plan to release "skin-penetrating nanoparticles and aerosols containing 'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China. And while the documents apparently confirm "they were hoping to introduce 'human-specific cleavage sites' to bat coronaviruses which would make it easier for the virus to enter human cells", Darpa supposed refused to fund the work citing that it could put local communities at risk and the "team had not properly considered the dangers of enhancing the virus (gain of function research) or releasing a vaccine by air."

If you're not careful in your reading, it might sound like the Trump administration and Darpa were involved, but, according to the article, the funding request was submitted to them but they were not involved. But it may be that the team proceeded with their testing.

It's no secret that governments around the world are engaged in black-op programs involved with bioengineering. What the projects are specifically we don't know.

At this point it doesn't really matter where COVID-19 originated. It is rampant around the world. It's been my opinion that if it was engineered, it either unintentionally infected people or it was released in a manner without precautions so that it infected people. 

My biggest reason for believing it was not intentionally released is there were no effective safeguards in place. No "antidote" or vaccine to control who might or might not get infected. The powers that operate behind the scenes doing their best to control others don't want to endanger themselves. 

But with the fast development of CVODI vaccines it tells me that the potential for bioweapons has now taken a big step forward, where a government could secretly develop a pathogen and vaccine. They could then vaccinate their own and deploy the bioweapon on others.

The other reality is the pandemic has proven to those with power that they can provide a compelling narrative through fear and get the majority of people to comply with emergency orders, restrictions, prohibitions, etc.

What about more simple helps for fighting COVID-19? 

Why aren't those promoted by politicians and the media?

There's no money involved, so you won't find these types of possible helps being researched and funded by big pharmaceutical or medical corporations.

Here're a few articles citing the possible effectiveness of a simple saline solution for fighting COVID and possibly other viruses. Not sure what this means? Think about what your grandmother may have said to do when you start feeling an itchy or sore throat--gargle with salt water.

Simple saline solution stops SARS-CoV-2…and maybe all viruses? This references Inhibition of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Replication by Hypertonic Saline Solution in Lung and Kidney Epithelial Cells and Study reveals how saline solution can inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2

And in ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science Inhibition of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Replication by Hypertonic Saline Solution in Lung and Kidney Epithelial Cells

And this early stage research Hypertonic saline solution inhibits SARS-CoV-2 in vitro assay

What about more studies showing the benefits of Vitamin D in fighting COVID-19?

One July 2021 study had 191 COVID patients and 203 healthy people and found that 84.4% of the patients were deficient in vitamin D as well as albumin (a protein produced in the liver that helps carry vitamins through the blood). The sufficient vitamin D and albumin level have a protective effect on COVID-19 infection

Or another July 2021 study, in the American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vitamin D and lumisterol novel metabolites can inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication machinery enzymes

Or how about an August study published in (the NIH National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information) title Vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19: A case-control study at a tertiary care hospital in India where regression analysis found a significant difference in Vitamin D and stated, "The association between Vitamin D status and clinical severity group was statistically significant among cases. Among all variables, age, diabetes, hypertension and clinical severity were associated with worst outcome." And the study concluded:

"Vitamin D status appears to be strongly associated with COVID-19 clinical severity. After COVID-19 confirmation, Vitamin D level should be measured in all patients and curative plus preventive therapy should be initiated."

Need some proof that Big Money is involved?

U.S. government contracts with Pfizer show the company is being paid $3.5 billion for its mRNA vaccines that go to middle- and low-income countries. The deal was inked by the Biden administration  on July 31, 2021. The government is paying Pfizer $10 billion for vaccines for U.S. residents. The information was cited by Knowledge Economy International through a Freedom of Information act request Biden Administration’s $3.5 Billion Purchase Agreement with Pfizer for International Vaccine Donation

Or how about this local news article from Utah's COVID-19 vaccine boosters could mean billions for drugmakers? The deals bumped stock prices and Moderna 2022 revenue forecast has jumped 35%

How would you like a 35% bump in your year's wages/salary?

In the KSL article "But Morningstar analyst Karen Andersen expects boosters alone to bring in about $26 billion in global sales next year for Pfizer and BioNTech and around $14 billion for Moderna if they are endorsed for nearly all Americans." 

For this year, in July Pfizer said it expects revenue from COVID-19 vaccines to reach $33.5 billion.

Boosters alone could boost Moderna's global sales by $14 billion and $26 billion for Pfizer. And those administering doses will also see a boost. It's estimated CVS Health and Walgreens could see more the $800 million each.
I'm not against making a profit. Profit should be a reward for doing work, for doing something that benefits others.

What gets phishy (and seems a bit conspiratorial) is how much money the government is paying these companies. It's not the people (at least not directly) paying for the vaccines.

And it's extremely unlikely anyone could succeed in bringing any kind of vaccine-damage suit against the companies as they're protected by the government.

Yes, there is supposed to be reporting of adverse vaccine reactions. But the reporting process isn't very quick and there is no incentive to do so. The reverse appears to be the case, where there's more incentive to not report. And if there's incentive, especially monetary (such as in additional funding for COVID-related care), in reporting "unvaccinated" COVID cases or deaths then the numbers will shift towards the incentive.

With so much money going from the government to vaccine manufacturers, even if there isn't a conspiracy in that area, those in government (particularly politicians) don't want to be proven wrong.

