A List of Possible Events - 4 years

My previous post had the list of events spanning the next 7+ years (2017 through 2024). Since I've frequently suggested that either 2020 or 2023/4 are, what I think, the more likely years when the major destruction will occur, specifically in North America, I've slightly revised the previous list to a four year list.

solar eclipse - Aug;  2017-18 heavy winter; wet spring; hot dry summer; 1st year of drought/famine in UT (last year to get food storage cheap); possible assassination attempt on president; increase in storms & floods; Chinese market economy improves; improving economy; UT sees increasing prosperity along Wasatch Front; new virus scare; 1st UT earthquake; stock market crash (?Oct?); introduction of personal ID protection (chip);
UT legislature passes medical marijuana bill; increasing storms and flooding;  UT economy remains strong; 2nd year drought/famine in UT; Democrats regain control of one or both houses of Congress; Second market crash?; Russia begins annexing old soviet bloc states; legislation requiring tech companies to create back-doors to systems; food shortages and price increases; President assassinated, resigns, or removed from office; increasing persecution on church; increasing implementation of personal ID to prevent identity theft and increase security;
mild winter (2018-19); Putin reelected in Russia; new US president and 2 successors killed in terrorist attack (? @ state of the union?); 3rd year drought/famine in UT; drought spreads through nation; Church withdraws from Scouting; end of solar cycle--possibly entering a grand minimum period in cycle 25 or 26; new gun control measures; increased economic growth along Wasatch Front; churches forced to marry same-sex or no longer perform legally recognized marriages; period of intense and increasing persecution on Church and its members begins; persecution of other Christians also increases; increasing food shortages; increasing riots and martial law being implemented in more places; new virus scare; manufacturing decreases; economic deflation/stagnation; widespread market implementation and use of personal ID;  Recession/Depression starts (officially recognized);
 4th year drought/famine in UT; famine gets worse throughout nation;  increasing persecution on church; Russia continues annexing old Soviet states; increasing food shortages & riots & federal/martial law control; great gathering begins (fig tree first harvest ends); increasing inflation; Personal ID becomes mandatory; major plagues (bio-attacks, pandemic) through summer; major earthquakes in CA and west coast; volcanoes; UN forces come in to assist with peacekeeping along west coast; massive hailstorm destroys crops; monster UT quake in fall; ?New Madrid fault quake splits America at Mississippi river?; ?beginning of the polar reversal?;  Democrat president elected;  Democrats control Congress; newly president assassinated; full economic collapse in US; FEMA, law enforcement confiscate guns, extra food, and extra clothing; North Korea invades South Korea; EMP attack across US followed by nuke attack on key cities & military facilities ;(?Thanksgiving or Christmas); China invades Taiwan; foreign forces invade US following nuke attack; harsh winter 2020-21

Personally, the 7+ year list feels more accurate, even if the events may not happen in the order, or even in the year, I have listed.

The above list is assumes Utah will be entering the four-year period of famine/drought, if it hasn't already done so.

However, based on the normal winter we've had, where there has been snow--and not like the last several years with less snow--I'm guessing that if the period of drought/famine that John Koyle saw--which is to happen before the end--hasn't already passed, then the earliest it might start would be this summer (2017).

And things could also happen at a much faster pace, and everything I have listed doesn't need to happen.

Still, while I'm not opposed to things happening sooner, or even within the next 3-4 years, I still think the chances are greatest that we have until 2023 or 2024.

One thing I do like about the 2020 timeline is that we could look back on it from a future time and say, "We should have seen the signs; they were there. Hindsight is 20/20."


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