Imagine the public outcry if it's discovered that vaccines are causing more injury than admitted. What if the vaccine is causing more people to experience severe symptoms than the illness would? 

It's not just money that's behind the push, but pride. If vaccines aren't as effective, and if they do cause more harm than admitted, it's a major blow to the credibility of all who have and are pushing for COVID vaccinations. Vaccination proponents will do what they can to adjust numbers in their favor, and discredit or attack information they deem as invalid, irrelevant, or which could hurt their position.

Politicians, at least in a democracy-oriented system, remain in power by having public trust. People vote for those they believe (trust) are more likely to be the better candidate. So, you can be assured that if vaccinations are proven to have more issues than admitted, politicians will be quickly pointing fingers away from themselves.

The ethical thing would be to report, record, and study everything related to vaccinations, including any and all effects someone/anyone has following any vaccine dose. And there needs to be incentives for accurate reporting. 

And there needs to be long-term, diverse population control groups in order to establish baselines by which to measure vaccination effectiveness.

But these types of reporting and studies cost money and they could potentially and result in huge financial liabilities.

Tweaking Numbers

It's very concerning to me that there seems to be no tracking with effects and vaccines. 

Two Oregon state senators have petitioned for a grand jury investigation into the CDC's method of counting COVID data. They cite willful misconduct, and "significant irregularities in COVID-19 data published by the CDC" that have led to executive orders and health policies that affect Constitutionally-protected civil rights.

It'll be interesting if anything comes of this petition. My guess is unless others get on board it'll get swept under the prevailing narrative.

Is One Vaccine Better than Another?

The DNA testing company 23andMe aggregated responses from 100,000 23andMe participants regarding COVID vaccinations. It's not a scientific study, but it has interesting results. Here's the blog post on August 26,2021 Felt Ill After COVID-19 Vaccine? It May Depend on Which Vaccine and Whether You’ve Had COVID-19

The survey had 3 questions

  1. What was their most recent COVID-19 vaccination
  2. What symptoms, if any, did they experience
  3. How sick did they feel afterward
Of the 100,000 respondents, 44% had Pfizer's vaccine and 38% received Moderna's. Half reported no reaction, 40% felt a little or somewhat ill, and 10% (that's 10,000 people) felt extremely ill. Other findings

    85% of those reporting symptoms had received Moderna’s second dose
    Moderna also had the most people feeling sick or extremely sick (18%)
    75% of Pfizer recipients reported symptoms after the second shot
    Of those who reported feeling very or extremely ill, 9% were Pfizer recipients

And those who had been previously sick with COVID and then received the vaccine had a 30% increase of an adverse reaction, or to feel sick or very sick.

Based on this, if I had to take vaccine I'd probably go with Pfizer's. I've had COVID and I'm not about to increase my odds of adverse reactions.

Florida Firefighters Say They’re Seeing ‘Large Numbers’ of Vaccine Complications

"'On a daily basis, dispatch receives an excessive amount of 911 calls regarding vaccine reactions,' firefighter Jason Wheat told the commissioners. Another first responder, Wendy Williams, added, 'I transport more people, more Central Florida brothers and sisters, that are vaccinated with issues, adverse reactions or with COVID than I do unvaccinated.'"

But the hospitals deny seeing increased reactions or visits to the emergency room and give the "expert" statement about vaccines being safe.

If it's happening in Florida, it's happening elsewhere.

I work around firefighters. I'm not one, but I overhear conversations regularly. They are responding to a lot of COVID calls. And while I haven't heard anything about whether a patient is vaccinated or unvaccinated, a frequent comment is the patient was clearly not in the best health to start with.

And that comes to a point I've made

Get Healthy

In this September 15, 2021 opinion piece, Opinion: How about health as a COVID exit strategy? it points out that "health and wellness should be key strategy in avoidance of severe COVID-9 effects."

"Obesity is the top health condition contributing to death with a 30% higher chance of death, and diabetes with complications with a 26% higher chance of death. Like the others, lifestyle choices can have a significant influence on controlling these health conditions. Again, this emphasizes the importance of maintaining as a preventative factor, a healthy lifestyle."
And something that doesn't come as a surprise to me:
"Surprisingly, anxiety and fear-related disorders increased the chance of death from COVID-19 by 28%. That is the second-highest health condition accompanying death from COVID-19. The study considers that there may be multiple factors that contribute to this, such as anxiety keeping someone from seeking medical treatment for COVID-19."

Fear and anxiety--the mental and emotional impacts as a result of the fearmongering, lockdowns, emergency orders, etc.--have huge economic and social impacts on society. And it's not just those who get ill with COVID. There are probably millions more who have experienced ill effects in their mental and emotional health than who have actually experienced severe illness as a result of getting COVID.

I've made similar statements to the following from the opinion piece:
"The elevated risk of death for those with anxiety and fear-related disorders may be important for policymakers as well as the media. For over 18 months, much of the media coverage has emphasized the risks, dangers, and tragic outcomes of the pandemic, possibly compounding anxiety levels. Little, if any, coverage has focused on the efficacy of making healthy choices as a COVID-19 health strategy."
Here's two of my posts related to health and wellness being a better solution in preparing for illness.


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